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  been in jail- what to do

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Author Topic:   been in jail- what to do
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 104)
posted May 13, 2000 07:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for scott825   Click Here to Email scott825     Edit/Delete Message
I've been in jail for the past 15 days.My lawyer told me that I would not see any time
in jail so I was confident,but anyway thats
a whole different topic.Heres the problem
I had 10 amps of sust 250 I was 2 weeks into
the cycle before I got locked up.the last
injection was on 4/15.So those 2 amps have
pretty much gone to waste.Now I have 8 left
I dont know for sure if I can get more,so
I was wondering what is the best way to do
this gear If I cant get more?
This is my first cycle so my recepters are
clean.Any help would be appreciated.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 109)
posted May 13, 2000 07:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for denmaur   Click Here to Email denmaur     Edit/Delete Message
Sorry to hear about your bust bro. And on your first cycle. What happened?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 104)
posted May 13, 2000 07:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for scott825   Click Here to Email scott825     Edit/Delete Message
I got charged with assault on a off duty
cop.He was drunk & getting in my face then
he started poking me in the nose while he was
pointing at me,he did not ever say he was a cop.Finally I pushed him off me & hit him
in the jaw & knocked him down.Next thing I
know some cops who were right around the corner came up they did not know he was a
cop,But once they saw his badge they arrested
me cause he said he wanted me for assault.
He came to court with his uniform on just to
make sure the judge would take his side.With a doctors report for his jaw.He lied his ass
off,said he was'nt drinking & that he doesnt
even drink at all & that he was talking to
someone else & I just clocked him out of the
blue.Hes a new guy on the force & hes got his
ego power trip going,he deserved to get knocked on his ass.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 79)
posted May 13, 2000 08:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for waltzman   Click Here to Email waltzman     Edit/Delete Message
sorry to hear that
there are good cops and bad ones
just too many bad ones

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 762)
posted May 13, 2000 08:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MattTheSkywalker   Click Here to Email MattTheSkywalker     Edit/Delete Message
Here's a cop rant (and AS advice) for you: A lot of departments are requiring only an associate's degree to get hired. (Not just small ones either, even the NYPD does this).

And if you think about it, a 4 year degree is becoming more commonplace among today's kids. (Which I am one of....yeah!)

So you have a lot of kids who are unable or unwilling to do what it takes to acomplish the quite simple task of getting a 4 year degree, and one of the best jobs for these academic vagrants is Police Officer.

Morons with power. Great, huh?

Sorry about your situation.

8 amps won't comprise a good cycle. Try to get some more. Email me with what you have and I'll try to help.


PS I think most cops are good cops, and I've been arrested twice. But sometimes they need a smack, and I thank you for giving it to him.

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animal B
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 306)
posted May 13, 2000 11:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for animal B   Click Here to Email animal B     Edit/Delete Message
man I feel for you , I know what thats like, I was arrested for attempted burglury of an occupied dwelling, assualt, and falsification of police report, I was facing 15 years, and I know about lying fuckin cops...this is what happened, I wanted my computor back from my x girlfriend, she was in the house at the time, I tried to get in, and she called the police, they did what was called malicious prosection and made a simple traspassing case into a major issue..
my bond was 25,000 dollars and spent 24 hrs in jail, I posted bond, went before the judge, and believe it or not, he laughed at the whole thing, and said dismissed have a nice day, the cop came up to me afterwards and said he was sorry, that he was in a bad mood that day...that bad mood almost cost me 15 years....and cost $3000 in attorney fees, I hate cops.....good luck if you need help please e mail me,.....

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Jay Z
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 245)
posted May 14, 2000 12:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jay Z   Click Here to Email Jay Z     Edit/Delete Message
f them

Sign the petition now at LegalizeSteroids.com,DecriminalizeSteroids.com, or SignThePetition.com!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 231)
posted May 14, 2000 01:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SSMAN   Click Here to Email SSMAN     Edit/Delete Message
As for the cycle I would wait until you have more gear to do it correctly....especially your first cycle. It's like losing your virginity to a TJ hooker with crabs. Do it right the first time.

