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Author Topic:   SQUATS -VS- LEG PRESS

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 997
Registered: Aug 2000

posted April 25, 2001 02:10 PM

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Well my lower back can't take squats anymore.I have compressed lower lumbar bones.This doesn't allow me to bend very well unless I enjoy extreme pain.I have been in the no pain / no gain frame of mind, but my Doc says it's time to stop the squats.He said I will possibly have arthritus(sp?) in my back in five years. So my question is...Do you all think I'll be loosing a great work out from using the leg press rather then squats?Just curious on bros opinions.

[This message has been edited by DIXIEBOY (edited April 25, 2001).]

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted April 25, 2001 02:12 PM

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Some people just have more obstacles than otheres to overcome. Follow his advice and don't do squats...it's not worth it man. Sometimes you have to give up some goals to have other goals. Maybe you can think about male modeling instead of bodybuilding. Stay positive and you'll be fine. I wish you well bro.

Rome wasn't built in a day...neither was this body

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted April 25, 2001 02:26 PM

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Sorry to hear it bro. I had slight lumbar compression, but a few months with a chiropractor and daily stretching has really made a difference. An MD will only prescribe rest & maybe anti-inflammatories/pain killers. You insurance should pick up chiropractor expenses if you are diagnosed with lumbar problems. I would be really bummed not being able to do Squats, I love the rush from going past parallel with 10 plates and a slightly bent bar.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted April 25, 2001 02:30 PM

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I guess this quote pretty much answered my question...hehe

Originally posted by LittleSavage34:
Maybe you can think about male modeling instead of bodybuilding.

Oh well, have to roll with the punches.Cuz I won't impress anyone flexing with a cane or wheelchair.

Thank you for your support LS, I'm just too damn stubborn sometimes...to know when to say when.But I can't go on like this.
I'm going to stop boohooing now before this starts sounding like a LUVS2 post..hehe


[This message has been edited by DIXIEBOY (edited April 25, 2001).]

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 997
Registered: Aug 2000

posted April 25, 2001 02:33 PM

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So PAE..the stretching did work for you?Is it permanent or do you have to keep going back to the chiro?


[This message has been edited by DIXIEBOY (edited April 25, 2001).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 110
From:Phoenix,Az -USA
Registered: Mar 2001

posted April 25, 2001 02:45 PM

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Squats are great but made my ass way too big . I do leg presses specifically now and dropped the squats altogether. I'm still getting good quad development while my ass is shrinking back to a more normal size. I don't understand all the guys who insist on doing only squats as their main leg excercise
and keep making their asses so big that they look like a silly clown . I don't think judges at pro BB contest give points for boulder size asses. Just my 2 cents.
Later Munzer

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted April 25, 2001 03:18 PM

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You may not be totally out of the game. Depending on how bad your back is, I suggest trying Ball Squats. Whats a Ball Squat you ask? check here for description:

You can also try these with some sort of bar in front of you , something to hold on to , so you can slightly pull yourself up each time , almost like self spotting.

Or perhaps Trap Bar Deadlift, however you bend your knees, not stiff legged, the motion is like your squatting with dumbells in your hands at your sides.

Just throwing ideas at you, bottom line, do whats least dangerous, whats the use of being ripped if your wheel chair ridden by age 50.


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Cool Novice

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posted April 25, 2001 04:12 PM

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Originally posted by Munzer:
Squats are great but made my ass way too big .
and keep making their asses so big that they look like a silly clown . I don't think judges at pro BB contest give points for boulder size asses. Just my 2 cents.
Later Munzer

AS far as BB contests you may be right. But I can tell you from experience I get more compliments from ladies on my glutes than any other part on me.Dixie dont forget walking dumbell lunges...RIP

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 74
Registered: Apr 2001

posted April 25, 2001 04:29 PM

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Originally posted by DIXIEBOY:
So PAE..the stretching did work for you?Is it permanent or do you have to keep going back to the chiro?

The stretching was great for added flexibility & getting rid of the pain, but the chiro really helped. Spinal compression naturally occurs as we get older, mine was injury related---but regular adjustments can make a huge difference. I did some inversions early on to help with the process, now I just lay back on one of those fitness balls before every workout, & stretch my back out for about 15 mins after a brief warmup. Take care of your back bro, it makes a difference in quality of life, particularly down the road. Good luck.

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 997
Registered: Aug 2000

posted April 25, 2001 04:57 PM

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Thanks for all the input bros. The reason for my back being so screwed is that my spinal compression is caused by having a extra lumbar in my lower back.(I thought I was a freak of nature having this..hehe, but I found it pretty common)I've been in physical therapy for it. But my insurance only covered it for so long.God I miss those electrostim pads on my back.They had me do the swiss ball thing you mention PAE and it helps at the time, but I pay the price later.Sore and stiff.But you say that the chiro did it for you, I am going to have to go I guess. I am pretty leary of the chiros. I've heard alot of horror stories.I am at the point where I have nothing to lose. I will make an appt. tommorrow and try it out.Thanks again bros..and boy I can relate to all that have back problems


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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 997
Registered: Aug 2000

posted April 25, 2001 04:58 PM

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Thanks for all the input bros. The reason for my back being so screwed is that my spinal compression is caused by having a extra lumbar in my lower back.(I thought I was a freak of nature having this..hehe, but I found it pretty common)I've been in physical therapy for it. But my insurance only covered it for so long.God I miss those electrostim pads on my back.They had me do the swiss ball thing you mention PAE and it helps at the time, but I pay the price later.Sore and stiff.But you say that the chiro did it for you, I am going to have to go I guess. I am pretty leary of the chiros. I've heard alot of horror stories.I am at the point where I have nothing to lose. I will make an appt. tommorrow and try it out.Thanks again bros..and boy I can relate to all that have back problems


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