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  switching from sust to enanthate???

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Author Topic:   switching from sust to enanthate???

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 113
Registered: Aug 2000

posted March 30, 2001 01:05 AM

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I ran a little short on my sust for my current cycle. I have read in some places that test is test. If this is true shouldn't I be able to continue this cycle with enanthate? I found some primoteston depot. I have been on sust for seven weeks. Would it be beneficial to switch to the primo for 2 or 3 more weeks? thanks

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 30, 2001 01:15 AM

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Also, the base for my cycle is eq for 16 weeks. When I'm done with the test I'm going to run winny for 6 weeks 50mg ed. Should I skip the primoteston and just go to the winny or both? Or is the enanthate just a waste for 2 or 3 weeks?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 30, 2001 01:20 AM

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Test is test with two exceptions. First,
the carbon chains in the ester have weight
and so the actual amount of test per mg
goes down some as the chain gets longer.
This can be significant when comparing propionate to decanoate for example.
344 mg of propionate is the same test as
401 mg of enanthate and the same test as
288 mg of suspension.
The second difference is how quickly they
leave the oil and enter your bloodstream.
I think the rule is to match injections per
halflife from ester to ester. Tough with
sust which has multiple halflifes.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 30, 2001 01:22 AM

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So then the enanthate might be a waste?

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Stew Meat

Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 30, 2001 01:28 AM

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First, I will ask a question. Why are you running the EQ past the test? EQ is a derivitive of testosterone. What you have basicly is a long 8 week taper that is COMPLETLY unnessasary. You are wasting gear, time, effort, and delaying the reinstatement of your natural hormonal axis. The longer you keep your natural hormones inhibited, the harder they are to return to normal. You may encounter problems (peaks and troughs) while your body tries to reasch a homeostasis.

I'd give you 2 choices:
1. Stop your sustonon at 7 weeks. Stop your EQ at 7 weeks. Hit clomid therapy and HCG two weeks after last injection. BAM, end of cycle.
or 2. Finish out your sust. at week 7 wait one week. Then start the enthanate shots every three days (Every three days will keep the smoothest hormone level) and finish up your EQ one week before your last enthanate shot. Then one week after your last enthanate inject., start your clomid therapy and HCG.
Cycle over, wait 10 weeks... (or bridge with a low androgen and keep your HPTA active) then its cycle time again.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 30, 2001 01:32 AM

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Another fine post, stew. I saw a dude
last week who posted he was planning on
bridging with deca.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 30, 2001 01:36 AM

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I am running the eq so long because I like the cut vascular look that it gives. I feel that for my purposes and goals the eq is better than the test. After the 6 weeks of winny that I mentioned I am doing 25mg ed of anavar for 8 weeks. This will be after the eq. My goal is a short bulking phase then I am working on endurance and strength. I race motorcycles and some of the races are 5 hours long. So I am sort of doing an experimental endurance cycle that is pretty lenghty.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From: Mons Olympus on Mars, base camp.
Registered: Sep 2000

posted March 30, 2001 04:02 AM

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Hey Stew knows what he is talking about, take his advise and it will be better in the long run.

Good luck Bro. Keep on your workouts just like you did when your on cycle and you will minimize the loss. Hell you will still look
great, beleive me.

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Posts: 2950
Registered: Oct 2000

posted March 30, 2001 04:22 AM

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Originally posted by Stew Meat:

I'd give you 2 choices:
1. Stop your sustonon at 7 weeks. Stop your EQ at 7 weeks. Hit clomid therapy and HCG two weeks after last injection. BAM, end of cycle.

Stew just an observation, sometime back we had a disagreement on when to start clomid afer eq, I said 2 weeks and you said 3. Now he is running sust and eq and you state start clomid after 2 weeks. Was curious as to why this would be.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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Registered: Feb 2001

posted March 30, 2001 06:47 AM

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I disagree entirely with these replies. I have used all of the drugs and had great results. There may not be a great deal of science behind running your Eq longer than test, but it may help hold gains. EQ alone will help you feel harder and hungrier. Two things we all want. There is also no reason not to add the Enanthate after the Sus. Enanthate is 200mg and sus is 250. Do your math and keep your mg the same and don't taper. The sus has prop which helps it get in your system faster, but after 7 weeks your all good and the body will take to the enanthate immediately. I like your idea of coming down with winny and bridging with Anavar as well. You are on the Right track stick with it.

