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Author Topic:   vovan..retaboli
animal B


Posts: 2307
Registered: Mar 2000

posted April 13, 2001 09:30 AM

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is this dave L fro west chester, PA we are talking about or tmpl
if so let me know

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Steroid Land
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posted April 14, 2001 08:46 AM

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I`m not sure, but this guy is definitely from PA. Wait a minute and I`ll call to Vovan, he knows his address. Do you know something about this puke?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Pittsburgh, PA U.S.A.
Registered: Aug 2000

posted April 15, 2001 02:22 PM

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I see you guys are still conspiring to do something to me. I am sorry but it is time to go to the authorities. Fuck this. I did nothing wrong and you ignorant pricks continue to try to have harm come to me.

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Damian Borleone

Elite Bodybuilder

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posted April 15, 2001 02:34 PM

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Originally posted by E6286:
I see you guys are still conspiring to do something to me. I am sorry but it is time to go to the authorities. Fuck this. I did nothing wrong and you ignorant pricks continue to try to have harm come to me.

Huh? I'm sorry for replying and not knowing what's going on but what the hell are you going to accomplish by going to the authorities? Too many narcs nowadays.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted April 15, 2001 02:35 PM

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E6286 Are you going to call the cops and tell them that you tried to comit a felony?
I dont know what all happened but it sounds like you scammed a well know bro.
Now you want the authorities to help you?
If I were you I would quietly go away from the whole net-gear sceen.
If you didnt scam . I think just for peace of mind you should send the money that everyone beleives you owe and just be done with it.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Pittsburgh, PA U.S.A.
Registered: Aug 2000

posted April 15, 2001 02:36 PM

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I am not trying to accomplish anything but these pricks think I reversed scammed them which I did not and they continue to plan to have something happen to me.... Sorry fellas, but I am going to worry about something happen to me over b.s. when I can go to the police and finish this b.s.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Pittsburgh, PA U.S.A.
Registered: Aug 2000

posted April 15, 2001 02:38 PM

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First, I offered vovan half of the money he lost.... No more no less. I DID NOT scam him and if you guys think i did then oh well. I really couldn't care less what anybody thinks at this point because it is b.s. Second, the authorities wont' do shit to me because I never Purchased anything nor did I ever recieve anything. On the other hand, I know vovan's addy and I could easily bring him down. I really didn't want it to come to this but I don't want my life to be at risk over something that I really did not do. Also, I love how ppl. that have no idea what is going on get into other's business.....

[This message has been edited by E6286 (edited April 15, 2001).]

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted April 15, 2001 02:40 PM

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E. I am sorry to tell you one thing. Have you noticed that these people (ones I call friends) are in another country. One in Peru, and the others in Mother Russia. Local police are not goign to do anything to these people. Now Vovan and Ret. KGB is coming for you. Animal...I don't even know what they have do there. Now if they hire some hit men and whack you then that is a different story. Sorry bro just let it go.

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Posts: 1639
From:Mt. Olympus
Registered: Jun 2000

posted April 15, 2001 02:45 PM

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Originally posted by E6286:
First, I offered vovan half of the money he lost.... No more no less. I DID NOT scam him and if you guys think i did then oh well. I really couldn't care less what anybody thinks at this point because it is b.s. Second, the authorities wont' do shit to me because I never Purchased anything nor did I ever recieve anything. On the other hand, I know vovan's addy and I could easily bring him down. I really didn't want it to come to this but I don't want my life to be at risk over something that I really did not do. Also, I love how ppl. that have no idea what is going on get into other's business.....

[This message has been edited by E6286 (edited April 15, 2001).]

You are truly pathetic. Keep at this long
enough and your IP will be banned.
Take your pick: Barbed wire or a garrote?
Now go back to supplicating......


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Pittsburgh, PA U.S.A.
Registered: Aug 2000

posted April 15, 2001 02:45 PM

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For the record: I have saved every threatening thread that has been posted on this site since the beginning of all of this. Now, since you are not so intelligent I will explain this to you. George spellwin would be held accountable if anything were to happen to me. You see, this is his website and threats are considered illegal harrassment punishable by law. I just want to move on and live a happy life. I told vovan I would split losses with him out of goodness, not because I scammed him. I have no reason to scam him or anybody else.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted April 15, 2001 02:49 PM

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E. Did you not read the disclaimer before you signed up and click on "I Agree". I am pretty sure there is one, been a long time. And let see here. How many people are kidnapped off of the Internet that was in chat rooms off AOL. You don't see them being shut down. George has nothing to do with it but supply a script that allows you to post messages. And once again they can threaten you if they like. They are out of country.

