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  Fucking Primo Tabs..

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Author Topic:   Fucking Primo Tabs..
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 158)
posted May 17, 2000 08:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Steriod_Virgin   Click Here to Email Steriod_Virgin     Edit/Delete Message
Ok.. enough beating around the bush.. My first cycle is going to be sust, dbol and primo.. solid cycle? You bet, there is only one catch! The primo is tabs.. Looks like I can get about 500 or so for $300. I know I know, tabs suck, but what the fuck, I'm lucky I can get shit at all.. How do I finish up this cycle with 500 primos (5mg)

week 1-8 250 sust
week 1-4 20mg dbol ed
clomid eod through out + 100 ED week 9&10 50 ed for 11 you know the drill.

what do I do with primo?
I know.. I know more test more test.. fuck you its my first cycle and I'm going to start slow and build up.. Rome wasn't built in day. If I pull 15 solid lbs I'll be happy.. I worry about the next 15 on cycle #2

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 625)
posted May 17, 2000 09:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for coolhandluke   Click Here to Email coolhandluke     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 47436318
primo tabs come in 5,25 and 50mg. DO NOT PAY THAT MUCH FOR 5MG TABS!!!!!!.just get some primo amps or winny or somethin

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 126)
posted May 17, 2000 09:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Checkmatebloated   Click Here to Email Checkmatebloated     Edit/Delete Message
I start it right after the D-bol, 10 a day work up to 20 a day and back down to 5 a day. I had to use those 5 mg crap before also about 10 years ago. They can in little flat pack of 10 and were rapped individually. What a pain. Later used them with DMSO, but I did not know what I was doing I just crushed them and put them in the DMSO and rubbed it on my ribbs just blow my arm pits and claves and went on about my day.

Make a post and ask about these tabs and DMSO. I think somebody here can help you. If you do not know DMSO is a legal cream that helps pull stuff into the blood from the skin. People say it works much better than eating the primo tabs.

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