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  how long does it take until the roids has stunt your growth ??

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Author Topic:   how long does it take until the roids has stunt your growth ??
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 127)
posted April 18, 2000 03:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Buffalo_Bill   Click Here to Email Buffalo_Bill     Edit/Delete Message
how long does it take until the roids has stunt your growth ??

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 539)
posted April 18, 2000 04:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Deepsquat   Click Here to Email Deepsquat     Edit/Delete Message
How fast is fast? how blue is Blue? Sorry Dude no one can answerthat one .....how many cigaretts does it take to get cancer?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 127)
posted April 18, 2000 04:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Buffalo_Bill   Click Here to Email Buffalo_Bill     Edit/Delete Message
Hey deepsquat that wasnt a answer i was looking for you stupid fuck
OK u dont know but maybe there is a catch

Like a bout 1 month we do it or or

I ask because i am very curios and a little freind is using it and i dont want him to use drugs that will stunt his growth while he is so little

see ???


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 539)
posted April 18, 2000 05:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Deepsquat   Click Here to Email Deepsquat     Edit/Delete Message
gee not only are we sensitve today but we also can't spell,Look do you think that there is a specific length of time that it will take for any drug to give you a specific side effect? I thought that you would see the irrationality of your question by the humour of my response and perhaps see that you need to rephrase it? Maybe a better question would have been ,,,can roids stunt growth?...or ....Is my friend too young to be on the juice?.....OR ....My period is relly bad today,please don't make any jokes about my post!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 127)
posted April 18, 2000 05:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Buffalo_Bill   Click Here to Email Buffalo_Bill     Edit/Delete Message

OK i know that roids WILL stunt growth but i thought it was after a spesific period
i guess someone know a answer to my question
ok while using d-bol then maybe that ll help ya

E2 hello ?`???

[This message has been edited by Buffalo_Bill (edited April 18, 2000).]

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Luca Brasi
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 85)
posted April 18, 2000 11:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Luca Brasi   Click Here to Email Luca Brasi     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 68955173

How old is he? if he is still growing it can cause the bones/growth plates to fuse prematurely.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 144)
posted April 19, 2000 02:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ItalianSweetness     Edit/Delete Message
Nice question....couldn't have phrased it better myself. U commented on my post a while back and gave deepsquat credit for making telling me I WAS NOT THE BRIGHTEST GUY ON THE BOARD. But this one is sure much worse than mine. "How long does it take?!" Gee, there has been a lot of studies on that one to date.
sorrrrryyyyyyy, if this makes u twice as mad considering u are on roids and your period Fool.

[This message has been edited by ItalianSweetness (edited April 19, 2000).]

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 562)
posted April 19, 2000 07:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Joseph_stalin   Click Here to Email Joseph_stalin     Edit/Delete Message
why not do the 2 week cycles that bill roberts invented. maybe they will be easier on the body.

i think that the bone closure might be tied to calcium retention. steroids cause your body by one means or another to retain and increase the level of several substances. protein, nitrogen, calcium, water, salt, cortisol, and probably a few other.

if excess calcium retention is at fault, then you should use something like deca or equipoise. or stack the two. anything that gives sore joints in an adult (anadrol & dianabol) should be avoided. sore joints are a sign of excess calcium retention.

tell him to stack deca & equipoise.

give him this cycle.

weeks 1-2 & 7-8 30 mg dianabol a day
weeks 1-8 300 mg deca a week

that should give good gains and might help avoid bone closure (assuming bone closure is due to calcium retention).

if you are really afraid, only do 1 week of dianabol, for example, do 30 mg dianabol a day weeks 1, 5, & 8. or don't do dianabol at all. i think that only using dbol for one week at a time might not cause too much damage.

basically, bone closure might, and i say might because i am only using logic here and not evidence, be due to calcium retention. steroids cause your body to store more calcium than it does when you are off. just like steroids make your body store more nitrogen, protein & water than when you are off.

the extra calcium is probably somehow responsible for the bone closure. maybe your bones have too much calcium and close up or something. i don't know.

anyway, tell him to only use deca & equipoise. and if he uses anything else, try to make it dianabol or anadrol, and only for 1-2 weeks at a time max.

[This message has been edited by Joseph_stalin (edited April 19, 2000).]

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