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Author | Topic: CYCLES FOR ELITE BODYBUILDERS !!!>>>>> | ||
Cool Novice ![]() ![]() Posts: 20 |
THE DOWNHILL STACK Very high strength and very high size gains. The following cycle is designed with male, weighing 110KG, experienced steroid user, in mind. To adjust for the proper dosage for your weight, figure a factor of 10% / 10KG of body weight. Example: If you weigh 120KG, increase the dosage 10% (or to the closest possible dosage). Week1=100mg Anadrol-50/day, 750 Sus/week, 100mg Deca/week Week2=100mg Anadrol-50/day, 500 Sus/week, 100mg Deca/week Week3=50mg Anadrol-50/day, 500 Sus/week, 300mg Deca/week Week4=50mg Anadrol-50/day, 250 Sus/week, 400mg Deca/week Week5=50mg D-bol/day, 400mg Deca/week, 100mg Primobolan/week Week6=40mg D-bol/day, 300mg Deca/week, 200mg Primobolan/week Week7=30mg D-bol/day, 200mg Deca/week, 300mg Primobolan/week Week8=20mg D-bol/day, 100mg Deca/week, 300mg Primobolan/week, 100mg Clomid/day Week9=1500iu/HCG (Mon, Thur), 50mg Clomid/day Week10=1500iu/HCG (Mon, Thur), 50mg Clomid/day Week11=50mg Clomid/day Make sure your daily intake of protein is at least 3 grams per kg/body weight and your daily caloric intake is 50 cal per kg/body weight. Utilize a high intensity, high weight, and low rep workout routine 6 days on, 1 day off at 90 minutes per day, during the cycle. After completing the cycle, utilize a 3 days on, 1 day off at 60 minutes per day. During the cycle take Evening Primrose Oil and Cod Liver Oil to assist your kidney/liver. Also, drink at least a gallon of water/day and most importantly eat, eat, eat (especially BEEF, just watch the fatty stuff). Gains with this oral and injection stacking combination for an average 110KG male is 8 - 14 kg. Females should not utilize this cycle, due to the high androgenic properties of it. This is heavy cycle and little side effects may be noted. Normally, the only noticeable side effects are an increase in acne, bloating in the upper abdomen area, increased cholesterol level, and decreased sleeping pattern. But, if have preexisting gyno, had gyno develop during puberty, or are susceptible to gyno. Either Nolvadex or Proviron is a recommended. (Proviron is preferred) So, why stack Anadrol-50, Sustanon, Deca, D-bol, Primobolan, Clomid, and HCG? The main purpose of this cycle is to hit the receptor sites hard and with the heavy androgenic products, when the receptors are fresh and clean (in the first three weeks). Then as the receptor sites begin to saturate, you�ll convert over to more anabolic � less androgenic products. This will allow you to intake heavier androgenic products with fewer chances of any adverse side effects. The increasing of the Primobolan is to aid in giving you that more cut look, after you complete the cycle. Product description: Anadrol (Oxymetholone) 50mg tabs Very high anabolic, high androgenic properties: This oral steroid is the strongest oral known. Anadrol is recognized for its superior strength and size increase, its effectiveness is just short of injectable Testosterone. But, all this comes with a price; high water retention (which will attribute weight loss after completion) increased blood pressure, aromatization, liver stress, and affects upon the body's natural hormonal levels. Sustanon (Testosterone Propionate 30 mg, Testosterone Phenylpropionate 60 mg, Testosterone Isocaproate 60mg, and Testosterone Decanoate 100 mg) 250mg/cc Very high anabolic, high androgenic properties: This injectable steroid is known for it�s superior properties that allow for both dramatic strength and size gains, rated as the most effective injectable. The reasoning for the mixture (blend of four Testosterone products) is to reduce the water retention, aromatization, liver stress, and affects upon the body's natural hormonal levels. This products is oil based, so shots can be taken weekly Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) 200, 100 an 50mg/cc available Very high anabolic, moderate androgenic properties: This injectable steroid is one of the most effective, yet associated with least number of adverse side-effects, steroid known. Both moderate strength and high size gains are noted. Deca is also known, to boost the immune system, while also adding in the rehabilitation of joint or tendon injuries and inflammation, like Tendonist. Dianabol / D-bol (Methandrostenolone) 5mg tab High anabolic, high androgenic properties: This oral or injectable steroid is known for it�s superior properties that allow for both dramatic strength and size gains, in oral form it�s only surpassed by Anadrol-50. Also known for causing mild headaches in the beginning of your cycle and mild water retention. Primobolan Depot (Methenolone Enanthate) 100 and 50mg/cc or 50 and 5mg tabs available Very high anabolic, low androgenic properties: This injectable / oral steroid is known for is effectiveness in both bulking and cutting (depending on what it�s stacked with) utilized for bulking when stacked Testosterone or Dianabol, cutting when stacked with Winstrol or Anavar. Also associated with least number of adverse side effects. This product is oil based so shots can be taken once a week. Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) 50mg tab Fertility medication: which causes an increase of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. Clomid is utilized to prevent the loss of gains made in size after the completion of a cycle, when endogenous testosterone levels are far below normal. Clomid also is known for it's mild anti-estrogen properties, although not as effective as Nolvadex or Proviron, it reduces the chances of gyno starting until the natural hormonal levels are back to normal. HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin) This medication is a hormone, which stimulates the ovaries and the testes. It is used in males to stimulate testicular descent or testicular growth and development. In females, this medication is used in combination with other medication to induce ovulation. Females may require only one dose a week. Males may receive a series of injections 2 to 3 times a week. HCG helps "kick-start" your natural production of hormone / testosterone into operation. Normally the dosage and schedule goes like this: 1500iu on Monday and Thursday. Proviron (Mesterolone) 25mg tab Androgenic properties: This oral steroid is known for its estrogen blocking capabilities by competing with the estrogen at the targeted sites. Although, it doesn't have the same effective as Nolvadex, it's negative affect on the GH and IGF-1 production is much lower than that of Nolvadex. Also recognized for its high toning capabilities when stacked with both a high anabolic - high androgenic steroid and reducing water retention normally associated with androgenic steroids. Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) 10mg tab This is a non-steroidal medication, which is utilized as a very effective anti-estrogen. This is accomplished by the Nolvadex competing at the targeted sites with the estrogen (not decreasing the estrogen, but competing with it). Nolvadex is probably the most effective medication used by steroid users in preventing Genoa and female pattern fat distribution. But, Nolvadex also decreases the GH and IGF-1 production, while part of the gains made, are a direct result of the anabolic / androgen increasing the GH and IGF-1 production. Thus reducing your possible gains in both strength and size. Notes: A) Durabolin can be utilized instead of the Deca-Durabolin, but you have to cut the dosage in half and take it twice a week as the Durabolin effectiveness in the body is not as long as the Deca-Durabolin. B) Testosterone (Cypionate) can be utilized instead of Sustanon. C) An anti-estrogen is recommended (if you are prone to gyno), starting with week 3 and continuing through week 7, Proviron should be utilized instead of Nolvadex, as Nolvadex is more pronounced in decreasing the GH and IGF-1 production (as compared to Proviron), while part of the gains made, are a direct result of the anabolic / androgen increasing the GH and IGF-1 production. D) Clomid is recommended, as it will assist the HCG in "Kick-Starting" your natural hormonal production back into full operation faster. Good luck and good gaining!!! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><> THE ULTIMATE STACK For an intermediate steroid user (1-2 years) The following cycle is designed with male, weighing 100KG, 1-2 years experience with steroids, in mind. To adjust for the proper dosage for your weight, figure a factor of 10% / 10KG of body weight. Example: If you weigh 80KG, decrease the dosage 20% (or to the closest possible dosage). week 1=300mg/Deca, 200mg/Equipoise, 10mg/D-bol twice a day (20mg/day) week 2=300mg/Deca, 200mg/Equipoise, 10mg/D-bol twice a day (20mg/day) week 3=400mg/Deca, 300mg/Equipoise, 15mg/D-bol twice a day (30mg/day) week 4=400mg/Deca, 300mg/Equipoise, 15mg/D-bol twice a day (30mg/day) week 5=400mg/Deca, 200mg/Equipoise, 15mg/D-bol twice a day (30mg/day) week 6=300mg/Deca, 200mg/Equipoise, 10mg/D-bol twice a day (20mg/day) week 7=200mg/Deca, 100mg/Equipoise, 10mg/D-bol twice a day (20mg/day) week 8=100mg/Deca, 100mg/Equipoise, 5mg/D-bol