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  George Spellwin's ELITE FITNESS Discussion Boards
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  Why the hell do you guys want T- shirts?

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Author Topic:   Why the hell do you guys want T- shirts?
Mr. T
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 440)
posted May 16, 2000 02:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mr. T     Edit/Delete Message
I think what makes this board so good is the fact that you have to find it. If we advertise the board we will get attention not only from Law Enforcment, but every pimply faced kid looking to put on some pounds will be on here asking dumb ass questions. This is not a problem if AS is legal in your country or if you like the board going to shit, but please just think of the consequences!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 118)
posted May 16, 2000 02:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Flex   Click Here to Email Flex     Edit/Delete Message
I don't think the purpose of the shirts is to advertise the board as much as it is to show membership to an elite group of people known as THE IRON BROTHERHOOD!!!!!he he he

--"and remember, you dont have to misbehave, just look as though you could"

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Mr. T
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 440)
posted May 16, 2000 02:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mr. T     Edit/Delete Message
No, but trust me that when the DEA gets wind of a bunch of huge guys running across the border with Elite Fitness T- shirts the proverbial shit will hit the proverbial fan.
I just dont want to see a good thing get ruined-

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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted May 16, 2000 02:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Flex   Click Here to Email Flex     Edit/Delete Message
Thats kind of a funny picture..a bunch of us plate freaks ravaging gyms, and running across borders all over the world, and all wearing the same t-shirt!...Sounds like something out of that movie "fight club"!!...I'm down..

--"and remember, you dont have to misbehave, just look as though you could"

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moe dank
Pro Bodybuilder
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posted May 16, 2000 02:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for moe dank   Click Here to Email moe dank     Edit/Delete Message
yeah I like the idea of walking around and having another bro from here say hey I'm so and so from elite.


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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted May 16, 2000 02:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BIGDT   Click Here to Email BIGDT     Edit/Delete Message
"E2's GYM"

Only the brotherhood would understand.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 336)
posted May 16, 2000 02:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Capt'n_Crunch   Click Here to Email Capt'n_Crunch     Edit/Delete Message
yea I dig what your saying MrT, I hope the shirts dont have ELITE FITNESS.COM on them, otherwise fuck that, Im not stupid..... all someone has to do is look up the site and bingo. I thought the shirts would be something for us bros, something like "The Iron Brotherhood" or "Elite Crew" or something, I dont plan on being an advertisement board...... but I guess we will have to wait until the shirts come out to see.......

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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted May 16, 2000 03:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tessai   Click Here to Email tessai     Edit/Delete Message
I know this is useless but if in the future we do get some input into developing a t-shirt or something like it I have a wonderful (at least i think so) idea. 1. Team Anadrol with the moleculaur structure mapped. 2. R.B.A.K.T.A.V. rah-bach-tav rather.be.a.killer.than.a.victim. only members would know what the acronymn stood for. Just throwing around some ideas!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted May 16, 2000 03:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Fish   Click Here to Email Fish     Edit/Delete Message
I agree that it should not give the boards address. Many of us are not out to brag about our cycles. Though it would be nice to have something that goes on here. Something People from here would know. Like E2's gym, or some ranger poem.


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Pro Bodybuilder
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posted May 16, 2000 03:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for christian918     Edit/Delete Message
Important note: It is NOT against the law to have a discussion board and talk about steriod use. We do not post sources, so even if the feds see you in a T-shirt and logon, there should be no problems if the board rules are followed.


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Amateur Bodybuilder
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posted May 16, 2000 03:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for johnny_lats   Click Here to Email johnny_lats     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 55639539
I am proud to be a part of the Elite Fitness brotherhood and I am eager to show my support for this site. I hope the shirts say elitefitness.com in big bold letters! There is nothing illegal about a discussion board.


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 61)
posted May 16, 2000 03:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Fish   Click Here to Email Fish     Edit/Delete Message
I completey support this site, and have no fear of the "feds" coming to see it because of a shirt. I am sure the feds already know how to use the internet as well as we do. I just don't want "everyone" knowing I use AS. I am not by anymeans a big guy, and I have not cycled, and I already have friends who ask where to get steroids. That gets old, why fuel it?


