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  Help!!!! My Fiance found my GEAR!!!!!

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Author Topic:   Help!!!! My Fiance found my GEAR!!!!!
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 28)
posted May 17, 2000 10:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for !Bodybuilder2000!   Click Here to Email !Bodybuilder2000!     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 73701998
This morning my wife-to-be found my gear (5 WEAK cycle of sustenon) and freaked out!!! Ive tried to explain to her that if you are safe and knowledgeble, AS can help you, instead of hurt you. She is a chronic pot-smoker and refuses to give up the weed, yet she says if I continue my cycle, I have to leave!! Please Bros, I need your help on this one. Send me any site, article, or reason, to show her that AS is not as bad as the reputation it has with the outside world. When I get replys I hope to be able to show her and change her view on our "Drug of Choice" She means more than the world to me and I do not want to lose her!!!! Thanx Bros!!!!
"Reinventing the Steel"

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 112)
posted May 17, 2000 11:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for N-V-R-2BIG   Click Here to Email N-V-R-2BIG     Edit/Delete Message

sounds kinda (a lot actually) hypocritical to me dude. how many guys do you know have overdosed on gear? many die from frugs each year. AS is basically the safest drug that one can do. if you are careful then they will not hurt you. if you abuse them (or any drug) thats when they get dangerous. tell her to throw out all these preconceived notions that gear is bad and get a reality check. also if she can hit the bud then why cant you hit the gear??? that is fucked up she has to realize that what is good for the goose is good for the gander also!!! i was kind of in the same situation myself---she cant give you ultimatums and not expect to not get them in return. if she loves you she will respect your choice to use gear just like you respect her choice to hit the bud!!!


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 69)
posted May 17, 2000 11:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for scarface1   Click Here to Email scarface1     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 72196367
I had a similar problem with my wife. I found all the info I could find about the cycle I was planning on doing at the time and made her read it, so she could know everything about what I was doing, and point out that if used carefully most of the side affects are avoided. A good book is The Anablic Review. And if she still will not listen smack her around a little she will come around. he,he.

"The world is yours"

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 155)
posted May 17, 2000 11:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kahn     Edit/Delete Message
BB2K--Man, you just described my first wife to a "T". I got the hit the bricks speech, too. I hid the gear and never got caught but it was just a first step to more controlling and domineering. Double standards is no marraige to get into. You aren't even hitched yet and she's or elsing you, do you think its going to get better? Be careful, she's stomping her feet on thin ice. What's she like when she's pissed? Would she rat you?

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moe dank
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 447)
posted May 17, 2000 11:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for moe dank   Click Here to Email moe dank     Edit/Delete Message
well if she trust us dope smokers/growers have here go to 420.com to the homegrown section. I am moe dank on there and quite respected for my dope growing powers, if you will. As a pot smoker and roid user i can relate to her initial feelings. you both can email me and i may can help her through the feelings she is having. Us pot smokers trust each other and listen to others opinions.

You are in a tuff spot bro and i feel for ya.......hide it better next time. lol goodluck


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 37)
posted May 17, 2000 11:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for superkutt   Click Here to Email superkutt     Edit/Delete Message
if she can have her cake and eat it too, then you should be able to do the same,bro watch-out, she needs to realize it takes two to tango and self-love is no relationship worth forwarding. good luck!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 302)
posted May 18, 2000 12:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rich1   Click Here to Email Rich1     Edit/Delete Message
Hey bro,we all are aware of the abuses of A/S use many of us here use a 1000 mg of test or other roids a week, some guys use more then that, they are people who know the risks and now how to deal with the sides, but to say we are all Abusers is stupid, women can get all the hormones they want to stay femine but men can't get roids because the only BIG (physically speaking) politician is Jesse Ventura, he has used A/S and he's not everyones cup of tea, but he's an honest man who is respected more then Bill C. It's largely a political issue and if she can't understand that then she should go into drug treatment for smokeing pot, then she might understand where we're coming from, politics should never be involved with health care issues, thats why I hope we never get a national health care program, the feds can't be trusted with any kind of personal medical info or choices... So I suggest you confront her with the idea when she goes trough menopause she must do with out estrogen therapy and be adament about it bro, for a women to tell her man I can be a woman but you can't be a man is a stupid double standard. She might begin to see the double standard and change her mind, I hope so, a life time of marriage thrown away because of her brain washing would be a drag..

