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  What would anyone elect to use Dinitrophenol?

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Author Topic:   What would anyone elect to use Dinitrophenol?

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1242
Registered: Apr 2000

posted April 24, 2001 05:41 AM

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The idea that this poison be included within the spectrum of drugs known as ergogenic agents is an offense against common sense, but thats just my .02.

Could someone articulate for me some of why anyone within this forum should use or advocate the use of DNP to others looking to lose fat?

215LBS of Twisted Steel and Pure Sex Appeal!

[This message has been edited by Twisted_Steel (edited April 24, 2001).]

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted April 24, 2001 06:02 AM

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Because it is the best fat burner out there, with no exceptions. Some people are prepared to accept the sides to get where they want to be. Sure you can achieve the same results with other products, but nowhere near as quickly. Nobody wants to wait weeks when you can have the same result in days..

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Posts: 1772
From:Mt. Olympus
Registered: Jun 2000

posted April 24, 2001 06:16 AM

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Originally posted by Twisted_Steel:

The idea that this poison be included within the spectrum of drugs known as ergogenic agents is an offense against common sense, but thats just my .02.

Could someone articulate for me some of why anyone within this forum should use or advocate the use of DNP to others looking to lose fat?

Twisted, sometimes you make me laugh..........

Be on your way now, and read some more.....


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The Iron Game


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posted April 24, 2001 06:26 AM

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Twisted_Steel, I have read many of your posts and I have learnt from many of them.

Have you ever used this 'poison'?

It is well easy to put something down, it is a different story when you have first hand experience. To you using dnp, is like to the natural members of using steroids.

If we took a vote of how many people have used this 'poison' and how many will use it again I am sure you would be uite suprised.

Are you also against the use of slin? Because to me slin is the most dangerous of all agents people will use to give them that extra edge.


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Posts: 1772
From:Mt. Olympus
Registered: Jun 2000

posted April 24, 2001 06:31 AM

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Originally posted by The Iron Game:
Twisted_Steel, I have read many of your posts and I have learnt from many of them.

Have you ever used this 'poison'?

It is well easy to put something down, it is a different story when you have first hand experience. To you using dnp, is like to the natural members of using steroids.

If we took a vote of how many people have used this 'poison' and how many will use it again I am sure you would be uite suprised.

Are you also against the use of slin? Because to me slin is the most dangerous of all agents people will use to give them that extra edge.


My guess IG, would be a BIG FAT NO from twisted...

Damn, this post makes me laugh.....

DNP "poison" ...haha...thats a good one.


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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted April 24, 2001 06:41 AM

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Why would someone use DNP? See my post entitled "DNP Day 6 - This stuff WORKS!" Dangerous? Not if used correctly. Uncomfortable? Temporarily. Effective? HELL YEAH! Any questions?

Strong mind in a strong body...

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1242
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posted April 24, 2001 07:26 AM

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The Centers for Disease Control classifies Denitrophenyl as a poison. Ask the opinion of anyone working within chemical wholesale they would affix the same classification. This being said: why is the term �poison� humorous?

Gentlemen, I really don�t care what happens within the confines of your homes. I don�t care if FONZ discovers that DDT is the next generation oxidative uncoupler. But, I do have to question the sanity of some of you. I would presume that based on post content alone 80% of elite fitness members are not competitive athletes. Honestly, I don�t care if you�re a division two NCAA starting center for Flordia. I am talking about people who take risk, for the sake of their athletic edification, because that�s their only means of subsistence.

Perhaps 1% of us are professionals at any level. Less than 2% are probably involved in national level contests. Less than 5% have even been successful within state or regional competition. I can only speculate how many of the total 7% mentioned would even be so inclined to assume the asinine risks some of you endeavor in just for 5-10 lbs of beach muscle.

I don�t know, some of the pseudo pharmacology experts within this forum and abroad should be ashamed of their unabashed arrogance. I can�t begin to articulate how impressed I am with your ability to imitate a parrot. How impressive is it that you can harness and presume yourself intellectually astute enough to handle an industrial poison then advocate its use amongst the wealth of purely ignorant readers of elite fitness and abroad.

It�s called a reality check, its called having a social ethic and being responsible for your words and actions. Just because I am capable of advising someone on the use of pre-contest intravenous diuretics doesn�t mean I am going to post it for an audience potentially na�ve enough to do it!

Some of your actions are just laudable!


