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  Dbol/Test. Done it a million times and still think I can do it better...

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Author Topic:   Dbol/Test. Done it a million times and still think I can do it better...
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 11)
posted May 01, 2000 05:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Superman   Click Here to Email Superman     Edit/Delete Message
I am about to start a cycle of test and dbol which I've done many times before, but every time I manage to do a little bit better on the gains keeping. Thats the real purpose of this post. I wanted to get some other opinions on my plans.

Clomid at 50mg. every day throughout

Week 1 500mg test. eth
Week 2 500mg.test 30mg. dbol/day
Week 3 1000mg. test 35mg. dbol/day
Week 4 1000mg. test 40mg. dbol/day
Week 5 same
Week 6 same
Week 7 same
Week 8 1250 test.
Week 9 1250 test.
Week 10 1250 test.
Week 11 1000 test. 40mg. treb eod
Week 12 750 test 60mg treb. eod
Week 13 500 test 40mg treb every day
Week 14 40 mg. treb every day
Week 15 60 mg. treb eod
Week 16 40 mg treb eod Clomid to 100mg a day
Week 17 Clomid 100mg a day
HCG 5000 (maybe?) twice
Week 18 Clomid at 50mg. per day

Well there it is. Any and all input is welcome bros, just one request. If you are speaking from experience sweet, but if you are speculating based on books (and I do value this) please say so. I just give alot more attention to experiences on the drugs. Again, I've done this cycle before and I like it alot, but there is always room for improvement. Any advice I can get would be great.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 72)
posted May 01, 2000 06:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Neiko   Click Here to Email Neiko     Edit/Delete Message
I was reading somwhere when you do the same cycle over and over it loses its effectvness. They also said you should change the type of dbol from lets say naposim to thai pinkys and the test from enthate to cypionate. They also said that the molecular make up between manufacturers is a little different so if you like enthate and you are using T200 you might want to change to testoviron by schering. I don't know if this is true but its worth a try.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 11)
posted May 01, 2000 09:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Superman   Click Here to Email Superman     Edit/Delete Message
Yeah I do try to vary the test. This time its Primoteston by schering. As far as varying the dbol I have found that the thais are my favorite and I pretty much stick with them. Your point on the variation of cycle is true, but I may have been misleading in my post. I just mean I have done the cycle many times before, but I do not do them one after another. I cycle other gear in between and so on. Thanks for the input. any other advice is welcomed.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 41)
posted May 01, 2000 10:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Krusher     Edit/Delete Message
From my experience, it works best to start the test off at high dosage then taper down.
There is little point in staying on the test for such a long period, your gains will stop
and your just saturating your receptors and wasting money. Try something like this for test:


I also have lower estrogen levels this way.

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Jay Z
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 109)
posted May 01, 2000 10:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jay Z   Click Here to Email Jay Z     Edit/Delete Message
Bro, drop week 9 and 10 from your cycle. Too much test, it'll take longer to get your balls online again. And get some naposims...good stuff

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