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  George Spellwin's ELITE FITNESS Discussion Boards
   Anabolic Discussion Board
  I have a question for all of you

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Author Topic:   I have a question for all of you
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 2)
posted April 18, 2000 06:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bench405     Edit/Delete Message
I been reading this board for a month or so and I find this board to be really kick ass but there is something that I don't really understand. This board is here because of George Spellwin he is a chemist right? and he has a recomposition program on massquantities site that is very comprehensive and looks to be very good for someone using prohormones just look at the pics of that guy named Mark they are incredible and he used prohormones to get that but what I don't understand is that prohormones are commonly talked about on this board as being useless. I know that gear really works and by no means am I trying to look down on steroids we all know what they can do but why are there so many people who seem to be regulars that cut prohormones down when the forum that they are sharing there views on is compliments of George it just seems a little disrespectful and almost insulting to the intelligence of this man.

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(Total posts: 2420)
posted April 18, 2000 08:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for E2   Click Here to Email E2     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 54337564
George had him on insane amounts of prohormones, i think i'm right about that, am i not george???

And i don't think it's insulting to george for us to say that prohormones are crap, because hands down they are, why take them when you can take steroids. Do you think he would write an article about a body transformation of someone who was taking juice??? how well do you think that would go over??? Let alone, he could possible be prosecuted for writing about that.

The article and the story were done to promote mass quantities products and to show that they do work!

Now that said, steroids are an illegal alternative to them, and for the person who doesn't care then it only makes sense to take steroids. For the law abiding citizen who doens't want to break any laws then mega doseing pro hormones will help.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 5)
posted April 18, 2000 08:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for glenbenton   Click Here to Email glenbenton     Edit/Delete Message
all pro hormones do is make you grow a nice pair of hairy titties

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 59)
posted April 18, 2000 08:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for TEXASAMM   Click Here to Email TEXASAMM     Edit/Delete Message
Im a little confused you think it is disrespectful to george to say prohormones dont work well on this board? I find it disrespectful to the people on the board to lie and say that they work incredible and u should all go out and spend $100's every month on them!!!! SAMM

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 29)
posted April 18, 2000 08:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BLOODTIDE   Click Here to Email BLOODTIDE     Edit/Delete Message
Bench your missing the point "ANABOLIC DISCUSSION", Including the pros & cons of supplements -vs- pharmaceuticals. No ones disrespecting George, I think we all honor him by utilizing the most important feature of his board.**education through freedom of speach!**

"we forge our bodies through the fire of our will"

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 61)
posted April 18, 2000 08:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mossberg   Click Here to Email mossberg     Edit/Delete Message
GOD BLESS AMERICA (sounded as the tune)

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