215LBS of Twisted Steel and Pure Sex Appeal!

[This message has been edited by Twisted_Steel (edited April 24, 2001).]

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ripped to shreads2

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1168
From:satans nest
Registered: Jun 2000

posted April 24, 2001 07:56 AM

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i need this poison??
i need help in obtainig it

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Posts: 1772
From:Mt. Olympus
Registered: Jun 2000

posted April 24, 2001 08:27 AM

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Twisted_Steel:
[B]The Centers for Disease Control classifies Denitrophenyl as a poison. Ask the opinion of anyone working within chemical wholesale they would affix the same classification. This being said: why is the term �poison� humorous?

Gentlemen, I really don�t care what happens within the confines of your homes. I don�t care if FONZ discovers that DDT is the next generation oxidative uncoupler. But, I do have to question the sanity of some of you. I would presume that based on post content alone 80% of elite fitness members are not competitive athletes. Honestly, I don�t care if you�re a division two NCAA starting center for Flordia. I am talking about people who take risk, for the sake of their athletic edification, because that�s their only means of subsistence.

Perhaps 1% of us are professionals at any level. Less than 2% are probably involved in national level contests. Less than 5% have even been successful within state or regional competition. I can only speculate how many of the total 7% mentioned would even be so inclined to assume the asinine risks some of you endeavor in just for 5-10 lbs of beach muscle.

I don�t know, some of the pseudo pharmacology experts within this forum and abroad should be ashamed of their unabashed arrogance. I can�t begin to articulate how impressed I am with your ability to imitate a parrot. How impressive is it that you can harness and presume yourself intellectually astute enough to handle an indus

Well, twisted BOZO, I don't give out advice that isn't
scientifically sound so do yourself a favour and
don't go there. Judging from your posts on
numerous boards you're the one that imitates
a parrot as you have nothing original to say,
That 17-aa post at AF was a classic! What a crock!!
You need a reality check stat.
And in case you're wondering I DO HAVE THE

To end this post, I'd just like to say that we're a
TECHNOLOGICALLY oriented society. So, if
its possible to lose great amounts SAFELY
in a small period of time, then WHY NOT?????
Sure, you could diet the weight down in 6-7
weeks, but why not DO IT IN 2 weeks??????
Damn, you need to get your head out of the gutter...


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DNP guru

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 288
Registered: Apr 2001

posted April 24, 2001 07:45 PM

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hahahahah!!! i'll just laugh at twisted's post and leave the flaming up to fonz.

my 2 cents. i use dnp because i feel i can use it safely. i don't advocate the use of dnp for anyone else.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 110
From:Phoenix,Az -USA
Registered: Mar 2001

posted April 24, 2001 11:42 PM

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Yeah I just took my first dose of 400 mg yesterday and my Doc told me I only have 2 weeks left to live . Fuck give me a break !
I think driving everyday with stupid people all around you who are paranoid and don't know how to drive is 1000 times more dangerous than DNP. Drinking booze till your
liver gives out, breating in the fresh L.A.
smog , jumping in the middle of a stampede of
cattle are all more dangerous than DNP.
Later Munzer

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted April 25, 2001 03:33 AM

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Twisted Steel thanks for posting what many of us have long been thinking about DNP use.


Voice #1: "I used DNP so I could look good at the beach, I laughed at Twisted Steel for being such a pussy, but now I have $10,000 in nerve damage, Why??!?!??"



Now if you excuse me I'm going to go eat some rat poison (but in very low doses, it's safe, you pussies).

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted April 25, 2001 07:02 AM

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damn bro, tell us how you feel.lol. I wouldn't use it, but thats because I have a quick metabolism and can lose fat quick with eca, but I'm not going to say that its wrong and point my fingure at people. I look at this time in our sport as a science experiment the sport is very young and things that were thought to be dangerous 20 years ago are the norm now.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:rome italy
Registered: Jun 2000

posted April 25, 2001 09:09 AM

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twisted steel, i understand what you're trying to say. But this would involve not only dnp, also anabolics. The word poison is pure speculation. Don't you thing injecting hormones of all kinds (even vet) in your body all at once, doing hundreds of times the therapeutic dose, is as well the use of a poison? It is in fact for the avarage common sense. If you make the decision to risk your health for body enhancing pourpouses, i think between as and dnp there is not much difference.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 46
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posted April 25, 2001 06:58 PM

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I think taking dnp means pushing the hardcore thing too far. Think about all the ones who do suffer from serious illness. Most of us have healthy bodies, why ask for major troubles with hazardous drugs...

