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  Growth tips...back to the basics.

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Author Topic:   Growth tips...back to the basics.
(Total posts: 291)
posted May 23, 2000 09:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BigPapaPump   Click Here to Email BigPapaPump     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 39254017
Ok, thought I'd throw this out tonight too. If you're a newbie or an old dog like me. If you can't seem to grow anymore and are getting pissed off. Try the KISS method. Keep It Simple Stupid. Go back to basic movements. Don't waste alot of time trying to refine something thats not there. It kills me to see young guys busting their ass in the gym and doing nothing but finesse type movements. YOu over train and in the long run get zero gains.

ALso, if you have a lagging body part, say like rear delts (we all have this problem) work that weak link first, stress that muscle and make it grow.

For something different, I have a few weird movements that I always get asked about.

DB press. When I do any DB press, while I'm in the up stroke, I will rotate my palms 180 degrees so that my pinky fingers are towards each other. This forces you to contract your pecs and will aide in inner pec development.

Rear delt cables. Using twin cable machines. use the lower pulley position, cross your arms so that you are grabbing the opposite cable. Bend kneees slightly and keep your back parallel to the ground. Pull each cable and extend until your arms are fully extended, do not go past parallel. This is in essence like doing a bent over la raise but seems to work better for me.

Now these could be old exercises that I've copied and made them my own, and they could even have some flashy title for them. In my gym and from this point forward, refer to them as Big bad Chest Pump and the Big Bad Delt Pump.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 129)
posted May 23, 2000 09:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jocko     Edit/Delete Message
Back to the basics that's it man.
Alot of guys don't do them cause they're hard and wonder why they don't get any bigger when they're sittin on the leg ext machine grunting and squirming.
My partner and I have made the most gains by keeping it simple, basic compound movements and work hard

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