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Author Topic:   Check this out
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 148)
posted April 13, 2000 12:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Iean   Click Here to Email Iean     Edit/Delete Message
Ok here it is. Short one before I move.

Week 1: Sust 500mg Clomid 150mg
Week 2: Sust 500 Clomid 150
Week 3: 500 150
Week 4: 500 150
Week 5: 250 150
Week 6: 250 150
Week 7: 300
Week 8: 150
Week 9 150 HCG 1000mg
Week10: 150

Give me some constructive criticism. Also help me out with the HCG, am I doing it right? THe reason I put it 2 weeks after last Sust injection is that I figure there is still a considerable anount of test. still in. Also what are normal Nolvadex dosages?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 566)
posted April 13, 2000 12:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for studcj   Click Here to Email studcj     Edit/Delete Message
I say wait onusing the clomid untill later in your cycle. Also, maybe condense your last 4 weeks into two. You don't need to taper with the sus. But wait a while and you'll find somebody who disagrees.

"I can, because Im crazzy!"

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 515)
posted April 13, 2000 12:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MattTheSkywalker   Click Here to Email MattTheSkywalker     Edit/Delete Message

I don't think HCG is ever really necessary. The purpose of HCG is to shock your body into producing test again, but with your fairly light doses, just taking clomid throughout will render the HCG unnecessary.

I would take clomid 50 mg eod throughout, and then in the four weeks immediately following the cycle, I would do this:

100mg ed, 100 mg eod, 50 mg ed, 50 mg eod.

I agree with CJ about the last four weeks - sust is self tapering. Also you may want to throw in 30 or 35 mg dbol the first four weeks until the sust builds up.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 148)
posted April 13, 2000 08:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Iean   Click Here to Email Iean     Edit/Delete Message

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 139)
posted April 13, 2000 10:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DYLAN     Edit/Delete Message
I say get more sust and keep it at 500mgs for 8 weeks. Stack it with some dbol or deca, or both.....Ease up on the clomid. Just my opinions.

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bad brains
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 343)
posted April 13, 2000 10:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bad brains   Click Here to Email bad brains     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 68109812
I would say just do clomid eod throughout your cycle and don't use any HCG at all. Do clomid 2 weeks after last injection ed 100mg for 2 weeks and then 50mg ed for one week.

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