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  sust250 that much better than enanthate???

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Author Topic:   sust250 that much better than enanthate???
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 19)
posted April 24, 2000 10:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JuiceBoy   Click Here to Email JuiceBoy     Edit/Delete Message
I wanna start my second cycle and I wanna do sust but cash is low and I can get t200 cheap (who can't) basically, is sust that much better than test? I know the t200 is underdosed a little and plan to compensate by adding 50mg to every 200mgs. I'm about 195 at 11% wanna add some nice size, like 20lbs or so. Here's what I planned for the sust, u guys think the same cycle would be cool for the t200?
....and do i need to stack it with a more anabolic drug like deca? any comments would be great, thanks. Also how much clomid, etc

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(Total posts: 201)
posted April 24, 2000 11:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BigPapaPump   Click Here to Email BigPapaPump     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 39254017
For my $$$$$ worth, I'd take the t200 anyday. IF you want that sudden kick, add in a shot or 2 of test prop and you'll never know the difference. Theres fake gear everywhere but I can't say that I've really ever had a problem with any t200 that I've used.


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