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  What kind of gear in Europe?

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Author Topic:   What kind of gear in Europe?
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 78)
posted April 27, 2000 03:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 2legit2quit   Click Here to Email 2legit2quit     Edit/Delete Message
I may have a direct source in eastern Europe. Its not definite, but I have some friends checking on it. I'd like to know who makes the gear I might expect to find over there, and what its trade names are. For instance, I know Thai d-bol, is called anabol. What is the European equivalent? I know there is bianobol, and napoism. And, what about the others like deca, sustenon, equipoise, winny, etc? If anyone happens to know, I'd be really grateful. I need to make sure these guys know exactly what to look for. BTW, if this does work out, I will DEFINITELY NOT be a source, so please don't ask. Sorry.

I almost forgot, can these AS be bought at a pharmacy over the counter there? Like I said, these guys have never tried so they don't even know. Thanks.

[This message has been edited by 2legit2quit (edited April 27, 2000).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 78)
posted April 27, 2000 09:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 2legit2quit   Click Here to Email 2legit2quit     Edit/Delete Message
Well, I found out tonight that they can't just walk into a pharmacy and get them...which sucks. I still have hope because these guys are pretty well connected. Any comments on what to look for and what to avoid if I can get anything?

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Luca Brasi
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 221)
posted April 27, 2000 09:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Luca Brasi   Click Here to Email Luca Brasi     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 68955173
You should be able to get just about anything in europe if they are connected. What are you looking to get? then I could tell you what brands to look for on those things.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 78)
posted April 28, 2000 02:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 2legit2quit   Click Here to Email 2legit2quit     Edit/Delete Message
Luca, at this time I'm looking for either deca or nandolone undecanoate, and d-bol. I found out on my own that there are some good products from Greece, like Anaboline and Ziremilon (both deca's). I'd like to know what some of the other trade names are though so I know what they are talking about and if its good or not.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1401)
posted April 28, 2000 02:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 2Thick   Click Here to Email 2Thick     Edit/Delete Message
Most of the gear the makes it to the Northern US and Canada is directly from Europe.

The D-Bol will be what you have already mentioned. The Deca will be either Norma Deca or Organon.

The sustanon will be either Nile, Organon, Karachi, or cyctoha.

EQ is hard to come by and Winny can be found easily. Mostly in 1mL amps at 50mg/ml.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 161)
posted April 28, 2000 10:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Buffalo_Bill   Click Here to Email Buffalo_Bill     Edit/Delete Message
you may get all the same stuff that u have in usa but under differnt names

e-maill me if u have some questions about it !!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 78)
posted April 28, 2000 01:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 2legit2quit   Click Here to Email 2legit2quit     Edit/Delete Message
That's what I'm talking about! I know I can get things like deca, d-bol, and sustenon, but what are their trade names from Europe? I'm sure some of them are different than the ones we all are familiar with from Mexico.

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