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  Hey all you roidhead pieces of....

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Author Topic:   Hey all you roidhead pieces of....
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 2)
posted May 19, 2000 06:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Latimer     Edit/Delete Message
Hey all you roidhead pieces of art. First of all i just want to say i'm impressed with all the great and informative replies to the questions on this board. I've decided that i want to go on a cycle in the near future. I've come here to seek the advice from some of you experienced users and lifters out there. I've been training on and off for about the last 7 years. I'm gonna be 22 in July. I started training again about 3 months ago and the results have been great so far. I started out and was only able to bench 200 x 2 after a year layofff. Right now i'm putting up around 285 for a 1 rep max. The strength gains have been good and consistent but i'm anticipating my plateau which i figure will come at about 315-325. I've been going balls out and lifting hard and basically building a strong foundation, ie.. bench/squats/deads. Been doing a lot of research on all the boards like this one and have come to conclusion that I want to take a cycle and seek the benefits of AS. After some time i've come up with a cycle I want to be my first and had a few questions.

1. Do you think i'll be ready for a cycle or should I lift naturally longer, and if so when would be a good time?

2. Does marijuana interfer with AS or promote more estrogen induced side effects?

3. Will moderate consumption of alcohol cause any problems?

For some background info i'm 22, 6'4, 250 lbs. BF % I have no idea but it's gotta be fairly high. Bench 285, Squat 450, Deadlift 350. This is all natural and this will be my first cycle. I'm looking for good strength and mass gains and good perm gains. With a high concern for minmal side effects. I've decided on a 10 week stack of Sustanon250 and EQ, along with some clomid possibly. I'm thinking a 10 week cycle of 500mg of sus and 500 mg EQ along with clomid during and post cycle. I don't plan on juicing again for awhile but a 2nd cycle isn't totally our of the question. I got a few questions about the cylcle too.

1. Is this a good beginner cycle and relatively safe?

2. Is clomid really necessary with this combo?

3. I have access to rediject Mexican sostenon250 and they say 1 ML on them what does this equal mg wise. Like how many do i need to hit 500 mg a week?

4. Would a deca/sust/winny stack be a good follow up?

5. I'm interesting in Deca big time but was wondering if any of you knew if they regualarly test for steroids for normal job employment? The 18 month detection rate for deca worries me but other then that it sounds like a good choice to stack for a 2nd cycle.

Also i'm planning on dieting and sometime and was wandering if it would be wise to diet before the cycle or afterwards?

Sorry for the long @$$ message but i just want to get some solid advice from all you vets. Thanks in advance for any info or insight you can provide me.

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(Total posts: 3092)
posted May 19, 2000 08:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for E2   Click Here to Email E2     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 54337564
1. the only thing i would say is lift for another 3-6 months before starting, you said you jsut started 3 months ago, i know 7 years off and on, but only started back 3 months ago.

2. Yes! Stay away from it!

3. Depending on your cycle, how many 17aa steroids you have in it, how long it is, how much you value your health, the current state of your health, and your genetic predisposition to liver damage. But in short, stay away from alcohol.

Part II

1. Yes good cycle, pop the first week up to 750 sust and the last to 250 sust.


3. 1ml of sust 250 = 250mg of sust 250, do more research, this is a very very very basic question

4. Yes. after sufficient down time.

5. No they dont' normally test for it for jobs

Diet after.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 290)
posted May 19, 2000 09:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BIG RICK ROCK   Click Here to Email BIG RICK ROCK     Edit/Delete Message
Ok bro I'll give this a shot, ML is the volumen of the liquid, 50mg is the weight of the gear suspended in the liquid, with that being said, I beilive a rediject contains 250mg of gear, there for you need 2 redijects to equal 500mg,of sust
I think that your EQ might be a little too high , 400mg should be enough, but do it for like 12-14 weeks instead of 10, this way you are still on the EQ when you come off the sust, and you can use the EQ to solidify your gains, (((((you do know that you have to inject the EQ every other day if not daily, because it has a short half life.)))))
and also Milk Thistle is a must, the EQ might get a little heavy on your Liver, so liver helpers won't hurt, but 500mg of EQ won't give you more gains than 400mg (that's just my opinion)

and if I was you I would add at least a short 3 week time use of D-BOL into the beginig of that cycle, the reason is because both EQ and SUS take time to really start working (like 3weeks for the sus and up to 5weeks for the EQ), but the D-Bol will give you kick start because you begin to see results the first week of use, ((I gained 10lbs my first two weeks on
maybe your first 3 weeks can look like this, sus/500mg EQ/400mg D-bol/25mg per day (175mg)
then the fourth week you can tamper down the D-bol and just stay witht the Sust and EQ, they should be kicking in by this time.

