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Author Topic:   Info relating to "ANIMAL"
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 249)
posted May 18, 2000 11:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Juicer56     Edit/Delete Message
Here is the story and feel free to post it.

Enclosed is the proof that we are truly living in a police state and
that our most fundamental rights such as innocent until proven guilty
are being violated.

Channel 9 commercial preview at 8:30 PM on April 6:
(Jeff Passolt) �Big Steroid Bust in Lakeville. Details at 9PM on News
at 9.'
That same lead in ran again at 8:45. How do I know this is what ran? I
was illegally in jail at the time and I got to watch it from the Dakota
County Lock-up. Channel 9 ran a story that was the first 5 minutes of
that broadcast during which they showed my address and home. References
were made to methamphetamine labs and steroids and drug sales made over
the internet. Over the next two days, various details of the story
seemed to be coming out of which NONE were true. In particular, the
Pioneer Press, disclosed my name, address, phone number and occupation.
Why is that relevant? Because I was never charged with ANY crime
whatsoever. The only people that had access to any of that info were
the people in the DEA, Lakeville Police, and the Dakota County
facility. Pretty amazing that all this could be disseminated and I was
never charged with even a misdemeanor?

Posing as an NSP employee, a DEA agent told me there was a gas leak and
that I had to leave my home/business because NSP was evacuating the
entire neighborhood. That is how this all started on April 6th at 10:30
AM. My child and I were taken out of our home without shoes or socks or
coats and made to stand outside and then a DEA agent comes around the
corner and says, �Here's your warrant and that NSP guy was an undercover
DEA agent.' I was not placed under arrest and at that time I asked to
call my lawyer, my wife, and my dad. They said no. 10 minutes later I
was placed in the squad, but never placed under arrest and I asked for a
phone to call my lawyer, my wife, and my dad. Again, I was denied. I
was in the car for at least 15 minutes and then he came back and read me
my rights and again I asked for phone privileges and was denied unless
he could dial the phone and �see who I was talking to.' (I'm not
familiar with that law)

I was NEVER placed under arrest and after sitting in the car for another
15 minutes while they decided what to do with me I was told that I could
go. I went up to the house so that I could get my clothes for work and
a baby bag for my child as well as my cell phone. One of the agents
grabbed some shoes for me and that's about it and then another comes
over and says, �If you don't get out of here, we are going to
decontaminate you and your child, so leave, now.' Not under arrest and
nothing illegal in my home, but I can't enter and I'm threatened as

I left fearing for my safety. At about 3:30pm I called the DEA agent in
charge and asked if I could get some clothes so I could go to work. He
said, �Sure, come on by and we'll work something out.' I show up at my
home and I'm informed that they found GBL in the form of Miracle Clean
in my garage and that chemical was illegal for me to even possess and
that I was going to jail. I informed them that I bought the chemicals
legally for my business and that anybody could possess them because they
aren't illegal for ANYONE to possess. At that point a second agent
says, �We say they are illegal, so you are going to jail.' (I'm
unfamiliar with the law that let's the DEA decide what is legal!)

I went to jail and went through the whole rigamarole, but 6 hours after
being booked I was released because they had nothing to charge me with.
I never had to post bail nor was I released on my own recognizance. I
was never charged with even a misdemeanor, yet they and the press spread
and published false rumors wherever they could. I still have not been
charged with anything, nor will I be because everything was legal and
the search was illegally performed by an incompetent DEA.

10 days later and I go to the Dakota County Courthouse where I obtain my
Warrant affidavit. My lawer, Howard Bass of Meshbesher and Spence, now
has the copy, but I can give you the �high points' of this warrant.

1. John Cottner of the DEA calls Mike Sheady of the Dakota Cty drug
task force and tells him that I have been buying chemicals from BME in
St. Paul.

2. Mike Sheady gets information that I bought chemicals in 1999.

3. On March 30th, Mike Sheady goes through my trash and finds empty
chemical bottles, empty syringes (no needles), and an empty carton of an
animal implant called Finaplix-h. Sheady obtains information from a
Dakota Cty drug task force chemist that Finaplix-h is a controlled
He also found some mail from a pharmaceutical company in Brazil.

