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  Can anybody help a diabetic bodybuilder?

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Author Topic:   Can anybody help a diabetic bodybuilder?
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 2)
posted May 16, 2000 08:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lelinkster   Click Here to Email lelinkster     Edit/Delete Message
I was diagnosed w/ type 1 diabetes 2 years ago and must say it's really fucked up my routine. "LOL" Since then I've packed on weight like mad but can't get rid of the fat. Does anyone know of any sauce that won't raise my blood sugars? Can I @ least go back on Winny? Help!?......Advice?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 3)
posted May 16, 2000 09:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kattdaddie   Click Here to Email Kattdaddie     Edit/Delete Message
you gotta provide more information.Do you take insulin for coverage?How controlled are your blood sugars?Do you take NPH or 70/30?
What is your ht,wt,bodyfat%,how much protein do you eat daily,how strictly do you adhere to your diabetic diet? Before you consider AS you should go get your thyroid and testosterone levels checked, diabetics often have high cortisol levels and low thyroid and testosterone levels. These labs will cost you about $30 for a TSH/Free T4/T3 level done and about $80 for a serum Total Testosterone/Free Testosterone.The Free Testosterone level and TSH are the most important.If either of your levels are in the "low-normal"range talk to your MD about replacement therapy to get yo int the "High-normal"range.Your MD might not be receptive and you may have to ge a second opinion.Always get copies of lab results and look for yourself if the are "low" or not.
Sorry such a long post,I was recently diagnose with "border-line"diabetes and it has been like pulling teeth to get my hormones straigtened out.I now take 45mg of Liotrix(a mixture of t4 to t3,4-1 ratio)and will soon begin on HCG and possibly testosterone replacement therapy.Thank God that my MD is very current with medicine and is open-minded enough to do alll the above AND find ways to help me pay for it all.
Good luck.Later...

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 2)
posted May 16, 2000 11:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lelinkster   Click Here to Email lelinkster     Edit/Delete Message

Thx for the reply Kattdaddie! I am 200Lbs an 5'9. I take Humulin R w/ every meal and take Humulin N @ night. My Dr. doesn't know shit about working out or new forms of medicin he keeps trying to scare me away from anything that might elevate my hormones, by telling me AS or anything will elevate blood sugar. I stick to the plan pretty well but after two years of seing my hard earned muscle turn to fat I'm starting to look for other answers.

Are these tests simple?

All the best and thank you

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Karate guy
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 259)
posted May 17, 2000 08:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Karate guy   Click Here to Email Karate guy     Edit/Delete Message
Dude, e-mail me.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 167)
posted May 17, 2000 08:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for xrciseink     Edit/Delete Message
I have a friend who is a diabetic. As far as Bodybuilding/weightlifting goes, believe it or not, YOU HAVE an advantage if you decide to juice. I don't think you are at much more risk than anyone else using steroids, but it is still important to monitor yourself.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 3)
posted May 18, 2000 02:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kattdaddie   Click Here to Email Kattdaddie     Edit/Delete Message
Here is my two cents for what you might consider doing if you really want to take AS.
1) even thoug in your type of diabetes insulin-resistance is not usually a problem, the addition of metformin or avandia(new and expensive)would decreas glucose uptake from the small intesatines and stomach.Only problem is that oral antdiabetic are hard on the liver so no oral AS if you do this.
2) decrease the amount of food you eat at each meal and increase # of meals, but still check you bloodsugars and take Regular insulin at these times.Like somebody said before,with access to insulin you can put on some hellish amount of muscle, you may need to get some cytomel to get lose bodyfat at the end of your cycle or on your next cycle.
3)another great way to get around high blood sugar is exercise twice a day. When you exercise proteins in the cell wall of your muscle cells can move glucose into the cells without insulin. So try walking or moderate aerobics 2 day in addition to weights 3-5 days a week.the walking is a good habit anyway to prevent complications of IDDM-type 1.
4) lastly, if you are going on AS, you need to cut out all saturated fat that you can.
that means skinless ckicken breasts,tuna, skim milk,skim cottage cheese, fat free cheese, no peanut butter, extra diet lean ground beef,and groud or sliced turkey.
Why? diabetics have an increased risk of every cardiovascular disease there is.If you have >24% BF then thats another risk factor.
NO more than 20 grams a fat aday while on AS.
Best of luck to you e-mail me if you have any other questions. Manana...

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