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Mr. T
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 440)
posted May 16, 2000 03:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mr. T     Edit/Delete Message
No, generally there is nothing wrong with a discussion board. But when a board is used to facilitate a crime, it can run into deep doo doo. All it takes is one 13 year old kid to tell the Cops he got AS off this board. Right now Law Enforcment is like a babe in the woods when it comes to the net, but rest assured their will be new agencies and departments in the future to combat cyber crime. I dont believe in flaunting illegal activities in the face of Law Enforcment and then just saying: "Its only for entertainment." Do you really think a federal judge would think what we do is entertainment? Remember, freedom of speech is your right only if you are not breaking the law. And as much as we all hate it, AS is still against the law. (US)

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 58)
posted May 16, 2000 03:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Badtemp   Click Here to Email Badtemp     Edit/Delete Message
There are many computer programs with t-shirt makers.Just create one of your own.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 61)
posted May 16, 2000 04:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Fish   Click Here to Email Fish     Edit/Delete Message
Your local police department may not have the knowhow when it comes to the net, but "law enforcement" in general know how to use pcs. Federal government can do some pretty amazing things on pcs, I promise they know about this discussion board. How long has it been around? I read post of people talking about the good old days, 2 or more years ago. Anyway, I see your point about not wanting to stick in the laws face and all, but I highly doubt your local street cop will give a shit about the web site on your shirt.


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 49)
posted May 16, 2000 04:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tessai   Click Here to Email tessai     Edit/Delete Message
It is an interesting to see the reactions to this post. To see the underground now coming to light above ground and how you deal with it. All of you who use AS are criminals by definition and this board is an interactive community where info is exchanged. Wether the info that is exchanged on the board is of a illegal content or not is not of consequence, the fact that the board exists is the matter at hand. If the feds truly desired a crack down on AS a task force geared at assimilating info would simply monitor the board and begin from there. So the question is how do you ensure security within the community?

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Mr. T
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 440)
posted May 16, 2000 04:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mr. T     Edit/Delete Message
Your wrong Fish, local and Federal Law Enforcement work together all the time. In fact, the Feds depend on local Law Enforcement to keep them abreast of illegal activities. Im not saying they know about the board, they give most of their attention to those kiddie porn weirdos. Thats great for us, and Id like to keep it that way-

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 61)
posted May 16, 2000 04:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Fish   Click Here to Email Fish     Edit/Delete Message
No laws are being broken here. You can talk about it, that is not at all a crime. (at least not yet) The only crime is when you break one of the rules. If you make an attempted or succesful buy or sell you have broken the law. Asking questions is a hypitheical (sp?), so not punishable. As far as security for the sources, good luck. Anyone on here could be undercover. How would you know? If a task force is made though, we will most likely know. People like to get credit for taking action. Helps with election, so they annoce it before they do it. When this happens, don't trust anyone new. That's my best guess...


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 61)
posted May 16, 2000 04:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Fish   Click Here to Email Fish     Edit/Delete Message
I never said they don't work together, and am sorry if I am not a very clear speaker. I belive that the local traffic cop, the one who would see your shirt would not care enough to look into what the site was about. I don't belive they will pay any more attention with a shirt, than without. Without you will still have some 13 yearold get caught and try to help his situation by telling where he got it. Sorry to keep ranting about this, guess I am bored.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 292)
posted May 16, 2000 04:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for TxCollegeguy   Click Here to Email TxCollegeguy     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 48636409

reguardless if everyone here uses AS or just one memember does it doesn't make it illegal to share information. Just like it isn't against the law to read about guns or bombs on the internet and talk about building them. What makes it illegal if someone is caught trying to distribute any illegal substance or setting up an illegal action, such as a drug sell and using this board as it's medium to set it up.

For Example if someone posts saying come to this address to buy this or that...Thats illegal and thats contributing...but no one here does that therefore nothing illegal and no contributing to illegal activities is committed.

