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  Does your Ttokkyo Testo or Cyp200 Hurt? Well until it is fixed:

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Author Topic:   Does your Ttokkyo Testo or Cyp200 Hurt? Well until it is fixed:


Posts: 6106
From:Yo Aunties Pad
Registered: Jan 2000

posted April 02, 2001 02:50 PM

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The alcohol content is a bit high, and although they are fixing it - it will be a little while until those fixed batches hit the shelves - THIS ONLY APPLIES TO THE TESTS THERE ARE NO PROBLEMS WITH ANY OF THE OTHER PRODUCTS. The following is from a very good friend of mine who is quite knowledgable:

I have noticed a lot of you complaining about the pain caused from the high levels of alcohol in Ttokkyo Test cyp. The following is a method to eliminate all or some of that alcohol for a pain free injection.

1.Gather together the following items:
Vial of Test cyp.
1-18g sterile pin
1-.22 sterile filter (preferably one that has the ability to be autoclaved)
(Optional) 20 ml. sterile syringe with 18g pin

2. Open sterile filter, with out touching the inlet or outlet of the filter attach to your 18g pin.

3. Insert the pin filter combo into the vial (preferable the pin will not be in the Test cyp.)

4. Place the vial in a small pan and place in a cold oven, set the oven at 180f for 30-45 min. (if you are worried about losing or hurting your test cyp. in any way don't. Here is why the alcohol in the benzyl alcohol has a flash point of 200f, benzyl benzoate boils at 614f cotton seed oil boils at 442f and finally the Test cyp. has a melting point at 285f.)

5. Turn off the oven a let the vial cool completely before removing the pin/ filter combo (the filter assembly is not there to filter the gases as they escape but rather to filter the air going back in the vial as the liquid cools.)

6. Optional-If you are worried that you have boiled away some volume and would like to know the new mg/ml strength then draw up the contents of the vial in the 20 ml syringe and divide the total mg. by the total ml.s you have left.

Now you have lowered the alcohol content enough that there should be considerably less pain. The benzyl benzoate will preserve the test cyp. until your cycle is done.

I hope that helps, I know its a pain in the ass quite literally lol but either way you will make great gains off the stuff, this is just to prevent any injection pain due to the alcohol until the new batches hit the shelves.

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Damian Borleone

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 786
Registered: Jul 2000

posted April 02, 2001 03:32 PM

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GREAT POST SLOPAIN! Hopefully Ttokkyo will adjust their alcohol content ASAP...I know they've already done it with the Testonon but I didn't know the problem was as widespread with their 200mg/ml Cypionate.

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Posts: 6106
From:Yo Aunties Pad
Registered: Jan 2000

posted April 02, 2001 03:35 PM

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Don't think it is either, but it works for both.

btw check mail when you get a chance db.

- If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people. -

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Cool Novice

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From:here and there
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posted April 02, 2001 03:36 PM

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Is Ttokkyo available all over Mexico or just the border towns? If you were going to be there would this brand be the first choice?

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Damian Borleone

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 786
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posted April 02, 2001 03:59 PM

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Entropy- Ttokkyo's products are distributed throughout Mexico...they currently have distributors in Tijuana(Ensenada & Rosarito too), Nuevo Laredo, Guadalajara, Mexico City, Cancun, Mexicali, Juarez, Acapulco, Mazatlan, Nogales and some other places- & they're still in the process of finding more distributors as well.

Depending on the price I don't see why you wouldn't want to use Ttokkyo's products if you were purchasing the stuff in Mexico...everything they make is properly dosed & sterile- the only thing I would be hesitant about buying is the Testonon since it has a reputation of being an extremely painful shot- and I've gone through 2 cycles of extremely painful Sostenon preloads so it's not something I really want to experience again!

Slopain I'll get to those emails sometime today!

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Will B.Huge

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 288
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posted April 02, 2001 04:08 PM

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Slopain how were your gains on the pre-loads startng them next week with deca 300 and amidex, 750mg of sust a week.

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George Stark

Cool Novice

Posts: 25
From:TheDarkHalf USA
Registered: Feb 2001

posted April 02, 2001 04:45 PM

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Great post.


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