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  George Spellwin's ELITE FITNESS Discussion Boards
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  why is everyone so damn sensitive?

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Author Topic:   why is everyone so damn sensitive?
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 539)
posted April 18, 2000 08:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Deepsquat   Click Here to Email Deepsquat     Edit/Delete Message
First Flexed1 leaves(I feel it was because of me.....he stated that he was at 4% body fat yet had nooooo cuts in his thighs.I simply question if he truly was that low(almost immpossible),because my god I have cuts and some striations in my thighs at 15% or mybe higher bodyfat.) Flexed1 even emailed me and seemed very defensive as to his state of readyness for his contest,after I further questioned his true % he then quit the board!
Now Texas Guns wants to leave because she got her little feelings hurt! MY GOD lighten up people! This board is based on an exchange of knowlege and critisim (hell I can't spell worth shit ,rank on that!I won't cry)
If I hurt your feeling,(I refuse to be politically correct)I don't care!
Anyone who has read some of my post knows that if i wish I can flame the ass of Satan himself,so if you post a dumb question,because you were too lazy to read the board for 10 or 12 minutes,you are setting yourself up ! Hell some of you might jump ugly with me for this post.... so what, I will still log on and still give answers to question,I have over 500 posts,and I won't go crying to my mommy evertime someone disagrees with me or ranks on me..... In conclusion,GROW UP!....HAVE A NICE DAY

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 98)
posted April 18, 2000 09:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for kosfer   Click Here to Email kosfer     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 38044958
Dude, maybe you should give a chance to people to get to know you better before going out strong like that, or at least give em a small warning that you're a straight shooter and not to take things the wrong way. This country is full of crybabies I agree on that, but there are many ways to pass a message across.Personally I have no problem with the way you respond to people, and some times I think your responds are the best just cause of how you say things. But sometimes its a matter of respect, at least thats how many people see it. You have to concider that not everybody sees things like you do nor behaves the way you do. Things are simple, when you live in a society you have to put up with shit, if you don't like it go live in the mountains by yourself or something. But in order for people to co-exist people have to respect one another. What I'm trying to say is, there are many ways to express your opinions, why choose a way to piss them off?
I'm not starting a war with you, I'm just telling you how I see it.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 539)
posted April 18, 2000 09:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Deepsquat   Click Here to Email Deepsquat     Edit/Delete Message
By this post I don't,I am not using myself as the cause for others leaving the board( though as I stated maybe My comment was more then Flexed1 could handle(and it was not a flame) I was just wondering why people get so damn uptight,hell I am not offended by what you said, it was just your observation!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 165)
posted April 18, 2000 09:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for XXXL   Click Here to Email XXXL     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 39468048
i personaly like some of the "crybabies" as you put it, that being said here's my take on it. if they don't like it they can leave. i don't think it will be too big of a loss. people post questions and then take offense when you answer them. EVERYBODY and i mean EVERYBODY is too pc these days or offended if someone isn't. this board is the best on the net and there will always be a little friction. i feel this is the best way to learn. a good example of this is the omna=sust qustion. coolhand dogged these people who kept posting about it. this pissed them off enought to try to prove him wrong. now if coolhand was wrong we would have read a million posts explaining how he was wrong and where it could be proven. so this friction is to our benefit. if the problem is someone is attacking you personaly, let it roll of your shoulders. odds are you don't know them and they don't know you. i got hammered my first couple of posts because we didn't have a chat board and i didn't know the rules, but i learned. i guess i'm saying i don't want quiters on this board teaching me and giving me advice. god only knows what they'd tell me.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 12)
posted April 18, 2000 10:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gigante'   Click Here to Email Gigante'     Edit/Delete Message
The Stupid Post in regards to Texas Gun's Tits was a screw up. I can totally understand why she got pissed, wanted to haul ass, and was fed up with the BS. This isn't some Spring Break Wet T-shirt Contest... As for the rest of the babies out there i.e. The "Mighty" Thor - who hasn't been around since he was called on his 18.5 Cold guns... let them go. Personal insults are one thing - Being challenged or questioned is another.

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(Total posts: 2435)
posted April 18, 2000 10:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for E2   Click Here to Email E2     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 54337564



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Roy Batty
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 64)
posted April 18, 2000 11:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Roy Batty   Click Here to Email Roy Batty     Edit/Delete Message
I'm new to this board and enjoy it immensly,
but I have to say that I get so tired of hear ing that people want respect.(not a flame kosfer)

Respect is NOT GIVEN it is EARNED. Through knowing someone either personally or from how they post on a board, correspond, whatever.
That said, COMMON COURTESY IS, AND SHOULD BE GIVEN, whether you know someone or not.

It's obvious that 100mph
violated the latter.

This (COMMON COURTESY)is what seperates this forum from the other worthless horseshit out there.

As far as leaving the board and the friends you've made, I'm sure that Guns regrets the overreaction.

Deepsquat, straight talk never hurt anybody who did'nt have it coming.



Fiery the angels fell. Deep thunder rolled about their shores...