4. On March 31st this Mike Sheady appears before a judge and gets a
search warrant for Steroids and Narcotics at my home based on his vast
knowledge and experience.

The rest is history. Let's look at the points:
1. I never bought a single chemical that was controlled.

2. Of course I bought chemicals and I have a research company
registered with the state!

3. Being only an ordinary citizen would entitle anybody to obtain any
of the items in number 3. Even so, I have 2 companies that are
registered to the state. There is nothing illegal whatsoever for anyone
to posses.

4. What was his vast knowledge and experience? He never bought
anything legal or illegal from me whatsoever so on what is he basing any
evidence that I was doing anything illegal in my home/business. It
should also be noted that not only were the chemicals they found NOT
illegal and NOT being sold, but these chemicals were not noted on the
search warrant as they were looking for �Steroids and Narcotics'.

It is utterly amazing to me that a search warrant could be obtained for
any of this, let alone for a legally registered business. This agent of
the DEA neglected his duties and never made a buy and never even took
the time to see if I had a legal business which should have been easy
enough as there were business papers in the trash. This is nothing but
a police state. As far as I can tell, there is no probable cause here.
My present lawyer says that there isn't much we can do against the lack
of probable cause and there isn't much sense in going after the DEA with
a civil suit because they are rather well protected and it would be
expensive. We are going to sue the media for releasing my personal
information, but I feel there is more that can be done.

My rights as a US citizen have been violated and my property was
searched and seized illegally. The government can go through a persons
trash one day and find legal items and an agent of the government can
determine what is illegal and that is probable cause? I can be arrested
for legal possession of chemicals which the DEA should know are legal
and in fact they were told they were legal by the federal level of the
LAWS THEY ARE ENFORCING! If a normal citizen tries to plead ignorance
of the law as a defense, he is told, �Too bad, you should have known the
law.' Why does this simple process not extend to the agencies of the
government? I just can't believe this can happen and it has to stop.

Another interesting bit of information is that I have a rather unique
signature to my emails and posts on the internet which is �Anarchy in
the USA!' It is well known that I have a strong dislike of the
governments involvement in peoples lives. Since everything that I do is
legal and the DEA's own lack of evidence against me more than proves
legality. Is it possible that I am being persecuted for my political
beliefs! You may say no at this time, but it is more than obvious that
they are going to try and persecute me after you read the following
story. The Dakota Cty. DA actually comes out and says that after the
BCA �changes classification' which is another law I'm unfamiliar with,
the DA is going to look at my case again for possible prosecution.
What? I'm not guilty of anything yet the DA is saying they are going to
change their mind and try and prosecute me again. I have put my
comments in parentheses.


/(A Police State!
Proof that we are living in a police state! You may go to the above
site and that is my story with the �man from Lakeville'. This story
should scare the hell out of all of you. What will be illegal next
�just because they want it to be!' Notice that there are never any
mentions of LAWS being changed. Note that it says that GBL is not
mentioned in ANY LAW. 1,4 butanediol is NEVER mentioned either!)

New classification makes party drug illegal.

The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension has changed how it
classifies a dangerous party drug known as GBL, opening the door for
increased prosecution of people illicitly
selling it.
(What the Hell? They are just going to change classes of chemicals
because they feel like doing so? Also note that I NEVER sold it nor was
I accused of selling it!)

The agency declared last week that GBL is a chemical relative, or ester,
of an illegal party drug called GHB. That means that selling GBL, also
known as Verve or scoop, can be prosecuted as a felony
under a new state law restricting the use of such drugs.
(Miracle clean is not mentioned nor is any cleaner developed by me! GBL
is an ester of GHB?. These people really are stupid! GBL is a lactone
which is an ester itself! GBL is called a cyclic ester.. GHB is a
salt of a straight chain molecule called a hydroxy acid. Enanthate is
the ESTER on testosterone and therefore testosterone enanthate would be
an ester of testosterone. These people are idiots and they are running
the WAR ON US!)

