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  check my cycle..is it right?

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Author Topic:   check my cycle..is it right?
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 8)
posted May 09, 2000 05:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for oddman   Click Here to Email oddman     Edit/Delete Message
i am 160 lb and5'2 hight and have some fat

omn dbol
w1 250 30mg
w2 500 30mg
w3 ''' '''
w4 ''' '''

w5 500 50mg anadrol 50
w6 ''' 75mg ''''''''''
w7 ''' 75mg ''''''''''
w8 500 50mg ''''''''''

w9 1500 hcg twice a week
w10 clomid 50mg
w11 clomid 50mg

what is ur openion about my cycle?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 142)
posted May 09, 2000 06:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for naprox   Click Here to Email naprox     Edit/Delete Message
a couple of things to help you out here:

NO point ramping up the omna dose. Keep it at 500mg from the get go. Since it is a long lasting AS, I'd do it for 10-12 weeks in order to not cut your gains short. The d-bol dose looks ok, you may wish to do this for 6 weeks. Drop the anadrol -- you do not need to be doing two orals like that and if you were an advanced juice head who decided to absolutely do two orals in a cycle you'd do the anadrol first and then the d-bol so that you would keep the anadrol gains. I repeat, I would definately NOT use the anadrol at all for this cycle.

The HCG at the end is not good. Use clomid for three weeks at the end in a 100 50 50 dosage (mg/day). If you wish to use the HCG to give yourself a mid-cycle boost, then that is a good idea, but at the end just encourages estrogenic side-effects and won't help your HPT axis to recover any better than the clomid itself.

Make sure you have extra clomid or nolvadex on hand before the cycle starts just in case of gyno. Diet is the most important factor in weight gain. You'll need to eat 6 good meals a day and have plenty of protein intake.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 8)
posted May 09, 2000 06:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for oddman   Click Here to Email oddman     Edit/Delete Message
tkx for ur replay,and i have just done a cycle 5 months back ,so what u suggest me to do if i not use the anadrol?do i have to continue with the dbol till end of cycle?

IP: Logged

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