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Stew Meat

Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 30, 2001 12:11 PM

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EQ- Bolderone
Takes 2-3 weeks before it is out of the system. It is pointless to start clomid until then and if you start it after then you will gave a one week period where you will have not enough hormone in your system to retain your gains as your test has not had a chance to come back nautrally.
Lets look at the last couple of weeks of an injection schedule of bolderone. I will use 400mg/week because I think that will be much better than 300. Keep in mind the life of bolderone is about 2 weeks. The first mondy is how much was injected to start with. The next injection days are days that have bolderone still present in the system plus the added injection from that day.

Most of what you know somes from what your have heard from other people who don't know what they are talking about. Most of the people here only regurgitate what they have heard others say. The following is not from "he-said-that-his-friend-said-that-someone-said-this-was-true" but was derived from scientific deductive reasoning based on research on esters and their substrate release.

(M1) represents what is left from MONDAY of the 1st WEEK
(F1) would be the friday from the first week.
Likewise, (M3) would be the amount still active from Week 3's Monday injection.

1st Week -Monday: 200mg
initial injection

1st Week -Friday: 355mg in blood stream
initial injection still present (155mg) plus another injection (200mg)

2nd Week -Monday: 470in blood stream

2nd Week Friday: 535mg in blood stream


3rd Week -Friday: 555mg

4th Week -Monday 555mg

4th Week -Friday: 555mg

5th Week -Monday 555mg

5th Week -Friday 555

6th Week -Monday 555

6th Week -Friday


OK... Do you see the trend? With bi-weekly injections of 200mg of the bolderone, you will reach a saturation zone of 555mg.

Now, we are going to stop all of our injections. No more injections... Watch what happens to hormone levels:

7th Week -Monday: 355mg

7th Week -Friday: 200mg present in the body which is plenty left to retain your gains however not enough to promote anabolism.

8th Week -Monday: 85mg in blood. This is just barely enough to deter catabolism. However it is still too much exogenous androgen to allow natural hormone production to resume.

8th Week -Friday: 20mg of Ex. Hormone in system! I would recomend that the Clomid be taken 300mg on day: Wednesday of week 8. then follow with 100mg per day for the following week till next Wednesday then drop the dose to 50mg. Also, on Wednesday, you should hit 2500iu of HCG and again on Fri or Saturday.

9th Week -Monday: Natural test level have probably resumed up to 75%. If you used HCG and Cyclofenil, they may be up to 100-110% functioning. The following 50mg EOD of clomid will help to make sure that the pituatary does't relapse and that in order for a steady stream of lutenizing hormone to be released for testicular stimulation.

If your cycle is longer, (and it should be, this was only for demonstration purposes) then your body will maintain 555mg of bolderone throughout the entire cycle until you stop the exogenous injections where levels will fall in exactly the same way as described above. It doesn't matter how long you stay on, the levels will act the same. 2 injections per week will keep levels from fluncuating.

Enthanate, Propinate, Deconate, Iscoparate, etc... all have different lifespans. Clomid should be timed to comensate for the differences.
Never run bolderone for the same length as cypionate or prop.
My advice on an EQ and Enthanate cycle would be to increase the last bolderone injection to about 100-200mg higher than the reset of the injections and stop the injectioins on week earlier than the enthanate. That will make the perfect transisition in regards to the test and the eq leaving the system at the same time. Otherwise, your natural test will remain inhibited. Then hit the clomid/hcg one week after the last enthanate injection.

Timing is everything.


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Stew Meat

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 730
Registered: Jul 2000

posted March 30, 2001 01:58 PM

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If you use Clomid/HCG correctly, you will not need to worry about loosing any gains post cycle. Your natural testosterone will pick up where the exogenous hormones left off and you will continue to experience gains with no down time. However, if you run EQ alone past your test, your gains will diminish due to the tolerance that you have developed to the EQ throught the months of the cycle. In the end after you finsh the EQ (if you run for 14 weeks, it will be out of your system completely at week 16 or 17), you are going to loose a lot of your gains as soon as you stop. The reason is that you have depressed your natural testosterone for so long that it will take it a long time for your HPTA to recuperate and return to normal. During this time, you have the potential to loose a lot of your gains, your motivation, and like many have done get depressed and quit lifting. All of this could have been avoided if you had educated yourself a little more as to what you were doing to your body, and restored your natural hormonal axis quickly. This will give you MORE gains and is the only SAFE approach to cycling. This is precisely the reason steroids are illegeal and scheduled today... people do not know hot to use them without destroying their bodies.


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