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  First cycle/Second week results...w/ question about cycle.

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Author Topic:   First cycle/Second week results...w/ question about cycle.
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 78)
posted May 15, 2000 10:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Chris   Click Here to Email Chris     Edit/Delete Message
Today was the third injection and start of third week. Here's how my cycle looks:

11**Clomid ED 100mg
12**Clomid ED 100mg
13**Clomid ED 50mg

**Will, and have been taking 50mg of Clomid EOD throughout cycle**

Have been taking 300mg Silymairn per day.
Also Omega 3-6-9 which adds up to 2.8g of Flax seed oil, 600mg of Evening Primrose Oil, 520mg of Canola Oil, 40mg of Black Currant Oil, and 40mg of Pumpkin seed oil/every day.

**Gains after 2 weeks: I have put on 10 lbs.
Not sure how much is water and how much muscle. I haven't noticed a huge increase in lifting, but some. Eating lots and 3-4 Penta Pro shakes a day.

Does my cycle look good, I have 12 amps of STEN that I could add in their somewere, any suggestions? Would you change anything to my cycle?
Is their anything else I should be taking to protect my self.
What else can I take to keep gains. I have Clomid for the anti-catabolic effect, but is their anything else?
Is their anything I'm taking that is not good?

**Roid Rage/side effects:
I feel great, energy all day long.
I don't know what other experiance with Roid rage, but I have something I'd call, excesive hunger, I get very irratable when hungry, this is due to the gear I'm sure. Other than that I feel great and as long as the muscles are feed often, their happy too.

Age 22 started at 155lbs and now 165lbs.

Look forward to the feed back of you Vets, this is my first cycle.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 652)
posted May 16, 2000 09:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DianaBallBusta   Click Here to Email DianaBallBusta     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 65057870
Hey bro thats a nice first cycle. You should see some awesome gains from it. I don't understand why you threw in the eq though. I think its kinda pointless. Especially since you're taking it for only two weeks at pretty insignificant dosages compared to your other ones. I would also taper the ref-b for weeks 5 and 6 down to 15mg. Or try 1/2cc.

Use creatine when you start taking the clomid ED. I found my body responded awesome to creatine right after a cycle. Probably cuz I use it all the time when I'm off cycle and coming back to it after 8 weeks feels killer. You can use some glutamine too. Hope this helps you out man. Have fun growing these next 2 monthes!

"Get Juiced and Stay Loyal"

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 190)
posted May 16, 2000 11:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DYLAN     Edit/Delete Message
Yes, Dianaball is right. The EQ is a waste the way you have it. Either up it to 400mgs, from weeks 6-12......or just drop it completely.

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