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  Help with mass stack

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Author Topic:   Help with mass stack
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 5)
posted April 28, 2000 12:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for TooJacked   Click Here to Email TooJacked     Edit/Delete Message
I'm plaanning on starting a stack of Sus/D-bol/Primo Depot. I'm looking to gain about 20-25lbs. If you guys could help me i'd appreciate it. Is this a good stack- if so how much should I use of each. I figure that the sus and d's will give me a big gain in size and the primo will help me to keep most of my gains. Keep in mind that this will be my first serious cycle. thanks

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 15)
posted April 28, 2000 01:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for toutatics   Click Here to Email toutatics     Edit/Delete Message
Hey bro, you look for gain 20-25 Lbs, and if it's your first cycle, I think the best stack is DBALL/SUST250/DECA for 8 week like that :

1 3/day 250 200
2 4/day 250 200
3 5/day 250 200
4 6/day 250 200
5 6/day 0 200
6 5/day 250 200
7 4/day 0 200
8 3/day 250 200
9 100 mg/day clomid
10 50 mg/day clomid

And don't forget to have on the left some Nolvadex if you meet some gyno.

With my first cycle like this I gain 12 kgs, with water retension, no problem with gyno, now my weight is 105 kgs with 8%BF, but the genetic is very important for grow, my dad tall 1,95m and his weight is 125 Kgs and not enough fat and without workout.

Train hard - Eat like a pig



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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1)
posted April 28, 2000 01:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for wflightman   Click Here to Email wflightman     Edit/Delete Message
This may be my first post on this board, but I've been reading it for sometime now. I think that you should up the dosages a little. And hit your receptors hard at the begining. This may be more what you are looking for:
d-ball Sust Deca
1 30 500
2 25 500
3 20 500 400
4 15 500 400
5 10 500 400
6 500 400
7 500 400
8 250 300
9 200
10 200

You haven't told anyone your dementions,weight experience, background etc.
Your size should be tailored to your needs. Most importantly, DO A SEARCH. Everything you ever wanted to know about AS can be found this way. That's why it has taken me so long to post...no need.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 5)
posted April 28, 2000 02:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for TooJacked   Click Here to Email TooJacked     Edit/Delete Message
Sorry... I'm 5'6" 180lbs about 12%bf
Lifting for about 4 yrs.
once took 5 shots of sus 250 in 5 wks.(250mg's a week) i gained a good 12 lbs and alot of strength when i did this

thanks for the info

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tray renfro
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 447)
posted April 28, 2000 02:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for tray renfro   Click Here to Email tray renfro     Edit/Delete Message
throw in some test.

tray renfro?!?!
Gotta cumm up!

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