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted April 25, 2001 07:36 PM

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Originally posted by gtaman:

Voice #1: "I used DNP so I could look good at the beach, I laughed at Twisted Steel for being such a pussy, but now I have $10,000 in nerve damage, Why??!?!??"



Now if you excuse me I'm going to go eat some rat poison (but in very low doses, it's safe, you pussies).

Please site me one study that unequivocally proves that DNP causes "nerve damage."

What the hell are you guys talking about!?
"Pushing the hardcore thing too far?" What the hell is that?

I don't use DNP to be "hardcore" and it's not about being a pussy or not being a pussy. I use it to help me accomplish a goal... I use modern technology to help me accomplish a goal. No one is trying to persuade any of you to use DNP. In my opinion, ignorance and irresponsiblity are MUCH more dangerous than DNP use.

On a lighter note, I just took my last tab of my very first DNP cycle... whooopppeeeee!!! I'm not a DNP virgin anymore! I'll let ya'll know about my results in a couple days...

Strong mind in a strong body...

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted April 25, 2001 10:02 PM

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I guess I'm not too proud to admit that some compounds are just too experimental and scare me.

Hey, if you want to give yourself credit for being an advanced chemist then knock yourself out. However, I know I am not.

I am probably a lot more wary about most stimulants than I am about AS. Even ephedrine which is used by many of us will get your heart racing and generally (IMO) lead to a decline in that good old healthy feeling over time.

Today we have millions of people who see nothing wrong in "rolling" either. Ecstasy is another compound that is little understood and far more dangerous than many let on.

I am far from anti-drug but see a lot of people advocating using a lot of stuff by saying that non-advocates are "ignorant."

I am more than willing to agree with the public's ignorance as far as AS goes. I am even willing to admit I am ignorant about DNP's effects.

But I am not going to experiment with it personally. Something that raises body temperature to that extent has got to be studied more carefully. Good luck to you if you do use it.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted April 25, 2001 10:44 PM

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TWISTED is (in my opinion) acting in the "good parent" role. Your parents told you you could not do things when you were a child, which you later were able to do as an adult, after you had matured and learned some things. He may believe that this drug is not to be used by anyone, but it seems more that he is worried about the ignorant use of this drug by some of the younger and other less mature, responsible members.

Part of me does agree with this idea, since there are many drugs in the bodybuilding arsenal that are just not made for the majority of people. Too many are quick to jump to the latest fad, with little or no knowledge of the ramifications. This, and other boards, tend to be the breeding grounds of bad advice and half-truths.

But, having read as much as possible and also used DNP, I also tend to laugh at some of the misinformation being stated concerning this chemical...and that is what it is, a chemical. In pharmacology there is a phrase, "a poison is defined by the dose". ANY chemical can be poisonous based on the amount used. Coumadin is rat poison, but tell that to stroke patients who take Warfarin, to prevent blood clots. I don't think any one would mistake Botulinum Toxin for anything but a poison...Hell! it is called TOXIN, but now it is being used in various medical applications.

DNP is a chemical that has drug potential, due to its ability to uncouple mitochondrial phosphorylation. It has been studied in this use, and has been given a recommended dose/bodyweight range. There are studies concerning the side effects of DNP from exposure studies and clinical use studies. This is not a new drug with little research. It is a potentially DEADLY drug if used with little regard to safety...I often cringe at those who begin pushing the gram doses of DNP, since this is the tendency of people to think "if one is good, then two is better".

I definately agree with TWISTED in the fact that DNP is not an Ergogen, since an ergogen is defined as any agent that enhances work, and all those who have used DNP know that it is an ANTI-ergogen.

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DNP guru

Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted April 26, 2001 12:18 AM

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just to play devil's advocate, dnp is not much different from the most powerful and deadly uncoupler, cyanide.

i wouldn't touch cyanide unless i have gloves on, but i have no problems swallowing dnp

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted April 26, 2001 12:22 AM

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You know its good when the COCK chimes in.
DNP aint poison. Doctors are actually looking into using it to treat cancer (along with other uncouplers). NEVER been proven in anything ive read to be carcinogenic, have never read any longterm negative (or any negative) effects to liver and other major or organs. Greatly enhances thermogenesis. Why not?

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