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  need ur help fitness chick.

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Author Topic:   need ur help fitness chick.
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 16)
posted May 18, 2000 01:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for laxboy   Click Here to Email laxboy     Edit/Delete Message
I have a very beautiful girlfriend who i love dearly. She is rather tall at 5'8, but only weighs around 115 lbs. She loves to go to the gyym with me but always does excessive cardio. Getting her to eat is such a chore. I think she might have an eating disorder. she is very emotional do to prior abuse fromm her mother. What steps should i take to find out if my gut reaction is true? How do i go about bringing thiis up with her? I thought u would be the best to ask. I respect ur opinion greatly!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 39)
posted May 18, 2000 07:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for delt-a-saurus     Edit/Delete Message
Just pin her down slap her in the chops a few time and repeat these words.

If that dont work.....Buy a dog.

Only joken mate, your just going to have to go easy. Show her some mags with some miss fitness chics in it and comment on how nice they look, try that type of thing.
Good luck

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 948)
posted May 18, 2000 08:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for conan69   Click Here to Email conan69     Edit/Delete Message
delt that is all wrong
the social construction of what a woman should look like (ie. womens magazines)
is one of the things that cause women to have eating disorders.

here is what you do
get her in a comfortable situation and them gently bring up the converstation

honey i think you look great but i think you could stand to gain a little weigh

honey i worry that you are so thin, i wish you would eat a little more

things like that
if she gets mad at you simply apologize and just say you are worried

be gentle

hope this helps a little

Check out my HardCore Pic sitehttp://www.dell.homestead.com/conan/index.html "When I give the signal, unleash HELL!" -Maximus

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 10)
posted May 18, 2000 10:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sammythebull   Click Here to Email sammythebull     Edit/Delete Message
I caught my wife puking after she ate and I got so mad at her and told her if she doesn't get to a health weight and fast that I would be out of there. It shocked the hell out of her and she quit doing it and is now perfectly healthy looking. Lay down the law with your woman they want someone to do that for them. Often times they are looking for attention when they do things like this just tell her you won't put up with it

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 268)
posted May 18, 2000 11:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for demaroid     Edit/Delete Message
bump! for a womans perspective


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 277)
posted May 18, 2000 03:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for FitnessChick     Edit/Delete Message
wow....okay...how would you approach this....women are very sensitive about issues concerning their weight, and if she has an eating disorder, shes suopersensitive about it....best way to bring it up is inadvertantly...grab a bunch of mags to look at with her, & see what her idea of an ideal body type is....if she is striving for that model thin look, you may be correct in your suspicions...grab a fitness mag & compliment the bodies of the women you see in it....have you ever given her reason to believe she was fat, or given her reason to be insecure,,,women with issues of low self esteem often fall victim to eating disorders...does obesity run in her family?....these may help you in determining what her reasons are for not eating....instesd of directly asking her if she has a problem which may just lead her to deny anyway, tell her you think it would be great if you 2 spent some extra qt together...do you go to the gym on a regular basis....ask her to train with you....with weights, instedad of her running off to cardio & you to the weight section...take the time to show her what to do, and after a little while tell her you notice some muscle definition showing, and tell her she looks great....compliments will get you everywhere, and it may change her perception of what you think is beautiful....if you are out somewhere & you see a fit woman, say how you like that shape on a woman, rather then that supermodel skinny rail look....a fit woman looks healthier....as far as getting her to eat more, maybe you can try cooking once in awhile for her....healthy meals....and say you got this recipe out of a fitness mag, and you thought shed like it....also, try buying her a copy of oxygen or muscle & fitness hers....they show no pics of woman bodybuilders,only fitness women.... so it may be less intimidating for her to pick up the weights....she will read & realize she can weight train without looking like a man....i hope this helped some....good luck & let me know what happens...

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