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  I need you guys to help me with my decision making:

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Author Topic:   I need you guys to help me with my decision making:

Cool Novice

Posts: 43
Registered: Jan 2001

posted April 16, 2001 04:30 PM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

Need help making my decisions for my following two 3-month cycles. Choose cycle number 1 or 2. What would you do? Please take all things into consideration (cost, effectiveness..ect) I personally think cycle number 2 would be much more effective in terms of gains and cost. I would be using the same products in my two cycles, but much of a heavier dosage when I would be bulking during the fall/winter. I heard Primo is great, but is it really worth it when you look at the 2 options:

Total cost of 2 cycles is $715.

12-wk cycle (June, July, August)
wks 1-4: Dbol 40mg/day
wks 1-12: Primo 400mg/wk

A month off w/ Clomid

12-wk cycle (Oct, Nov, Dec)
wks 1-4: Dbol 50mg/day
wks 1-12: Omnadren 1g/wk
1/4-1/2 tab of arimidex EOD

Another month of Clomid


2.) These two 12-wk cycles would cost much less. End up being $495.

a.) (June, July, Aug)
wks 1-4: 40mg of Dbol/day
wks 1-12: 750mg/wk of Omnas
wks 5-12: 400mg of EQ/wk

Month off for Clomid

b.) (Oct, Nov, Dec, and 1st wk in Jan)
wks 1-4: 50mg of Dbol/day
wks 1-13: 1250mg of Omna/wk
1/4-1/2 tab of arimidex eod

Another month of Clomid

Thanks for your help. I have a feeling I will see alot of "option 2" from you guys, but just seeing what you would do. - Rojan

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Cool Novice

Posts: 43
Registered: Jan 2001

posted April 16, 2001 07:43 PM

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Posts: 1602
From:from the underground
Registered: Aug 2000

posted April 16, 2001 11:16 PM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

d-bol eq omna is great.....see if you can do this....take the d-bol and test and eq and buy some primo and take 300mgs at the last 4-6 (or more if you like) weeks of the cycle......


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