GBL is used as an industrial solvent and in paint strippers.
(Wow! There is a legitimate use for this stuff? Thank god the
government told us there were legit uses)

As drugs, GBL and its cousin GHB have been used at parties to get high,
as a supplement by body builders and to sedate victims in date rapes,
officials said. The drugs can cause comas, seizures and death, they
(And what does alcohol do? But big business is behind that and they are
lining the pockets of the government.)

Confusion over GBL's legal status had led Dakota County to decline
considering felony charges against a Lakeville man arrested this month
after GBL was found in his home.
(That's me!)
A Dakota County prosecutor said that when he confirms the new position
of the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) on GBL, he will review the
Lakeville case for possible felony drug charges.
(What the holy hell is this! The BCA is going to change their position
so they can make me a felon! They aren't changing laws, but they are
just changing their minds! THIS IS A POLICE STATE AND IT WILL BE COMING
YOUR WAY, TOO! I bought it legally and possess it legally, but they
just want to make me into a criminal because of my political and
chemical views as well as the fact that I've kicked their asses!)

About two weeks ago, Washington County filed felony charges against a
Woodbury man after more than 4,000 doses of GBL were found bottled in
his apartment in March. The county
attorney's office earlier had consulted private chemists, who disagreed
with the BCA's original position on GBL.
(Owwwww. Not too smart having it labeled for human use, but no matter
FOR! He wasn't selling it from what he told me in our phone
conversation. MORE POLICE STATE! They don't like what you have so they
come looking for you even if you had it legally!)

At issue was whether GBL is chemically close enough to GHB under state
law, which defines GHB and its chemical cousins as illegal drugs. The
law doesn't mention GBL by name.
(AHAHAHAHA! You STUPID DEA IDIOTS! And it doesn't mention 1,4,

After reviewing the issue and conferring with federal drug officials,
the BCA changed course last week and said GBL is close enough to GHB to
be covered by the law.
(The federal DEA chemist said there wasn't a damn thing they could do!
Now, the BCA is �changing course' What does that mean?! Which law is
that in the constitution? I must have missed that law called, �the BCA
or DEA can change drug classification at their whim and desire.' What a

"Based on the way the law is written . . . I would say yes, it is a
controlled substance," said Dave Petersen, an assistant director of the
BCA crime lab.
(Who cares what you SAY! That doesn't make it law.)

That means that the sale of GBL can be prosecuted as a felony, said
Hilary Caligiuri, who handles drug cases for the state attorney
general's office.
(Under what law is that? The �BCA changing classifications law?' I
wasn't selling it and I possess it legally for my businesses.)

Companies that use GBL for industrial purposes are required to obtain
permits from federal officials, said Bruce Preece, a BCA agent who
investigates narcotics cases. Companies with
federal permits are unlikely to face penalties under the new state law,
he said. Caligiuri agreed.
(And what law is that and when were they handing out those permits?
BTW, I am an INTERNATIONAL COMPANY! I have companies and researchers
all over the world buying my stuff and in particular, in CANADA GBL is
legal so what are you gonna do about that?! I don't need a license from
you to sell it to them!)

Meanwhile, the Dakota County attorney's office "will take a good hard
look" at the BCA's conclusions, said Assistant County Attorney Scott
Hersey. "We rely heavily on BCA expert opinion to determine if we have
substances we can prosecute, and we will look at the GBL cases."

GBL, short for gamma butyrolactone, is one of a group of GHB-related
party drugs that had been sold over the Internet and in magazines as
dietary supplements supposed to act as
muscle builders, aphrodisiacs or aids for weight loss and sleep. The
U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued health warnings that such
drugs, especially when combined with
alcohol, can cause comas, seizures and death.

More than 20 states and the federal government have enacted severe
penalties against illicit use of GHB, or gamma hydroxybutyrate. After
GHB's sale was restricted, vendors began advertising GBL, which converts
quickly to GHB when consumed, according to the federal Drug Enforcement
Administration. Federal law doesn't restrict GBL as tightly as GHB, but
who sells it for human consumption can face serious federal penalties,
said Tom Crow, a Drug Enforcement Administration supervisor in Chicago.
(READ THAT DAKOTA COUNTY DA! I wasn't even selling it!)

