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  EQ-EOD or twice per week

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Author Topic:   EQ-EOD or twice per week
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 194)
posted May 16, 2000 10:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DRRman     Edit/Delete Message
Soon im gonna start on an eq and winny cycle. I was wondering what you guys thought would be better, shooting 100mg of eq EOD or shooting 200-250mg twice per week?
Would it help to shoot it more frequently or would two injections per week be sufficient?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 657)
posted May 16, 2000 11:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DianaBallBusta   Click Here to Email DianaBallBusta     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 65057870
One reason eq is injected eod is because of the strength...50mg/ml. It's also usually stacked with another AS. A normal dosage of eq is 300-450mg per week, which is 6-9cc's. Add this amount of oil to whatever else youre stacking it with and thats alot of injection volume. So to answer your question since you're stacking it with winny, which MUST be injected EOD, you should figure out a shot schedule that lets you inject winny and eq EOD. You could shoot the eq twice a week. Then shoot the winny EOD. This might ease up on the scar tissue build up. Just get ready to inject alot during this cycle bro.

"Get Juiced and Stay Loyal"

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