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 290)
posted April 18, 2000 11:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Adonis   Click Here to Email Adonis     Edit/Delete Message
You can not afford to be thin skinned in this world, bad things happen to good people. The majority of us who have been here awhile know when someone is just joking, it seems whenever a newby comes along they always have to say somethin really stupid. with that in mind, use your head, and do your research, no one is going to just give you the answeres, and keep your trap shut unless you have something worthwhile to say.

And Thats The Bottom Line, Cause I said So !!!

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Texas Guns
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 253)
posted April 18, 2000 12:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Texas Guns   Click Here to Email Texas Guns     Edit/Delete Message
My apologies if anyone thinks that I acted like "a baby" here. Let's just let it go. Anyone who knows me knows I am tough skinned and can hang with the big boys. Like I said before, just don't treat me like a dollar-dance sleeze. My apologies to all dancers.

And to Flexed1's defense, he left the board due to the fact that he is so close to competition and he keeps getting conflicting advice from everyone on what he needs to be doing and taking. He is working with a nutritionist/trainer who knows what he is talking about so i think he is going to just stick with that advice for the next three weeks. You know how mentallly stressed you get prior to competition . He just wanted to focus on this competition only. But he will be back.

BTW Deepsquat, hope you will reply to my most recent post. I do not retract any statement I made. Just want to make a point.

Mrs. Guns

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Roy Batty
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 64)
posted April 18, 2000 12:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Roy Batty   Click Here to Email Roy Batty     Edit/Delete Message

I agree it doesn't pay to have thin skin.
Assholes abound, I meet and deal with them everyday, but I don't want to be one of them.
Most are unhappy, insecure losers.


Fiery the angels fell. Deep thunder rolled about their shores...

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 104)
posted April 18, 2000 01:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Juicer56     Edit/Delete Message
they must have just come off a cycle because they get depressed so easy...lol

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 30)
posted April 18, 2000 06:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BLOODTIDE   Click Here to Email BLOODTIDE     Edit/Delete Message
Gone for a couple weeks and missed all the roid rage. What the hell are you guys talking about?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 43)
posted April 18, 2000 06:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEVIATHON   Click Here to Email LEVIATHON     Edit/Delete Message
Peoplle need to stop their damn bitching. We're all looking at a fucking computer screen, who cares if someone doesn't agree with you. Can anyone honestly say that typed words can hurt your feelings? I doubt it. Im sure some people lye about their dimensions, or training techniques, hell we may be asking advice from a 12 year old whos never lifted a weight in his life, he just has "anabolic advantage" at his side. Bottom line, stop bitchin! These are just words, they dont hurt.

"Milk is for babies, when you grow up you drink beer"--Schwarzenegger--"Pumping Iron"

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Jay Z
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 57)
posted April 18, 2000 06:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jay Z   Click Here to Email Jay Z     Edit/Delete Message
some people's feelings have been hurt...

Sign the petition now at LegalizeSteroids.com,DecriminalizeSteroids.com, or SignThePetition.com!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 64)
posted April 18, 2000 07:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mossberg   Click Here to Email mossberg     Edit/Delete Message
Guy's, it's a disscusion board, not your moms kitchen table. Nobody has to "go to bed" with anyone here. Tell it like it is. Hey, the truth hurts, but it won't kill ya and just might make you stronger. The untruthful will have their day in court.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 32)
posted April 18, 2000 11:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jhamilton   Click Here to Email Jhamilton     Edit/Delete Message
My feelings have been hurt on occasion, but screw it. I know with such a diverse group of people that differences in opinons will happen. I have not been on the board for very long time, but I have learned alot. If my questions dont get answered I find the answer, and if someone offends me i defend myself and let it go..

Ignorance is not bliss

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 539)
posted April 18, 2000 11:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Deepsquat   Click Here to Email Deepsquat     Edit/Delete Message
Leviathon....Nice answer,I love it! BTW I am 13 not 12!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 24)
posted April 19, 2000 12:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for bigjohnstud   Click Here to Email bigjohnstud     Edit/Delete Message
People jumped my shit the first time i posted but we just worked it out. I wasn't about to leave this board after all the shit i put with over at bigsport. the people here are cool, everyone makes misstakes and no one Know's everything. thats why we are all here. they might laugh at ya in one post but tell ya exactly what you need to know in another.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 135)
posted April 19, 2000 12:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Platinum   Click Here to Email Platinum     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 53840868
Hey Deepsquat!

How big did you say you were? Like 6'2" and 250lbs? Damn I took a shit that small once. I am just kidding... You guys lighten up...do not bring your bad day here to the board. We are here to educate ourselves and each other. Just relax.


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 9)
posted April 19, 2000 02:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ZEUS   Click Here to Email ZEUS     Edit/Delete Message
I dont know about "SENSITIVE", but I do see this board turning "TREE HUGGER" really fast.
People saying"AWWW E2 You were Too Harsh"! Screw them! Go find another damn board. Im just waiting for my "ROID RAGE" (As The Press Puts It) To kick in on somebody!


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