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  frequency and dosage for arimidex?

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Author Topic:   frequency and dosage for arimidex?
Keep it beefy

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 205
Registered: Dec 2000

posted April 03, 2001 07:22 PM

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I'll be on a cycle of 750 omna/week, and 400 EQ/week. What would you guys suggest for a dosage and frequency for arimidex to keep the water weight away? Thanks bros.

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Will B.Huge

Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted April 03, 2001 07:28 PM

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500 or under test I would do 1/4 EOD above 500mg and up I would use 1/2EOD.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 285
Registered: Jan 2001

posted April 04, 2001 02:44 AM

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Its different for everyone. SOme people need to use 1 pill a day even at around 500mg of test or else they get pre gyno symptoms like painful nipples and other crap. It might depend on how much bodyfat you have when you do the cycle (body fat has the aromatase enzyme in it).
Start at the lower dosages suggested but bump it up right away if you get any type of itchiness/pain in the nipples. ALot of guys don't think its bad to have the itchy nipple thing as long as full blown gyno isn;t happening. However the bottom line is that if you have any itchiness or pain in your nipples then some increase in fat tissue and nipple diameter is occuring no matter how small and in my opinion that is very bad. I always overdose on antiestrogens but that is just becase I am mad scared of any type of gyno or other estrogen related side effects. IT's expensive and I probably would have had alot more cycles under my belt by now if I didn't use up the antiestrogens so fast but at least I have never had any bad estrogen side effects unlike alot of other guys out there. Just a couple of days of too much estrogen can give you bad gyno that will last months or untill you get surgery.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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Registered: Jun 2000

posted April 04, 2001 05:30 AM

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it's your own call, u can use from 1/4 eod to around 2 ed. and the more u use u'de end up with more gaines, less fat and less sides from estrogen(and u're body would be able to use allot more test).
it's ain't cheap, so for me a good dose would be around 1/2-1 ed.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:the tomatoe patch
Registered: Dec 2000

posted April 04, 2001 05:46 AM

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1 mg is tops. Look in the PDR. 10mg didn't do any better of a job of suppressing estrogen than 1mg. 1mg is the optimal dose (for breast cancer patients that is). I'd use what you need. I'm very sensitive to gyno from estrogen so at 500mg test I usually take about .25mg (1/4) tab every day for two days then 1/2 tab (.50mg) on the third day. Then back to 1/4 for 2 days. so on and so on. 2mgs is no better than 1mg at suppressing estrogen. I don't think it is at least from what I've read. Could be wrong. Hope I was somewhat helpful. later.

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ripped to shreads2

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1097
From:satans nest
Registered: Jun 2000

posted April 04, 2001 10:38 AM

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1/2 ed souds resonable to me

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