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 37)
posted May 18, 2000 02:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for shocker005   Click Here to Email shocker005     Edit/Delete Message

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 71)
posted May 18, 2000 02:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Fish   Click Here to Email Fish     Edit/Delete Message
I am having the same problem. I have been having her read these post with me. And taking her to "impartial" sites so she can learn, and so she feels I am doing this right and safe. This also show that I did not just rush in and buy something but that I studied and care about my health. Good luck. Wish me the same.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 317)
posted May 18, 2000 03:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Marauder   Click Here to Email Marauder     Edit/Delete Message
hell, at least there's a benefit from AS, you fuckin'look good, not all frail like pot makes all my friends look... As one of our bros said, "Tell her you'll stop, then hide it better" That's the way to go, I had to do the same shit with my girl, but we weren't necessarily in a marriage situation or anything...hope it helps bro! marauder out.

"The ebb and flow of the Atlantic tide.. The Icy breath of the Antarctic.. The burning ecliptical sun on its journey of light.. These are just a few things I control in my world.."

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 3)
posted May 18, 2000 04:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DoorMan     Edit/Delete Message

I�ve been there and lying may not be the best solution.

If you�re going to marry this woman you need to able to be honest with her and she needs to be able to love and accept you for who you are (obviously the reverse is also true). Discuss the reasons why you use gear and try to educate her. She�s probably worried for your health and doesn�t understand why you want to be bigger (most girls don�t).

Being engaged is an opportunity to determine if you can deal with (and make) tough decisions as a couple. If you lie to her, you�ll always be stressed about her finding the gear and flushing it, or you�ll worry that she�ll figure something�s up when you put on 20 pounds of muscle in 5 weeks.

Discuss it with her and see what comes of it all. It might actually bring you guys closer as she�ll probably understand you better.

Good luck.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 37)
posted May 18, 2000 04:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for shocker005   Click Here to Email shocker005     Edit/Delete Message
True, but if the discusion thing does'nt work, LIE! hehehe

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 151)
posted May 18, 2000 04:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MP5   Click Here to Email MP5     Edit/Delete Message
Why is it so many broads smoke pot? I have argued with my chick about roids vs. pot and she is like all pot-heads, she thinks that weed makes you a better person, blah,blah...Anyway, weed makes you stupid, it is hard on your lungs, and it leads to other drugs. I have never known a pothead that didn't start messing with the other shit too. I have a zero pot policy with chicks, and I do not think it is too much to ask to be able to date a chick that isn't a druggy. Test is natural, it does not make you stupid, or lazy, or make you start listening to shitty music. My advice would be either to re-evaluate if you really want to be with this person, or lie, tell her that they are in the trash and do them anyway. My chick never knows when I am on. And to all the potheads on this board, do what you want, i don't date dudes!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 31)
posted May 18, 2000 04:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ralphe   Click Here to Email ralphe     Edit/Delete Message
My wife of 15 years found mine and threw it out last week in mid cycle....After a long "discussion" she now wants to try it ...yes I am one of the old farts and we work out together....damn, just wish she hadn't thrown it out......I was in the third week...it took four weeks for me to get it last time.....so I have prob just wasted three weeks......any thoughts? Yeah I know........later