twice a day (10mg/day) week 9=2500iu HCG/week week 10=2500iu HCG/week Make sure your daily intake of protein is at least 2.2grams per kg/body weight and your daily caloric intake is 45 cal per kg/body weight. Utilize a high intensity, high weight, low rep workout routine 6 days on, 1 day off at 60 - 90 minutes per day, during the cycle. After completing the cycle, utilize a 3 days on, 1 day off at 60 minutes per day. During the cycle take Evening Primrose Oil and Cod Liver Oil to assist your kidney/liver. Also, drink at least ten glasses of water/day and most importantly eat, eat, eat (just watch the fatty stuff). Gains with this oral and injection stacking combination for an average 100KG male is 6 - 12 kg. Females can also utilize this cycle by cutting the injectable dosages to 1/2 and the D-bol to 1/3, thus the gains will be approx. 1/3 to 1/2 that of the male stats. This is safe cycle and little or no adverse side-effects have been noted to date. Normally, the only noticeable side-effects (if any) are an increase in acne and minor bloating in the upper abdomen area. So, why stack Deca, Equipoise (or Primobolan Depot), and D-bol? Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) Very high anabolic, moderate androgenic properties: This injectable steroid is one of the most effective, yet associated with least number of adverse side-effects, steroid known. Deca is also known, to boost the immune system, while also adding in the rehabilitation of joint or tendon injuries and inflammation, like Tendonist. Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate) High anabolic, moderate androgenic properties: This injectable steroid is known for is effectiveness in both bulking and cutting (depending on what it�s stacked with) and it�s ability to not only allow the user to make significant strength and size gains, but also strengthen the users Tendons / Ligaments and assists in the tissue recovery process, after each workout, thus reducing the chances of injury and a faster recovery time. Dianabol / D-bol (Methandrostenolone) High anabolic, high androgenic properties: This oral or injectable steroid is known for it�s superior properties that allow for both dramatic strength and size gains, in oral form it�s only surpassed by Anadrol-50. Notes: A) Primobolan Depot can be utilized instead of the Equipoise. B) Nolvadex is not required, unless you are prone to getting gyno, as Nolvadex also decreases the GH and IGF-1 production, while part of the gains made, are a direct result of the anabolic / androgen increasing the GH and IGF-1 production. C) HCG is not necessary as well, but recommended. D) If Clomid is available, this can be added by taking 50mg/day starting at week 8 and continuing for 3 weeks, this will assist the HCG in "Kick-Starting" your natural hormonal production back into full operation faster. E) Both human and veterinary versions of the above are interchangeable. Good luck and good gaining!!! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><>
week 1=100mg injection, 2 d-bol tabs/day (for a total of 4/day) week 2=200mg injection, 3 d-bol tabs/day (for a total of 6/day) week 3=300mg injection, 4 d-bol tabs/day (for a total of 8/day) week 4=400mg injection, 5 d-bol tabs/day (for a total of 10/day) week 5=400mg injection, 5 d-bol tabs/day (for a total of 10/day) week 6=300mg injection, 4 d-bol tabs/day (for a total of 8/day) week 7=200mg injection, 3 d-bol tabs/day (for a total of 6/day) week 8=100mg injection, 2 d-bol tabs/day (for a total of 4/day) week 9=2500iu HCG/week week 10=2500iu HCG/week Note: Primobolan Depot can be utilized instead of the others, just cut the dosage of the inject. in half. Gains with the oral and injection combination for an average 100kg male is 5 - 10 kg. Females can also utilize this cycle by cutting the dosages to 1/3, thus the gains will be approx. 1/3 that of the man stats, but is safe and no adverse side-effects have been noted to date. Make sure your daily intake of protein is at least 2.2grams of protein per kg/body weight and your daily caloric intake is 45 cal per kg/body weight. Utilize a high intensity, high weight, low rep workout routine (6 days on, 1 day off at 90 minutes per day, during the cycle) <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><>