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Thick dog
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 214)
posted May 19, 2000 09:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Thick dog     Edit/Delete Message
As long as you are making gains naturally, then there is no need to juice. Once you hit a plateau then you should consider it. Good weed, although very enjoyable, can make you very lazy and research suggests that it can possibly lower test levels, so try to keep you toking to a minimum, especially while on juice.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 39)
posted May 19, 2000 09:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ralphe   Click Here to Email ralphe     Edit/Delete Message
the only advice I have for you and I am not a mod or vet is leave the alcohol and other things alone if you are going to invest the time and money in a cycle......that is my opinion and only my opinion.....do it right the first time......I am 41 year old (fart) and have seen results in just three weeks......unfortunately my cycle was cut short at three weeks but that is another story.......later...good luck

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 11)
posted May 19, 2000 09:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BigT   Click Here to Email BigT     Edit/Delete Message
clomid is a good idea

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 617)
posted May 19, 2000 09:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for matty   Click Here to Email matty     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 74082278


****"What we do in life, echoes an eternity!"**** GLADIATOR

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Ice Man
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 267)
posted May 19, 2000 09:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ice Man   Click Here to Email Ice Man     Edit/Delete Message
Yeah Matty, that was about the longest repsonse to a newbie I have seen in a long time. Nice goin' E2.

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(Total posts: 3092)
posted May 19, 2000 09:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for E2   Click Here to Email E2     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 54337564
Heh heh, well sometimes one word is enough? isn't it?

heh heh help me buy it!!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 2)
posted May 19, 2000 07:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Latimer     Edit/Delete Message
Hey thanks for all the great replies. I don't plan on doing a cycle untill I plateau that's for sure. Probably won't come till the fall or even later but i'm definately gonna wait before i juice. Definately gonna cut out the sauce and the bud too while i'm on the cycle. Taking the clomid too. I heard different doses for the EQ ranging from 400 to 600mg. I guess i should cut it back to 400 for my first cycle and keep it in for a few extra weeks after the sust. These replies also make me think of a couple more questions now.

Milk Thistle i've seen this in plenty of posts and since i'm in no hurry to phuck my liver up i'm definately gonna take it. Where do i go about getting some? I have never seen or heard of it before this board but it sounds like any health store would carry it. Secondly how much and how often should i take it?

Another thing is i got redijects and since i'll be taking 3 the first week and 2 untill the last week, I don't feel like sticking that cannon they call a needle in my ass 2-3 times to hit the proper dosage.Then on top of that the EQ shots are gonna be plenty so i'm looking for minimun injections. What would be a sterile and proper way to use a 23 gauge needle to extract the juice and then inject the full dose(750 wk 1 500 till the 2nd from last week) in one shot? I'm thinking i'll need at least 2 needles one for extraction and one for injection.

My final question might seem a little dumb but what's a CC= mg wise? I'm just trying to make sure i do it all the right way and this is all preparation for when i do go on the juice which is gonna be motnhs away.

Again thanks for all the advise. You guys are the $hit.


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 55)
posted May 19, 2000 07:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Samuel   Click Here to Email Samuel     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 22308067
What can be said after hearing from the best on the board? As far as testing for drugs on jobs, it would depend on the job. State or Federal job? No question there, it's a definite. Just ask, of course if you ask if there is a drug test they might look at you funny, hehe.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 105)
posted May 19, 2000 07:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NEWMAXX   Click Here to Email NEWMAXX     Edit/Delete Message
E2 usually gives me at least four words. What is up with the report?

"Fear is the mind killer, it is the little death that causes total obliteration..."

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 605)
posted May 19, 2000 08:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Deepsquat   Click Here to Email Deepsquat     Edit/Delete Message
Isn't it obvious what E2 wants to do with the report? He want to learn how to increase the # of steroid receptor sites in his muscle cell to turn himself into the biggest motherfucker in the land!

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