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 26)
posted May 18, 2000 04:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ironmaster   Click Here to Email ironmaster     Edit/Delete Message
Just an opinion brother - find a woman who shares your interests if you want a good marriage. My first wife sounds a lot like your fiancee, and it ended in a miserable situation. My current woman gets off on muscles, doesn't care what it take to get em, works out every day as well, and and is totally supportive. There are plenty like her out there, believe me. I know this is not what you want to hear, but years of hiding, sneaking, and secrets will trash a relationship eventually.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 65)
posted May 18, 2000 04:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GETCUT   Click Here to Email GETCUT     Edit/Delete Message
tell her to stop smoking pot and you'll stop taking A/S. what do you get out of smoking chronic besides losing all your brain cells? it's not right.

that's my take!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 14)
posted May 18, 2000 04:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Pup'nIrn   Click Here to Email Pup'nIrn     Edit/Delete Message
Just reminder her one thing.....my tax maney each year goes to the 350,000 people diagnosed with lung cancer without enough insurance. Every joint has an average of 100 times the carcinogens than that of a cig. So if she won't change I wouldn't!!!! Check with the site www.decriminalizesteroids.com they have a few New England Journel of Med. studies to back you up. If all else fails kick her to the curb....she'll hurt your workouts!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 61)
posted May 18, 2000 05:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Steelsoldier     Edit/Delete Message
Tell her to lay off the smoke and you might consider not taking as much gear!

" The more you sweat in training the less you bleed in battle"

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 218)
posted May 18, 2000 05:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mossberg   Click Here to Email mossberg     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 73892752
I'm in the same situation, it's the emails about cycles she saw though.

Damn, I new I should have deleted those!!!

Good luck bro, there are guys here going through the same thing. This has in no way detered me on my quest. A/S can bring about positives in life when not abused, pot only negatives.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 4)
posted May 18, 2000 05:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for prostreetZ   Click Here to Email prostreetZ     Edit/Delete Message
hey bro this is what i tell my wife! ( im the one with the cock ! im the one with the balls slaping on your ass!! , lol , my girl is cool what can i say ?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 37)
posted May 18, 2000 05:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for shocker005   Click Here to Email shocker005     Edit/Delete Message
My girl does'nt like it but she still pops my glute for me.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 576)
posted May 18, 2000 05:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for THESAINT   Click Here to Email THESAINT     Edit/Delete Message
CUT HER LOOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 18)
posted May 18, 2000 05:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bgriff   Click Here to Email bgriff     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 58153208
My fiance dont want me to do it either. I have only done 1 cycle and I am wondering what she is going to do when I do more???

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 599)
posted May 18, 2000 06:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Deepsquat   Click Here to Email Deepsquat     Edit/Delete Message
This is your chicks' way of trying to take your masculinaty from you....she is trying to put your balls in a jar on the shelf were you can't reach them! Talk about a double standard...a pot head repramanding you for the none gov't sanctioned use of drugs.....gee it is a good thing she is not doing that...Ask her to explain to you just exactly what are her objections to your roid use...make her be specific...for instance if she says that they will kill you, have her go to the center for desease control web site..the gov't tracks the nuber of deaths each year and what there causees are...have her find the # of deaths due to steroid use:answer 0 ! have her prove to you through reashearch on the web how deadly they are...she won't be sucessful.Hell, grab one of her persciption bottles..look the drug up in the PDR (if you don't have one go to your library) and write down (don't photocopy it write it in nice sized letters ) almost any drug will fill a page of note book paper on the POTENTIAL side effects.Tell her that you know what to look for with your drug use does she?
But the most important thing for you to learn from this is to never ever let a woman...be it your wife or your girlfriend, give you an ulimatum..tell her to listen to your arguements logically and not emotionally or the oppisite will come true...you will kick her to the curb for her pot use!!!!BTW Was she raised by a single mother? It sounds as if though she may have learned by example ..mom trying to tell dad what to do..and one day he had enough.
PS Think aboput this: you said she means the world to you ? Can she say the same if she is willing to drop you over something loke this?

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