With the current trend going toward Mexican Veterinary Steroids, (specifically Reforvit-B) I�ve designed a oral stack combination that has been proven to be quite effective and safe. First we�ll cover the cycle, then the reasons for the combination: Take a sterile 100cc bottle, (add the following): 50cc of Reforvit-B (Methandrostenolone, 25mg/cc) 25cc of B12 (Cyanocobalamin, injectable form, 3000mcg/cc) 25cc of Tylenol (Acetaminophen, children�s liquid form, 32mg/cc) Then you�ll take 1.25cc/twice a day (orally) for a total of 2.5cc/day, this amount will last approx. six weeks. So, why stack B12 and Tylenol? B12 (Cyanocobalamin) Is an essential vitamin for building new body cells, has a powerful blood building factor, and key nutrient for new growth. It is also an important factor in maintaining health of nervous system (including brain cells), normal digestion, absorption of foods, protein synthesis, carbohydrate utilization, and fat metabolism. Tylenol (Acetaminophen) For temporary relief of pain, discomfort, and headaches normally associated with high intensity workouts. Also assists in the tissue recovery process, after each workout. The effects can be dramatically increased with the addition of Norandren-50 (Nandrolone Decanoate), another Mexican Veterinary steroid. Utilize the before mentioned (Reforvit-B) cycle with the following Norandren-50 injection schedule: week 1=one 3cc injection, 100mg week 2=one 4cc injection, 200mg week 3=two 3cc injections, 300mg week 4=two 3cc injections, 300mg week 5=one 4cc injection, 200mg week 6=one 2cc injection, 100mg During use of either the oral stack (alone) or in conjunction with the Norandren-50 injections, make sure your daily intake of protein is at least 2.2grams of protein per kg/body weight and your daily caloric intake is 45 cal per kg/body weight. Utilize a high intensity, high weight, low rep workout routine (6 days on, 1 day off at 90 minutes per day, during the cycle) Gains with the oral stack alone for an average 100kg male is 2 - 4 kg. Gains with the oral and injection combination for the same sized male are in the area of 3 - 6 kg. Females can also utilize either/both cycles by cutting the dosages in half, thus the gains will be approx. half that of the man stats, but is safe and no adverse side -effects have been noted to date. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Amateur Bodybuilder ![]() ![]() Posts: 164 |
You should write a author ALSO, I think it is from Hulkster Newsletter ? ------------------ True hardcore documents: How to make a cycle by yourself ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Amateur Bodybuilder ![]() ![]() Posts: 101 |
Just like the rest of your posts on cycles this is CUT an PASTE. I read this exact article in a newsletter. (think it was Hulkster as Jan said.) You should not stake a claim to it. [This message has been edited by Purple (edited April 19, 2001).] ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Pro Bodybuilder ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 523 |
#1 i obviously am not the only one that has seen this b4 #2 am i the only one that thinks these cycles stink?? ------------------ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Novice ![]() Posts: 8 |
I feel it my duty to inform all of you that "bigwhitedude" is another name for MASSIVEROIDS, a well known scammer. This scamming pile of dog shit routinely makes rounds on message boards scamming newbies. Do not be taken in! Any who are in doubt, please ask mods on any board. Lookin' out for you bros. -Thanos [This message has been edited by Thanos (edited April 19, 2001).] ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Amateur Bodybuilder ![]() ![]() Posts: 105 |
i'm curious. if big white dude is full of shit, then what would be a good bulking cycle if one had a-50, test and deca? ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Pro Bodybuilder ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 315 |
I remember you "MassiveRoids" stay the hell off of here.......still trying I see!!!!!!!! ------------------ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Freak ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 2549 |
BWD, didnt you learn from your other posts? Go somewhere else an try to impress them, it isnt working here, granpa! ------------------ *** Dont email me asking for a source!!!!! *** "Catch a man a fish and he eats for a day, but if you teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime." ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Olympian ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 1658 |
LOL! ------------------ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Cool Novice ![]() ![]() Posts: 24 |
man r u gonna keep posting those sick cycles?? who in the world today does deca and equipoise at the same time?? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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