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  a little update on my cycle for all of you

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Author Topic:   a little update on my cycle for all of you
buck o five
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 90)
posted April 14, 2000 08:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for buck o five   Click Here to Email buck o five     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 59192752
well I just entered my fourth week of my cycle and so far so good. I have only been taking sus
week mg
1 250
2 500
3 500
4 500

I started my cycle and an enormous 122lbs!! and I weighed myself this morning and I'm at a whopping 137lbs!! It's not much but it is a huge plus for me and I feel great and I'm ready and able to hit theat weight mark I want in time.
This was just a little update on my progress and I will keep everyone posted and updated on my progress. Y'all be cool

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 65)
posted April 14, 2000 08:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for kbar   Click Here to Email kbar     Edit/Delete Message
Looks like you are making great gains bro! Keep up the good work. I am in week 6 of a sus/dbol cycle and have only been able to gain 12 pounds so far. What is your diet like? how much do you eat a day and how many meals and grams of protein are you getting? What is your workout like? Keep us posted.

Testosterone Propionate. What a pain in the @$$.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 26)
posted April 14, 2000 08:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for T-BONE     Edit/Delete Message
Just curious, how tall are you? Other than that, congrats on the gains!

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buck o five
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 90)
posted April 14, 2000 08:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for buck o five   Click Here to Email buck o five     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 59192752
I am 5'7"
my diet consist of 6-7 meals a day and I take in 35-45 grams of protein in each sitting and an occasional protein bar if I get the urge to snack a little. I'm taking in about 200-250 grams of carbs a day. I don't want to get much more than that because I want to stay lean.
Thanks for the support guys!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 3)
posted April 14, 2000 08:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for adawg78   Click Here to Email adawg78     Edit/Delete Message
i've been reading this board for a while just trying to learn, and from what i have read, a lot of people say that you should have at least ALMOST reached one's natural limits before you consider AS. if this dude started out at 122 pounds, no matter what height, it doesn't seem like he was even CLOSE to that, or wasn't making an attempt to put on weight by just eating and eating. i know the whole "natural limit" idea is probably an opinion, but i've noticed some seemingly experienced guys mentioning it. i mean these gains seem good and all, but am i missing something here?? i may be young but ya know...just an observation...

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buck o five
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 90)
posted April 14, 2000 08:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for buck o five   Click Here to Email buck o five     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 59192752
Let's just say this - people have their own opinions about everything and you don't have to reach your full potential before doing AS. When I was in the military I lifted everyday and I got up to 156lbs and it was solid but I couldn't get any bigger, so to speak I hit my plateu and I never had any contacts for AS or even knew how to get AS. When I hit my limit I got discouraged and quit lifting. It took me 2 years to get to that size and I started out at 115lbs at 17 years old. Now I'm 28 and alot wiser than I was. I'm a grown man that makes my own decisions and the decision I made was to go on a cycle of AS after alot of hours and research about it and chat rooms like this one that are extremely informative of AS. I was nervous and scared as hell to take that first shot so no wasn't easy and it being sus hurt like hell for the next few days bra!!! I like the results I have obtained through doing this and I enjoy eating healthy and lifting weights. All I used to do was work work work work work work!! Now I have a hobby that enjoy doing and will continue to do.
When, where, and why you do AS is totally up to that person. I don't know all the answers to AS but that is why I am here because there are alot of intelligent people on this board that know what they are talking about when it comes to AS. Some you listen to and some you blow off and after being here for enough time and reading all these posts you know which ones know the right way and the ones that just do it to get big real quick for the ass that comes along with AS and then shrink back down to size when alcohol and parties are all they want to have anything to do with.

OH!! by the way, I take in 4500-5500 cals a day

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 3)
posted April 14, 2000 09:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for adawg78   Click Here to Email adawg78     Edit/Delete Message
i knew i was missing something! i wasn't tryin to disrespect anyone or nothing...which of course i knew it would be taken that way. it's just that you should know how much contradicting information is out there on training and AS and nutrition, and i was sitting here wondering what the deal was with taking AS when you only weight 122 to start with, that's all. i guess i was curious about the reason to go on them. still learning here, and good luck!

oh yeah, and i feel ya on the partying and everything. i'm college, and i love going to the gym (especially on fridays like today) and seeing all the frat boys in their wife beaters trying to get pumped (scrawny dudes) that are just gonna be passed out somewhere in 10 hours hehe.

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buck o five
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 90)
posted April 14, 2000 09:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for buck o five   Click Here to Email buck o five     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 59192752
It's all good dawg!!! I wasn't trying to get on you or anything just making my own little point. You will hear alot of things on message boards and just like I said you will come to learn which people are right and which people are wrong in situations.

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