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  using 19 norandrostendione/diol with AS

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Author Topic:   using 19 norandrostendione/diol with AS
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 3)
posted April 25, 2000 04:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bench405     Edit/Delete Message
I know from reading the board that most people here are not fond of using noradro or andro for anything infact most of you view it as useless, I know that the stuff is never going to be as good as AS but as far as the nor products go has anyone had any experience with using 19 Nor as a deca source in conjunction with an AS cycle. I am fully aware that the real deca is superior so I don't need my head ground in the mat for thinking otherwise but I just was wondering if anyone on here has ever tried it after all like I said before in a previous post that Mass Quantities has a pretty cool recomposition program that uses 19 Nor in huge doses so I guess that is where I get my basis for asking this question THANKS!!!!

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Mr. T
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 408)
posted April 25, 2000 04:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mr. T     Edit/Delete Message
I tried Andro products before AS and I found that they did work a little. However, recent research indicates that prohormones not only increase tes but greatly increase estrogen as well. Which, of course, makes your cycle more prone to gyno. I to think prohormones are a waste of $. Your right, real Deca will blow that shit away. But if your heart is set on trying it in your cycle, I would use some Clomid to block the estrogen increases.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 133)
posted April 25, 2000 04:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for coyote977   Click Here to Email coyote977     Edit/Delete Message
get the real thing, why waste money.

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