As for the police....they can kiss my ass!! I spent my Easter trying to not find out where they hide the eggs in county jail. I had warrants for multiple street racing and exhibition of speed tickets. Bail was $25,000......and if I was smaller and sane they would have tried to teabag my brown eye.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 14)
posted May 14, 2000 03:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mgquick   Click Here to Email mgquick     Edit/Delete Message
don't let one hothead rook patrolman
ruin it for the rest of the good ones.
just doing a job. many are just like
you guys(there is some big boyz in blue
up here and where ever you boyz live,
need proof drop me an email. being
acop isnt a pussy job at times fucking
scary. the bigger,stronger,faster the
cop the better chance they have of
catching the piece of shit that may
end up raping,killing your wife(or
husbands if you like it in the ass) or
your little kids. think about it before
you judge them all. it just sucks
that you had to be in that situation.
mail me i have a few questions for you.
good luck mgq

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 244)
posted May 14, 2000 03:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rich1   Click Here to Email Rich1     Edit/Delete Message
I hate fucking cops they are all shitty little pricks who have ego problems, anyone who wants to catch a bullet for a living is not wrapped tight. I have always thought that cops are twisted up son of a bitches with bully tendancies. Glad you fucked him up bro. Save your gear, and get some more.Then do your cycle...best wishes...

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 49)
posted May 14, 2000 04:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for juiced-up   Click Here to Email juiced-up     Edit/Delete Message
i feel you bro, i got an assualt causing bodily injury charge right now thank god its not a cop. I hope you get out of it all right.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 104)
posted May 14, 2000 01:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for scott825   Click Here to Email scott825     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks for all the encouraging remarks & the
info on what to do with the rest of my gear
It makes me feel better to know that im not the only one & that there are
other people like me that have been in fucked
up situations like this.

[This message has been edited by scott825 (edited May 14, 2000).]

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 135)
posted May 14, 2000 02:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for always02   Click Here to Email always02     Edit/Delete Message
my friends a cop a he is on juice so bad it's sick, i am talking about a 5 month cycle of anadrol! so are other cops, it's fucked up! while they bust people for it they do it themselves!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 74)
posted May 14, 2000 02:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for kram696969   Click Here to Email kram696969     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 15497701
fuck...i don't like the cops either. i would say 8 out of 10 cops are fuck'in pricks. go bust the people that sell crack to 12 year olds and stick them in the pen. just pricks.

just do'in my best...

