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  need some advice from the pros...help?

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Author Topic:   need some advice from the pros...help?
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 42)
posted May 05, 2000 01:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuiceBoy   Click Here to Email JuiceBoy     Edit/Delete Message
I'm about to start my second cycle and it's gonna be test enth on it's own. Bottom line what I wanna know is how much of the gains can I expect to keep with the test on it's own? I can't stack cuz I simply can't afford anymore gear then I got right now. well here's the cycle...
I've been hearing alot of conlicting opinions, some say I can keep the gains some say I can't. This is the gear I got and I gotta work with it and make the best of it. I wanna hear some input from people that know what they're talkin about, thanx

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 42)
posted May 05, 2000 01:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuiceBoy   Click Here to Email JuiceBoy     Edit/Delete Message
forgot to add that I'll be takin 50mg of clomid eod during cycle and 100mg ed for two weeks after cycle. And I"m currently about 195 at 10%

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 32)
posted May 05, 2000 01:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for dolce   Click Here to Email dolce     Edit/Delete Message

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 42)
posted May 05, 2000 02:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuiceBoy   Click Here to Email JuiceBoy     Edit/Delete Message
so it's fair to assume that what I lose postcycle will be the water I retained during the cycle? and not the muscular gains. Cuz I figure the clomid should keep the test going postcycle so that shouldn't be a problem.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 42)
posted May 05, 2000 02:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuiceBoy   Click Here to Email JuiceBoy     Edit/Delete Message
just wanted to add that tons of people feel like sust alone is fine, gains will be kept an sust is so much better, but when it comes to test enth they say the gains will go and it is no where near as good as sust. Well the following should prove that if u can keep the gains off sust alone u should be able to keep em off the test alone. I'm pasting this for the lazy people out there who haven't read it themselves off the site....

Sustanon: The "king" of testosterone blends.
The four different testosterone esters in this product certainly look appealing to the consumer, there is no denying that. But for the athlete I think it is all just a matter of marketing (Hell, why buy one ester when you can get four?). In clinical situations I can see some strong uses for it. If you were undergoing testosterone replacement therapy for example, you would probably find Sustanon a much more comfortable option than testosterone enanthate. You would need to visit the doctor less frequently for an injection, and blood levels should be more steadily maintained between treatments. But for the bodybuilder who is injecting 4 ampules of Sustanon per week, there is no advantage over other testosterone products. In fact, the high price tag for Sustanon usually makes it a very poor buy in the face of cheaper testosterone enanthate/cypionate. Bodybuilders should probably stop looking at the four ester issue, and stick with totals (Sustanon is just a 250mg testosterone ampule). Were enanthate to be available for say $10 per amp of 250mg, and Sustanon priced nearly double that, buying the Sustanon would be like throwing money away. If you could get nearly double the milligram amount for the same price with enanthate, this is the better product to go with hands down. Leave the high priced stuff for the guys who don't know any better.
While the advent of esters certainly constitutes an invaluable advance in the field of anabolic steroid medicine, clearly you can see that there is no magic involved here. Esters work in a well-understood and predictable manner, and do not alter the activity of the parent steroid in any way other than to delay its release. Although the lure surrounding various steroid products like testosterone cypionate, Sustanon, Omnadren etc. certainly makes for interesting conversation, realistically it just amounts to misinformation that the athlete would be better off ignoring. Testosterone is testosterone and anyone who is going to tell you one ester form of this (or any) hormone is much better than another one should do a little more research, and a lot less talking.

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