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  Trying to get my girl started on a cycle.

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Author Topic:   Trying to get my girl started on a cycle.
Natural Wonder
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 262)
posted May 19, 2000 01:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Natural Wonder   Click Here to Email Natural Wonder     Edit/Delete Message
She's just got a slow ass metabolism. She's not fat but not tone. If she eat more then two small ass meals a day she'll gain. She just found out about my habits, and asked me if it would do her any good.
I'm thinking that you should keep women away from anything too androgenic and stay with something anabolic (deca)
What's your suggestions?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 2122)
posted May 19, 2000 01:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 2Thick   Click Here to Email 2Thick     Edit/Delete Message
The only thing I would recommend (besides dragging her to the gym) would be Oxandrolone tabs and primobolan depot.

No more than 4 tabs per day of the Oxy and I would not let her use more than 200mg/week of the primo.


Check out my Injection and Syringe Info Site= Injection and Syringe Info Site

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 42)
posted May 19, 2000 03:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for browndog1     Edit/Delete Message
My girl is doing primo and winny tabs right now and loves it. Anavar is cool too though, esp. for girls.


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the truth
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 542)
posted May 19, 2000 04:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for the truth   Click Here to Email the truth     Edit/Delete Message
A couple of t-3 cycles can work wonders on females.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 634)
posted May 19, 2000 06:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for coolhandluke   Click Here to Email coolhandluke     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 47436318
give her some clen and maybe primo....start out with 50mg per week and taper up to 150 or so- worked for this chick at my gym : )

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 313)
posted May 19, 2000 09:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for FitnessChick     Edit/Delete Message
As i have said before i had excellent results with winny orals & inj., you can try primo, deca, anavar....maybe clen to cut her up....& yews, stay away from the androgenic as...

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 21)
posted May 19, 2000 09:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Pup'nIrn   Click Here to Email Pup'nIrn     Edit/Delete Message
Hang on a sec!!! First of all, don't suggest gear to woman just to change her appearance. Your asking for trouble if she hasn't already maxed her potential. First start of with changing the Biggest mistake found with woman today, eating habits. Two meals a day.....what do you expect!!! The reason she gains weight when she eats anything more than her 2 meals is her metabolism is on the floor. Why do you think this is??????
The answer to this question is very simple. The human body doesn't care what you look like and is very resistant to change. Therefore, you must trick the body to get results. The best example I have for this is look at the eating habits of you common house dog. They play all day, run, jump and burn the shit out of calories but how is it they only eat one meal a day and stay the same size......The same reason you are having trouble. Your body wants to stay alive, so when it eats it makes a choice store or use the calories. It will consistanly choose to store when you eat like you do. If you go more than 2-3hrs without a small meal then you body begins to slow its metabolism( a starvation mechanism) because its afraid it won't get another meal. By slowing your metablism its insuring you have energy for later to survive. The problem is by the time you eat again your metabolism is so slow every thing you eat goes to fat storage. (Like the dog)
Now I am not calling your girl a dog....just an example!! Anyway, lets fix this problem. First find her Basal Metabolic Rate and divide that into 6-8 small meals a day. Usually I get people to start is 3 meals and 2 snacks till they adjust to the fact they can eat more. For the first 2-3weeks she might not loose weight but it will happen. If she eats every 2-3hrs even if she isn't hungry then her body will decide that it doesn't need to save all those calories for later and will use them. Get her in the gym on the weights and cardio and try this 6-8wks and take measurements. Watch the results....E-mail me if you have any questions. I personally have transformed many women stuck in this socially created dietary rut!! The energy and overall physical change in the body will surprise you, if she is willing to put forth effort.
Lift Hard!!!!!!

Have her focus on high protein, moderate levels of complex carbs and some fat. Fresh fruits, yogurt, fresh vegi. & lean meats are exceptable. Try to stay away from processed carbs, breads, pastas, rice and simple sugars(cokes, candy etc.) . Eat those things in moderation.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 313)
posted May 19, 2000 09:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for FitnessChick     Edit/Delete Message
excellent reply pup'n'irn...youread a little more carefully then me....she asked if they would do her any good....you are absoutly right....she needs to work on other things before considering taking as....she needs to eat more, eat properly....& train to change her appearance.....then when she gets all that down to a science, she may want to consider gear.....that should be an option when your own natural potential has plateaued ....

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(Total posts: 446)
posted May 19, 2000 11:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for WarLobo   Click Here to Email WarLobo     Edit/Delete Message
Check out the women's board for a few days and read up on the many threads.

BTW Pup'nIrn, you need to check it out too! Good post.



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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 21)
posted May 19, 2000 01:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Pup'nIrn   Click Here to Email Pup'nIrn     Edit/Delete Message
Hey Fitness Chick, E-mail me and lets chat sometime. I would enjoy hearing some of your methods.

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Texas Guns
(Total posts: 408)
posted May 19, 2000 04:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Texas Guns   Click Here to Email Texas Guns     Edit/Delete Message
I got in the best shape of my life by eating right and often and bumping up the cardio and weights (using supersets). The only supplement I took was Thermodrene and lots of protein. For a beginner, it will make all the difference in the world!!!!!!!

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