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Anabolic Discussion Board hey vets ........E2, Mac...ETC
Author | Topic: hey vets ........E2, Mac...ETC |
livinbig Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 188) |
posted April 26, 2000 05:37 PM
can you guys tell me if there is any benefit of taking Cyclofenil during and/or after a cycle ..And would it work with clomid as well......A for all of those that want to give me the W.A.R. definition I already have that!!!!!! livinbig ------------------ IP: Logged |
livinbig Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 188) |
posted April 26, 2000 05:55 PM
bump ------------------ IP: Logged |
livinbig Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 188) |
posted April 26, 2000 10:39 PM
need a reply ------------------ IP: Logged |
livinbig Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 188) |
posted April 27, 2000 10:37 AM
come on someone!!!!!!!! BUMP ------------------ IP: Logged |
Quadzilla43 Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 255) |
posted April 27, 2000 10:43 AM
this is the profile from Stroyers. www.angelfire.com/pq/profiles. hope it helps. Cyclofenil is another non-steroidal ancillary drug used by athletes, similar to HCG and Clomid in action. This drug is most commonly used to increase endogenous testosterone levels after a cycle in an attempt to avoid a hard crash while waiting for your hormone levels to naturally balance. Similar to HCG and Clomid, cyclofenil seems to quickly and effectively raise natural levels. Anecdotally however, cyclofenil does has the reputation of being the weakest of the three. Like Clomid, cyclofenil may also act as an anti-estrogen, binding to estrogen receptor sites and blocking out other estrogens. This is especially helpful when natural testosterone levels are suppressed and an excess of estrogen may be present upon steroid termination. It should also be noted that some athletes have experimented with using cyclofenil not as a post-cycle ancillary drug, but alone and solely for it's anabolic properties. However, anyone familiar with anabolics would likely be disappointed with the results cyclofenil would bring, as it is not an extremely strong product, and certainly would not work as well as anabolics. Here in the U.S., Fertodur from Mexico is probably the most commonly imported cyclofenil product although it is produced in many other countries. Currently, fakes should not be a problem with this product. Cyclofenil: Known Name Brands: Fertodur, Neoclym, Ondogyne, Rehibin, Sexovid, Description: This product is usually found in boxes of 16-30 tablets in a box in dosages from 100-400 mgs. per tablet with the 200 mg. Fertodur Brand from Mexico being the most common that is still seen. Cyclofenil is an estrogen that works as an anti-estrogen as well as a testosterone booster. It works as an anti-estrogen in that it is a weak estrogen that binds to estrogen receptors thus keeping the harsher estrogens from doing as much damage to the body during a steroid cycle. Since this product does help to produce testosterone as well it is similar in action to HCG, Clomid, and Proviron. It will in fact increase the normal testosterone levels to about double the normal level at a dosage of only 100 mg. per day. I really like this product. Most people say that it is weaker that the other products of its kind listed above. It works so well in fact that it is taken by some people during their steroid cycle to keep estrogen levels low plus it has some added effects that are also desirable. It keeps the water retention levels lower than normal and it gives the physique a harder appearance as well thus making this product a potential precontest product in itself. Cyclofenil also will give you slight gains in bodyweight and strength as well as an increase in your energy levels and a faster recovery rate after training. I personally took this product after my last cycle and have yet to see the normal drop off in strength that I normally get after a cycle of steroids. This product, at this point, is my favorite post cycle testosterone recovery drug. Side effects from this product are miniscule as well. You might get a slight bit of acne and a couple more boners than normal (this is a side effect) but that is really it. Effective Dose: Average dosage is around 400-600 mgs. per day since less than that is generally not considered an effective dose or more likely you just can't feel it working at that low of a dosage. Street Price: The average street price if you can find this product would be about $40 per box of 16. This stuff will cost you $18-19 per box in Mexico if you can find it there. It is generally regarded as one of the harder to find items. Stacking Info: This product is a good precontest drug or used to increase testosterone levels during the end of a cycle. Cyclofenil: Cyclofenil is another non-steroidal ancillary drug used by athletes, similar to HCG and Clomid in action. This drug is most commonly used to increase endogenous testosterone levels after a cycle in an attempt to avoid a hard crash while waiting for your hormone levels to naturally balance. Similar to HCG and Clomid, cyclofenil seems to quickly and effectively raise natural levels. Anecdotally however, cyclofenil does has the reputation of being the weaker of the three. Like Clomid, cyclofenil may also act as an anti-estrogen, binding to estrogen receptor sites and blocking out other estrogens. This is especially helpful when natural testosterone levels are suppressed and an excess of estrogen may be present upon steroid termination. It should also be noted that some athletes have experimented with using cyclofenil not as a post-cycle ancillary drug, but alone and solely for its anabolic properties. However, anyone familiar with anabolics would likely be disappointed with the results cyclofenil would bring, as it is not an extremely strong product, and certainly would not work as well as anabolics. Here in the U.S., Fertodur from Mexico is probably the most commonly imported cyclofenil product although it is produced in many other countries. Currently, fakes should not be a problem with this product. ------------------ IP: Logged |
300 kleen Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 207) |
posted April 27, 2000 10:48 AM
I would not go out of my way to get it, if you have access to it, then use it. Otherwise, stick to clomid and nolvadex (or proviron). I have used it before. I would compare the effect to clomid (a little stronger), but clomid is cheaper and easier to find. Don't waste your time on this stuff. 300 kleen IP: Logged |
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