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  sust shot made my friend's back all swollen

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Author Topic:   sust shot made my friend's back all swollen
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 19)
posted April 13, 2000 11:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for saucey   Click Here to Email saucey     Edit/Delete Message
I have this friend who has been taking sust250 for a few weeks. on his forth shot(in the ass), he got the usual sust pain. but his lower back got all swollen and painful. it looks like it is filled with fluid or something. it's been almost a week since the shot. i know that sust causes pain for a few days, but this is some weird shit. anybody have this problem or at least some input????p.s. the injection was sterile, and it doesn't look to be infected at the site.

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