Surprisingly the freedom of information act has a few broad sentences refering in a slight hint to obtaining information over the internet, such as government health reports which do include drug test studies, some of which include AS use...I can't remember exactly where but if you get a copy of it you should find it.

if it were illegal for a AS user to spread information on this board then alot of people wouldn't be here and this board probably wouldn't be here either

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Mr. T
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 440)
posted May 16, 2000 04:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mr. T     Edit/Delete Message
Yeah you do have to say something really dumb about buying or selling to get caught. But even helping someone find AS constitutes facilitation, more commonly known as being an accomplice. Why bring unwanted heat on the board? I like the idea of some type of insignia, not ELITEFITNESS.COM plastered on every huge guy in America.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 293)
posted May 16, 2000 05:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Fe3   Click Here to Email Fe3     Edit/Delete Message
Did anybody say that on the t-shirts you have to advertise "I USE STEROIDS"

I think it would be a good idea maybe if you spot a person wearing a t-shirt that says ELITE FITNESS you would be able to tell that the individual is one of your brothers
I think they should be required!!!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 262)
posted May 16, 2000 06:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BIG RICK ROCK   Click Here to Email BIG RICK ROCK     Edit/Delete Message

Yes the T-shirts should say Elite Fitness, but drop the ".COM" we have enought Idiots and snot nose kids here, let keep the rest of them off the board, if you saw a huge mofo wearing an Elite Fitness.com shirt wouldn't you like to check it out, only to find the message board sying "D-bol cycle" or "Cycle advice" or "Injection instructions"

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 118)
posted May 16, 2000 08:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Flex   Click Here to Email Flex     Edit/Delete Message
Nope, I'm with Fe3, I want mine to say "I use my ass for a pin cushion"...he he he....some of you guys worry about the stupidest stuff...I wish i had that much time on my hands..

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 41)
posted May 16, 2000 08:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pds132   Click Here to Email pds132     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 6

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Mr. T
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 440)
posted May 16, 2000 08:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mr. T     Edit/Delete Message
Thats exactly what Im saying Big Rick Rock. I like the board being a small community where we all know each other. To think that a kid at the gym wont notice big guys wearing ELITEFITNESS.COM shirts is silly. Its not advertising AS, but it is leading them to it-

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 89)
posted May 16, 2000 11:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Diver   Click Here to Email Diver     Edit/Delete Message
I think the tshirts should say 'to find steroids click here'

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 337)
posted May 17, 2000 01:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for blackhaus1   Click Here to Email blackhaus1     Edit/Delete Message
Diver..LOLOLOLOLOL! I want a shirt to show that I am part of a wonderful family...I love u guys and i want everyone to know it by rocking my tshirt

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 336)
posted May 17, 2000 03:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Capt'n_Crunch   Click Here to Email Capt'n_Crunch     Edit/Delete Message
I dont think some of you genuises understand the point some of us were trying to make..... I dont want everybody who sees me in the gym or on the street to go web surfing onto EF.com one night and first thing they see is "STEROIDS CLICK HERE" , Im not worried about the fucking cops....hell they know we are here, Im worried about my mom, my little cousins, my family, friends, associates, people in general who see me in the gym, etc....... if I wanted to advertise my use I'd just grab a white tshirt and write out "Im a roid monger, back the fuck up!!!!"..... some of you are looking at it like we are paranoid of the cops.... and you are right about the fact that "what can a cop do to you for wearing a shirt" but again, that is not the point..........

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 279)
posted May 17, 2000 03:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rich1   Click Here to Email Rich1     Edit/Delete Message
Iwould love to screw any cop who would hassle me over a tee shirt that says Elitefitness.com I would have his badge so fast his freaking head would spin, a tee shirt doesn't constitute reasonable cause period, if it get's that bad I'm out of this country, period. Live free or DIE trying...
Hell I used to wear tee shirts with pot leaves on them, and my older brother was once served a suponea to appear in court by a US marshall for a labor contract dispute and two feet away from him was a pot plant on the front porch, this was over twenty five years ago, and I had just such a tee shirt on when I answered the door and he didn't even notice it. They will have to kill me for my shirt, I will wear it no matter what, I'm tired of being treated like shit by MY public employees.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 75)
posted May 17, 2000 04:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Pokemon   Click Here to Email Pokemon     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 209.167.1458.325
GD people, just wear the tshirt INSIDE OUT!!