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Posts: 2215
Registered: Aug 2000

posted April 15, 2001 02:50 PM

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Originally posted by E6286:
First, I offered vovan half of the money he lost.... No more no less. I DID NOT scam him and if you guys think i did then oh well. I really couldn't care less what anybody thinks at this point because it is b.s. Second, the authorities wont' do shit to me because I never Purchased anything nor did I ever recieve anything. On the other hand, I know vovan's addy and I could easily bring him down. I really didn't want it to come to this but I don't want my life to be at risk over something that I really did not do. Also, I love how ppl. that have no idea what is going on get into other's business.....

[This message has been edited by E6286 (edited April 15, 2001).]

Ever hear of "conspiracy to comitt a felony" ? You tried to purchase steroids and under the law you are just as fucked. Go ahead, go to the cops. You'll definitly be safe from vovan and friends, but your ass will be gettin stretched daily in jail. I suggest you make yourself more knowledgeable before you take part in another illegal activity. Fuck, I can't believe you were going to walk into the police station. I hope your a woman, if not you are the biggest bitch of a man I ahve ever heard. "I'm gonna call the cops" , fuck, it reminds me of those losers in high school, oh god your a fucking pansy, LMFAO!



The land where possesion is legal!

[This message has been edited by ORGANON CANON (edited April 15, 2001).]

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted April 15, 2001 02:56 PM

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I find it hard to believe that these accustions would be made by well respected upstanding veterans who put themselves through the inconvenience of dealing with your degenerative issues if there was not something to it-FYI-I'm not exactly sure where your from but I would be willing to bet you the money you owe that the police in your town aren't going to be all that interested or have the resources to deal with 1 person receiving a personal amount of AS from another country-I don't think they would even care if it was from a different county-good luck.

If not Today-Then why Tommorrow

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Damian Borleone

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posted April 15, 2001 02:57 PM

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Originally posted by E6286:
...Also, I love how ppl. that have no idea what is going on get into other's business.....

LOL. You're threatening to rat on some "Vets" and you're surprised other people are getting into your "business"? LOL again.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:bakersfield, CALIFORNIA
Registered: Aug 2000

posted April 15, 2001 03:07 PM

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"I'm gonna call the cops" , fuck, it reminds me of those losers in high school, oh god your a fucking pansy, LMFAO!

LOL, hahaha!! gave me my first laugh of the day.

animalB, i sent you mail just now... peace,

***gotta keep'em seperated***

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Posts: 2244
From:Around The Way
Registered: Aug 2000

posted April 15, 2001 03:37 PM

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#1 The local authorities will do NOTHING for you but start to monitor YOU for illegal activities and that in turn will just be hassle for you on down the road if you start pursuing this felony chemically aided physique route.

#2 Those bros have been around for a long time and people here know them well and I for one have never heard this complaint about them.

#3 "IF" for what I am understanding, you truly did not accomplish what you set out to do with these said individuals, your offer to split the loss is a generous one indeed. Before anyone on this board judges you and picks sides to choose here, we will have to hear the other side of the argument as well.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted April 15, 2001 04:20 PM

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ORGANNON CANNON Is 100% correct you are addmitting to a felony if you live in the US and received , bought , tried to buy gear.
At the very least you will be written up and the local cops will keep a file on you , And depnding on how busy the local DA is you could be charged with a felony and mabey go to prison.
As the the bros overseas absolutly nothing will ever happen to them unless they have you killed and mabey not even then.
I think you should just quietly go away.
In a few days of you being gone the bros will just move on , It doesnt sound like you got over on $10.000 worth of gear so if you shut the fuck up and stop posting nothing is going to happen to you.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted April 15, 2001 07:04 PM

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E6286 I dont know you but from your posts your really making yourself sound like a little bitch. I mean come on, your gonna go to the authorities? Your gonna take people down?? You are saving everyones posts that are threatening??? What the hell!? You dont post those kind of things on this kind of board. Turn people in?? What are you trying to do get everybody here to hate your scared little guts? Well I might as well join the club then. I am going to burn down your house, Im going to eat your cat, Im going to steal your Pinto station wagon, Im going to get it with your girlfriend, Im going to take your job, Im going to insert my Nike's into your ass, Im going to have you tied up to a cactus and have a pack of rabid coyotes chew your legs off.....Is that enough for you to save this post too? You scared little nutless coward. Your a pathetic excuse for a man.......grow some balls. Shithead.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:The Other Side
Registered: May 2000

posted April 16, 2001 01:44 AM

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Originally posted by E6286:
First, I offered vovan half of the money he lost.... No more no less. I DID NOT scam him and if you guys think i did then oh well. I really couldn't care less what anybody thinks at this point because it is b.s. Second, the authorities wont' do shit to me because I never Purchased anything nor did I ever recieve anything. On the other hand, I know vovan's addy and I could easily bring him down. I really didn't want it to come to this but I don't want my life to be at risk over something that I really did not do. Also, I love how ppl. that have no idea what is going on get into other's business.....


1. You are waaaaaaaaay toooo paranoid. Take some pills to help your nerves.

2. You know nothing about me - just my e-mail addy.

Case closed


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