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  natural testosterone blood concentrations and primo use ?

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Author Topic:   natural testosterone blood concentrations and primo use ?
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 86)
posted May 14, 2000 03:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for komododragon   Click Here to Email komododragon     Edit/Delete Message
I'd like to get my testosterone levels checked, its been about 10 weeks since my last cycle. If I start an 8 week cycle of primo 200mg/week, will that lower my body's own testosterone production.

And also, is the test for testosterone specific, meaning If I am using primo when I get tested will it cause my test results for testosterone levels to be higher than they actually are?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 247)
posted May 14, 2000 03:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rich1   Click Here to Email Rich1     Edit/Delete Message
Hell yes it will show up, why wouldn't it. It's close to being test anyway. I'd wait a while longer if you want a good base line. I asked my Dr to run a test on my blood just to find out where I'm at, I'm 44 and I really believe I'm low on test at this point in my life. They won't do it, which sucks the big one most Dr's don't want to write for test depot They want to write for anti depressants cuz it's cheaper then dealing with the real cause. I'm going to hit a cycle this next week and I really want to hit it hard this time maybe 600 to 800 mg of test this time...Women can get anything they want for hormone replacement therapy, why men can't is beyond me..It's all political I'm sure...and the insurance companies are in the thick of this one, they don't want us to get what we need as it would cost them too much money...

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 86)
posted May 14, 2000 07:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for komododragon   Click Here to Email komododragon     Edit/Delete Message
I think that I'll be able to talk my Doc into the test, obviously I want the results to be as low as possible.

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