[Ezekiel 25:17 ]

Jules: The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. ~Pulp Fiction

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 61)
posted May 17, 2000 04:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Fish   Click Here to Email Fish     Edit/Delete Message
I think many of us do want a shirt. So now we know what we don't want... NO .com, NO pincushion looking big ass on there, but what do we want. Any of us could have a t-shirt made. If we made the same thing, then we have a brotherhood shirt...


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Mr. T
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 440)
posted May 17, 2000 10:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mr. T     Edit/Delete Message
Thats incorrect Rich1. Police search cars and people all the time for having 420 or pot leafs on the back of their car. It is probable cause when you are dumb enough to actually advertise illegal activity. I say we just drop the .com of the shirts-

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 148)
posted May 17, 2000 12:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kahn     Edit/Delete Message
How about ELITE FITNESS on the sleeve and left pec and on the back it could state a quote "..my brothers keeper and finder of lost children" or something appropriate but not focused on weight traning or illegal conspiricies(not that that's a bad thing)?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 569)
posted May 17, 2000 01:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for matty   Click Here to Email matty     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 74082278



****"What we do in life, echoes an eternity!"**** GLADIATOR

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George Spellwin
(Total posts: 215)
posted May 17, 2000 03:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for George Spellwin   Click Here to Email George Spellwin     Edit/Delete Message

You are hurting my feelings. You know we want to have the most popular and the most controversial bodybuilding site on the net.

We are serving well over 1 million pages per month here! We want to serve over 2 million! Help us out -- tell your friends. Everyone should have the right to be Elite and Huge!


Yours in sport,


George Spellwin
Research Director

Elite Fitness: Online Bodybuilding Magazine:
The Most Controversial Bodybuilding Site on the Internet.
217 West 18th Street, P.O. Box 1264, New York, NY 10113-1264
George Spellwin [email protected]
Research Director Phone: 212-823-1000 Fax: 212-208-2531

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 61)
posted May 17, 2000 03:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Fish   Click Here to Email Fish     Edit/Delete Message
Make us a t-shirt. I will wear one.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 148)
posted May 17, 2000 03:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kahn     Edit/Delete Message
GEORGE!!! You're here!
2 million? At 14.95/shirt....that's....HOLY SHIT!!!(I'll take two)
Hey-What's up with the protein name

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 100)
posted May 17, 2000 03:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jeff_rys   Click Here to Email Jeff_rys     Edit/Delete Message
It is hard to believe that the fed's don't know about this site, T-shirt or no T-shirt.
Talking about roids is not illegal, having them in your body also not, just having them at home or in your pocket is.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 390)
posted May 17, 2000 03:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for phiend   Click Here to Email phiend     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 63040172
I hope that the shirts DO say elitefitness, cuz I just want to REPRESEEEEENNNTTT!!!!

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George Spellwin
(Total posts: 215)
posted May 17, 2000 04:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for George Spellwin   Click Here to Email George Spellwin     Edit/Delete Message
Funny thing happened once, a guy called us from the DEA. We thought we were in trouble.

Turns out, he wanted to sign up for my personal consultation. We got him real big and cut


Yours in sport,


George Spellwin
Research Director

Elite Fitness: Online Bodybuilding Magazine:
The Most Controversial Bodybuilding Site on the Internet.
217 West 18th Street, P.O. Box 1264, New York, NY 10113-1264
George Spellwin [email protected]
Research Director Phone: 212-823-1000 Fax: 212-208-2531

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 279)
posted May 17, 2000 09:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rich1   Click Here to Email Rich1     Edit/Delete Message
Beutiful George, even the freaking feds want to get huge, being big and well built is not a crime, and I will wear mine proudly. It could have a photo of a pile of gear and elitefitness on it, If a cop stopped me for wearing it then I WOULD personally sue him for violating my constitutional rights of freedom of expression under the first amendment of the bill of rights and violation of the 4th admendment of the bill of rights about unreasonable searches. His kids won't going to college in the near future because he would be bankrupt in a hurry! Maybe the bill of rights should be on the back of the tee shirt too.. Peace to you George..Besides I never travel with gear in my car so when they don't find any thing they are screwed, there goes the claim of having probable cause, to hell with Janet the mass murderer Reno...She is just as bad as those two punks in Colorado...People are waking up now about how far the Clinton adminstration has gone so far in destroying that which made this country so great...

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