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  Something very strange happened while I was doing cardio

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Author Topic:   Something very strange happened while I was doing cardio
buck o five
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 60)
posted April 13, 2000 12:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for buck o five   Click Here to Email buck o five     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 59192752
The other day I was doing some cardio and I was out jogging. I have shin splints and have had them since I was in the military but on this day they were very painful and I stretched for about an hour before but what was really weird is that I had 3 pellet sized bumps show up around the left side of my shin on my left leg. They weren't red bumps, it looked like someone had implanted 3 pellets underneath my skin. They didn't hurt when I massaged them or anything but it was very strange and that had never happened to me before. It unfortunatly brought my cardio to an end for that day and I returned home and iced my shins until all of the veins in my legs were preserved in a frozen state (I'm exaderating)
Has this happened to anyone else and if so what did you do about it or what would you suggest I do?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 34)
posted April 13, 2000 12:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Pubert   Click Here to Email Pubert     Edit/Delete Message
I've got a bump like that on my right shin (also get shin splints)...I have no clue what it is, but I'd like to know too...


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 14)
posted April 13, 2000 01:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for EXTREMEPOWER     Edit/Delete Message
what it could be is an inflamation of the tendon or the muscle itself in that area....best bet is lay off a while and let it rest...i had it too and laying off made it go away

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 34)
posted April 13, 2000 01:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Pubert   Click Here to Email Pubert     Edit/Delete Message
I actually always have mine...

Any clues?


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buck o five
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 60)
posted April 13, 2000 01:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for buck o five   Click Here to Email buck o five     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 59192752
I have quite doing cardio during my cycle. That was the first time I went joggin in 4 weeks but the day before that which was Sunday I played basketball (fullcourt) for about 3 hours. I have always had shin splints but not like this

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(Total posts: 1226)
posted April 13, 2000 01:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for macrophage69alpha   Click Here to Email macrophage69alpha     Edit/Delete Message
little bumps in the calf/shin
are almost always tears in the muscle fascia
the sheath that goes around the muscle- fo some reason the fascia in the calves in not very stretchy and tears- it can happen in any muscle but calves/shins and forearms are the most common places.
it is not a problem- it is actually a sign that your body is trying to grow- tears usually occur when your muscle becomes really pumped and the the sheath tears because it is to tight.


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buck o five
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 60)
posted April 13, 2000 01:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for buck o five   Click Here to Email buck o five     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 59192752
okay - I can relate because the muscle around my shin was very tight and pumped up. cool thanks for the info

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(Total posts: 1226)
posted April 13, 2000 01:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for macrophage69alpha   Click Here to Email macrophage69alpha     Edit/Delete Message
the tears are permanent, by the way, so dont be suprised when the bumps come back- when your muscle gets pumped- in fact dont be suprised if they, the tears, get a larger diameter.


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buck o five
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 60)
posted April 13, 2000 02:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for buck o five   Click Here to Email buck o five     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 59192752
so the muscle will not recover from the tear? Does this mean I can't do anymore jogging? I'm a jogging junkie and I have been doing it for years I would hate to know that I can't do it anymore

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 261)
posted April 13, 2000 02:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for bignate73   Click Here to Email bignate73     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 65081685
it doesnt mean you cant jog anymore. it means merely that your fascia tore a bit and thats muscle swelling out of it. ive seen it alot in the gastroc of some people, i have a small one in mine. thought it looked kindof freaky for a while...heh heh. you can still jog but let those shin splints recover a bit. i had them in the military too. a good dose of not running fixed em. also take a look at your shoes and see how worn they are or if they give the proper support and shock absorption.

lift eat grow!!!

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buck o five
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 60)
posted April 13, 2000 02:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for buck o five   Click Here to Email buck o five     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 59192752
I just bought a new pair of shoes and that was the first time wearing them jogging. Man this sucks!!! I don't know what I will do not being able to do my jogging.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 201)
posted April 13, 2000 03:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 100mph   Click Here to Email 100mph     Edit/Delete Message
You will still be able to jog, you just need a little time off due to the shin splints. If you have access to a trainer they should give you some very helpful exercises to do to rid your shin splints.


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buck o five
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 60)
posted April 13, 2000 03:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for buck o five   Click Here to Email buck o five     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 59192752
I seriously appreciate the advice fellas. Thank you

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