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  Food allergies!! hands and nose cold, what to eat??

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Author Topic:   Food allergies!! hands and nose cold, what to eat??
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 217)
posted April 15, 2000 08:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 100mph   Click Here to Email 100mph     Edit/Delete Message
I have many food allergies. I have asthma, and all grains mess me up. Oatmeal, wheat, corn, rice all grains and starches make me bloated and I have trouble breathing and my metabolism suddenly slows. When I mean bloated I mean 5-10lbs(water weight) within a half hour, become sleepy and I don't want to do anything, even when I'm taking hydroxycuts. It seems that the whole point of going to the gym is just to get rid of the water I am holding every day. But it's the same process over and over again. I also become very constipated when I eat starches and grains. I'm 6'2" 205-210lbs and very proud of my six pack. I have recently tried eating just fruits and vegetbles for my carb source. I eat the fruit before midafternoon. Sure i,ve lost the water weight but I have no energy, and I noticed that my body has smoothed out and I no longer have any veins or pumps when working out. My hands and nose are constantly cold. The fructose sugar naturally occuring in the fruit is what is obviously smoothing me out. I feel lighter and quicker but the appearance I don't like. I look smooth and round. If I bern off all the sugar early in the day, then by the time I go to bed I look pretty good, (flat, but ripped. I stay lean year round I am not trying to gain any weight but I don't want to look smooth either. I eat almonds and salmon for my fat intake. It goes from 75gto 100g daily. I take in 200g of protein, fish chicken, turkey, tuna, flank steak. Anywher from 2500-3200 calories a day. I want to keep my lean hard physique. My bodyfat is about 8%. I need some suggestions. I'd say this is basically a ketogenic diet. Is my thyroid and insulin levels all messed up?? Any suggestions?? What to do??? PLEASEHELP!!


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 139)
posted April 15, 2000 09:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for rocko   Click Here to Email rocko     Edit/Delete Message
I seem to remember you posting about a simlar problem some weeks ago. Bro it sounds like you have something serious going on, something that can't be taken care of on this board, no matter who answers your posts. It sounds like you need to deffinatly go to a doctor where they can examine you and run some tests that will determine what the problem is.

pain is temporary,
pride is forever.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 217)
posted April 16, 2000 02:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 100mph   Click Here to Email 100mph     Edit/Delete Message



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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 217)
posted April 16, 2000 02:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 100mph   Click Here to Email 100mph     Edit/Delete Message
i need some help thinking about going to the hospital tomorrow! Don't know if that will benefit.



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crazy duke
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 102)
posted April 16, 2000 02:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for crazy duke   Click Here to Email crazy duke     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 14
i have bad allergies and asthma too i went to the doctor and got an allergy shot

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 217)
posted April 16, 2000 02:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 100mph   Click Here to Email 100mph     Edit/Delete Message

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