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  I just had gyno surgery... I hope this can answer some questions.

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Author Topic:   I just had gyno surgery... I hope this can answer some questions.

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 187
From:Da Dirty South
Registered: Jan 2001

posted March 31, 2001 01:36 PM

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Finally, I'm gyno free. I had the operation last Wednesday. Insurance paid every dime of it. Of course I didn't tell them I took AS, but it was kind of obvious to the doc when I had my shirt off. LOL. They put me under general anesthesia. The operation lasted about an hour. The doctor used liposuction to get it out. He went in near my armpit and sucked out as much as he could get. The doctor said it is impossible to get absolutely every little bit of it out, but you could guarantee that 95% of it would be gone, and I won't ever have to worry about it again. When I woke up, they had my chest wrapped up in what they call a binder. I'm supposed to wear this to keep the swelling down and speed up recovery. To be honest, there really isn't a whole lot of recovering to do. I don't have any visible bruising. I do have three stitches on both arm pits where they went in. I have a little soreness and very little swelling near my nipple, where the gyno was. I'll be back in the gym within the next week for sure. I hope this answers some questions. If anyone has any more questions, I'll be glad to try to answer them.

And I got some good pain pills too.

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Injecta Dec


Posts: 4
From:boston ma
Registered: Mar 2001

posted March 31, 2001 01:42 PM

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ok... i have a little problem.... i have gyno too.... which i always had mildy, but got noticably worse after i took dbol & durateston... now its just flatout shameful... i talked to my doctor & he seems to not give 2 $hits... he said... "well its quite normal... many people have that problem, i cant do anything for you"... THAT PIST ME OFF! how did you get insurance to cover it??? i heard that taking winny & nolvadex & shooting depo medrol into your nipples is a non-surgical & very effective way of reducing gyno... did you hear anything about that??? any info would be great.. thanks!

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Mass Monster

Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 31, 2001 01:43 PM

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Glad everything worked out and your feeling good bro, glad to hear it!

Mass Monster

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Posts: 7
Registered: Mar 2001

posted March 31, 2001 01:51 PM

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Whats the chances of getting it again bro?Glad eveything went cool my buddy is getting it done in a week .

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 159
Registered: Feb 2001

posted March 31, 2001 02:02 PM

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I had surgery for gyno three years ago. That binder totally botches your dbell bench man. Hated wearing that thing!

Also, if the doc is good and removes the entire mass, you cannot get gyno in the pec again.



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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 31, 2001 02:02 PM

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i guess some get it ,some don't..i've never had it

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 187
From:Da Dirty South
Registered: Jan 2001

posted March 31, 2001 02:06 PM

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Originally posted by Injecta Dec:
ok... i have a little problem.... i have gyno too.... which i always had mildy, but got noticably worse after i took dbol & durateston... now its just flatout shameful... i talked to my doctor & he seems to not give 2 $hits... he said... "well its quite normal... many people have that problem, i cant do anything for you"... THAT PIST ME OFF! how did you get insurance to cover it??? i heard that taking winny & nolvadex & shooting depo medrol into your nipples is a non-surgical & very effective way of reducing gyno... did you hear anything about that??? any info would be great.. thanks!

I had the same problem at first. My doctor has always been very reluctant to let me have the surgery. If he knows you've been taking AS he will be not be very sympathetic. My insurance allows me to go to a specialist (plastic surgeon), without having to get a referral from my regular doctor. If you have to go through your regular doctor first, then in your case, you may want to consider using someone else so you can tell him a different story. If you're going for gyno surgery, you never want to tell your doctor you take AS. Insurance will definitely not cover you then. Your story should go as follows: 1) You don't know what the little knots are near your nipple. 2) They hurt really bad. 3) You've had them since puberty. 4) Don't act like you know what it is, by saying "I'm here to get my gyno removed." If you're swole up, the doc will probably know what you're really in there for, but he has to do his job if you say it's hurting you.

If the doctor goes to touch it, act like it hurts. Tell them some sad story like, you met some chicks on the beach one time, one of them pinched your nipple just playing around, milk came out, they freaked out and so did you, and every since then you've been shy to take off your shirt for fear of the same thing happening again. The doctor really quizzed to try to find out if I was taking AS. I told him NO every time.

As far as using winny to reduce gyno, it never worked for me. I'm not saying it won't work for you, but it just didn't work for me. I take winny on a regular basis. I think the best thing is to just get it cut out, and not have to worry about it again.

Good luck to you.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 181
From:From within the Chalky Realm
Registered: Feb 2001

posted March 31, 2001 02:50 PM

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If it is Progest. induced gyno, and that far gone...sorry, save your money on the winny. Armidex, in some studies has reduced existing gyno to the point of nullity.

PGF2A, if it's fatty deposites will aid as well...but hurts like a bitch. If it's glandular, sorry once again.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 283
From:Twin Towers
Registered: Dec 2000

posted March 31, 2001 02:52 PM

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Congrats, glad to hear everything went well.

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