Nationally, more than 5,700 people overdosed on GHB, GBL and related
compounds last year, statistics show. GHB has been linked to about 60
deaths nationwide since 1990, including that of an Inver Grove Heights
man in April 1999.
(Hey, MR. statistics! How many people died from alcohol or were in
detox or got arrested for under age consumption or got a dui or died
while dUI! Pure stupid!)

In Minnesota, GHB-related products started showing up about a year ago,
said Carol Falkowski, a senior researcher at the Hazelden Foundation, a
drug treatment and research center near Center City, Minn. She said
emergency rooms in Minneapolis and St. Paul reported treating up to five
GHB-related overdoses a month last year.
(How many show up from alcohol related instances? More idiocy)

As you can see, we have come to a police state in Minnesota. Law
enforcement can go about enforcing laws that aren't on the books. The
prosecutors are going to change the �rules' so that anyone legal is now
illegal by their standards. Neither law enforcement nor the DA know the
laws that exist on the books at the present time and they are arresting
people because �they say it is illegal.' And finally, law enforcement
is totally ignoring probable cause. That, by definition, is a police

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 135)
posted May 18, 2000 12:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for denmaur   Click Here to Email denmaur     Edit/Delete Message
This is some scary stuff. You have to wonder why these stories about misuse of authority are not reported by the media.
It's also too bad that Janet Reno doesn't protect us ordinary citizens as well as she protects Slick Willie et al from prosecution.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 8)
posted May 18, 2000 12:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mikey   Click Here to Email mikey     Edit/Delete Message
Sounds like somebody set you up. When your lawyer files suit against the media, keep tract of how much your business suffered.
Show me the Money!!!
If you do reach an agreement with the media, make a point as to reporting the incompetence of the state and federal agencies that investigated your so-called drug distrabution ring.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 249)
posted May 18, 2000 12:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Juicer56     Edit/Delete Message
like i said in the title, this is not me but a well known person that everyone who knows would hate to see go down

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 21)
posted May 18, 2000 12:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jackfrost   Click Here to Email jackfrost     Edit/Delete Message
Another fine example of government and law enforcement ineptitude. These cops care about only one thing - making themselves look good. They are the biggest ego maniacs going. Who really gives a shit about some syringes and suposedly illicit chemicals anyway. These fuckers have nothing better to do and they think their shit doesn't stink. Unjustified governmental intervention and actions such as these continue to undermine my faith in our system. Our rights are gradually eroding away.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 235)
posted May 18, 2000 01:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mossberg   Click Here to Email mossberg     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 73892752
This seems to be the trend of the world we live in. Unfortunatly it can only get worse.

The only reson a "controlled substance" is illegal is because the goverment cannot control it's distribution!!! If they could don't you think they would to increase tax revenue?? Look at gasoline and liquer, both taxed by the goverment because they control the distribution of it. Same thing with cigarettes.

If the South American coke manufactuers spent milloins lobbying in congress like the tabacco companies do I bet we would all see a big change in the "feelings" our "goverment" has towards its use by the general populious.

My $.02

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 261)
posted May 18, 2000 01:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SCHNiKEN   Click Here to Email SCHNiKEN     Edit/Delete Message
I think its about time for a revolution.. lets take our country back from the large corporations that run it.. lets redefine freedom to what it was truly meant to be.. who will join me in my mission.. lol.. I hate this fucken government..

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moe dank
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 453)
posted May 18, 2000 01:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for moe dank   Click Here to Email moe dank     Edit/Delete Message
no offense to any vets out their, but I am leaving this country the first day i can. This isnt a free country and you are guilty until proven innocent.

Once i leave they will have to bound and gag me to get me back to this shit hole of a country...........holland, that is the land of the free. Stay out of peoples lives and what they put in their body in their own home.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 608)
posted May 18, 2000 01:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Deepsquat   Click Here to Email Deepsquat     Edit/Delete Message
my god the level of stupidity in our gov't is amazing! BTW the gov't cannot change a law, go back in time before the law existed and then say that they are charging you for a crime that wasn't a crime when you did the supposed offense ( got it ? I barely understood myself)

even my battle with death could only keep me out of the gym for 35 days

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 295)
posted May 18, 2000 02:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for TxCollegeguy   Click Here to Email TxCollegeguy     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 48636409
I've stated in similar posts that if I ever get the chance to leave this country then I am...I love my country, but I hate whats happening on capital hill. The fact that We have 1 man who is above the law running this country should set a good damn example of whats really happening.