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 160)
posted May 14, 2000 04:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for xrciseink     Edit/Delete Message
I have to say that it disturbs me that a child can become a police officer these days. I agree 100% with Matt, many, not all, but many of these police officers are people who feel they have not been able to accomplish what they have wanted to do. They feel inferior and create a complex. Whats worse is....Matt your wrong about the AA degree. you do not need an AA degree at all in many depatments....Washington D.C. being one of them. Sixty credits is all that is required for most departments. So a kid can take a bunch of swimming, Karate, baseball......courses with a few academics and become a cop. A 20 YEAR OLD IS GIVEN A LISCENSE TO CARRY A GUN ON HIS SIDE, AND A CAR TO DRIVE ON TOP. What is up with this? I personally believe that a minimum age of 25 and an average age of 30 should be a hiring requirement. Believe me, I have been all over the world. Don't even believe for a second that the US is the free-est place to live. The only people that will tell you that are the people who live here....most whom have never lived anywhere else. Everything is hearsay here. Did you know that if a person is arrested, and two people point a finger at an individual....that individual can be charged for conspiracy. Conspiracry is a felony in the US and if you are found guilty you can be prosecuted as hard as the guilty party. JUST FROM HEARSAY. NO EVIDENCE. Whats worse is that the jury who convicts you, won't even hear your sentance. Most jurors think that convicting a kid for conspiracy is going to give him/her probation. The sentance is given 2 weeks later. So they never hear if the person is being put away for 30 years for something they felt should just be probation. They decide if you are guilty, yet they don't get to decide the punishment. Yeah, thats logical. This is a classic technique by drug cops/narcs. They will bust a street dealer. Insted of going up the ladder, they battle down. The street dealer will give a bunch of names to the idiot trying to get his promotion. Excuse me, the idiot that says he is only doing his job...whatever. They than go out into the poor neighborhoods and entrap every no-body they can. Half the time the person is wise to their BS, and they find nothing on him/her. Than they use the arrested street dealer to testify, by giving him a choice...a life sentance with Bubba or make up something. They sure are not going to give up anyone important or they won't make it to the next day....so they say that he/she is the supplier even if it is not true. THIS IS WHAT ALWAYS HAPPENS! The bigger dealer gets off, and the guy,(buyer) below him gets put through the same Hitler ss/German type entarigation. AS LONG AS THOSE FAT DOGHNUT EATING BASTARDS KEEP ARRESTING PEOPLE THEY WILL BE GIVEN GOOD REVIEWS & GET PROMOTED. What good are they doing? I'm all for getting these types of drugs off the street, but not this way. THE US NOW HAS 3X AS MANY PEOPLE INCARCERATED THAN IN ANY OTHER PLACE IN THE WORLD -NBC NEWS, March 2000. 80% are in there because of drug charges. Drug addiction is a disease that personally in my opinion, needs to be treated like one. Rehabilitaion and counseling is what we need to invest are tax money in...not the war on drugs. Why did we proclaim war on our own people? I don't see a cocaine plantation anywhere here, nor do I see poppys. What the fuck? How many years are we, the people of the US going to allow this fake war to continue. LAST YEAR THE CARTEL WAS ESTIMATED TO HAVE MADE 260MILLION DOLLARS on marijuana alone. Yet the US allows alcohol and cigarettes to be legal???? THE ONLY REASON MARIJUANA IS NOT EVER GOING TO BE LEGALIZED IN THE US IS BECAUSE THE CARTEL WILL NEVER LET IT HAPPEN. They will kill anyone who attempts it. Shit, 260million dollars!!!!! I would'nt want it to be legal either if I was the cartel. ---Whoops went on ranting again....I have family who are suffering from this disease. So if any cop out there is listenig.....THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE DOING. MANY OF YOU ARE DESTROYING LIVES NOT HELPING THEM. YOU ARE TO USE YOUR BEST JUDGEMENT TO ENFORCE THE LAWS. Arresting a 21 year old with a gram of coke is no reason to send him to jail for 7 years you fucking bastards!!!!THINK ABOUT YOUR DECISIONS...When you bust a kingpin go up the ladder not down it. Or are you afraid of who you may find is actually involved. I HAVE GREAT RESPECT FOR REAL POLICE OFFICERS, BUT MOST OF YOU NARCOTICS, DEA ARE VERY IGNORANT. THE LORD WILL DEAL WITH YOUR ACTIONS ONE DAY......BELIEVE IT! WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS CREATING CRIMINALS & DESTROYING CHILDREN. HOW MANY YEARS HAS THIS SAME TECHNIQUE BEEN GOING ON. The minimum wage employee can be drug tested, but the senators, congressman and woman, and the president can't? Anyone on this board who feels the way I do should contact there local congressman or woman......THIS APROACH MUST STOP...............OH PEOPLE, BY THE WAY......did you know that during PRESIDENT CLINZTONS TERM IN OFFICE WE REPLACED OUR DRUG CZAR TO MEXICO. President Clinton referred to him as a close friend. He was found guilty of working with the cartel to bring drugs in the US. It's amazing how the news did'nt jump on that eh? It's true!! I know for 100% FACT! So don't believe anything when it comes to this country and drugs. The USA and it's governament is allowing it to come in. LIKE I SAID ALL YOU GOOD COPS OUT THERE......WHY DON'T YOU GO UP THE LADDER AND YOU WILL BE FAMOUS........OR DEAD----Cowards. Thats what you are, because the DEAD part scares you huh? No one ever said it is easy to REALLY make a difference.
God bess you.

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