God Save America

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 86)
posted May 18, 2000 02:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Fish   Click Here to Email Fish     Edit/Delete Message
The law scares me. They can change what they need to, to get what they think should be done done. This makes it dangerous to piss anyone off who may be friends with anyone in the government. Whoever this story is about, I am very sorry for you. You are in my prayers.


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 88)
posted May 18, 2000 03:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for beastmasster   Click Here to Email beastmasster     Edit/Delete Message
Same thing here, I'm getting the hell out. I never got arrested, but my LEGAL chemicals were stolen and I'm being threatened to be thrown out of college.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 163)
posted May 18, 2000 03:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Slopain   Click Here to Email Slopain     Edit/Delete Message
no disrespect, but not me...yeah were fucked up but there are alot worse. I only want to get out to get my gear and to vacation.


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 58)
posted May 18, 2000 04:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bigrand   Click Here to Email bigrand     Edit/Delete Message
He did nothin wrong to begin with!
This government and its justice system fuckin sucks hairy ass gorrila testicles.

[This message has been edited by bigrand (edited May 18, 2000).]

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 130)
posted May 18, 2000 04:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Frackal   Click Here to Email Frackal     Edit/Delete Message
Anyone ever read '1984' or 'Animal Farm' by George Orwell? Interesting books somewhat related to this topic.

I don't know what to say to the poor guy that was about other than good luck...

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Jay Z
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 271)
posted May 18, 2000 04:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jay Z   Click Here to Email Jay Z     Edit/Delete Message
both are awesome books...i saw the movie animal farm, but didn't read the whole 1984 book.

Sign the petition now at LegalizeSteroids.com,DecriminalizeSteroids.com, or SignThePetition.com!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 58)
posted May 18, 2000 06:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bigrand   Click Here to Email bigrand     Edit/Delete Message
I heard that this is old news. Happened over a month ago and its all good now.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 261)
posted May 18, 2000 08:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SCHNiKEN   Click Here to Email SCHNiKEN     Edit/Delete Message
I just recieved a new list from animal hes back and he claims he is "DEA" approved! lol!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 307)
posted May 18, 2000 09:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rich1   Click Here to Email Rich1     Edit/Delete Message
There a law that allows you to shoot to kill a police officer who is in fact setting you up and attempting to kill you or injure you in any way with out reason or probable cause, a motor cycle gang house was being raided in Portland, OR years ago and the cop who was shot and killed was holding on to evidance he was going to plant at the house, it was later on decided in court only after he had been convicted of murder that the raid was illegal and the man was totally afraid he was going to killed by these cops so he shot and killed the cop, he was later aquited of the "crime" and let go by the state, he was advised by the court to move out of state because the locals were out to kill him. So it's interesting to know you CAN kill a cop who is violating your civil rights and get away with it, after all if the cops are criminals then why shouldn't you be able to shoot them in self defence? Just like any other criminal? I rest my case. True story, no BS.. the media went wild on this one believe me...

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 852)
posted May 18, 2000 10:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MattTheSkywalker   Click Here to Email MattTheSkywalker     Edit/Delete Message

Keep us posted.


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 60)
posted May 20, 2000 02:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for cockdezl     Edit/Delete Message
Truthfully, if anyone thinks that this is a horrible, unfortunate case, then you must live in fantasy land. In Animal's case, I think that he is walking a fine line, with his "kit" business and other "grey" area businesses. But there are numerous other stories, much worse off than this, and for less. Anyone familiar with Randall Weaver and the incident that occured with his family? What about Waco? These are simply more televised cases; there are hundreds of other cases that very few know about. Our government is working hard at removing freedoms at a slow, incremental pace, to prevent us from noticing it. People, we have to wake up.

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