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  Guys, how do y'all train?

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Author Topic:   Guys, how do y'all train?
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 23)
posted April 11, 2000 10:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ahthong     Edit/Delete Message
What I really mean is how many sets and reps dp y'all perform? Is cutting up training pretty much the same with mass training? Also, how long do y'all rest between sets? I've sorta hit the wall lately and any advise will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 148)
posted April 11, 2000 10:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for The_Blond_Myth   Click Here to Email The_Blond_Myth     Edit/Delete Message
here is my schedule it has given me excellent results for three years so far. I cycle the rep ranges, and keep the exercises the same. I train with a 3 day split, 5 days per week, doesn't matter which two days you take off.


1. Chest/Shoulders
2. Back/Triceps
3. Legs/calves/biceps

The cycle goes like this for each exercise done.

Week 1 2sets/10-15reps/2min rest bet sets
Week 2 3sets/10-15reps/1.5min rest bet sets
Week 3 4sets/4-8reps/1min rest bet sets
Week 4 5sets/4-8reps/1min rest bet sets
Week 5 5sets/4-8reps/1min rest bet sets

Then back to week 1

Works really well for me. Some like to do one bodypart per week, but it is not frequent enough for me, I lost size following such a routine.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 122)
posted April 11, 2000 11:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Quadzilla43     Edit/Delete Message
One of the main things is whether or not you are using your muscles to do the work. You should have whatever muscle group you're working cramping and aching by the 8th rep in a 12 rep set. At that 8th rep, if you can keep on going, the muscle will grow. If you can't take the pain and stop, forget it.

"The weights are a means to an end, they are not my friends."-Nasser

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 23)
posted April 11, 2000 11:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BIGDT   Click Here to Email BIGDT     Edit/Delete Message
Go total body or die. Work your legs to death. The stronger you get the faster the recovery time. What are you training for?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 169)
posted April 11, 2000 11:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BigQuadz   Click Here to Email BigQuadz     Edit/Delete Message
When you hit a wall stop and think, "am I training hard enough, do I eat like I should, do I get enough sleep", then always stick to the basics.

Keep it simple, strict, and heavy. That is the best thing I have learned in 6 years in the gym. As far as routines, what works for one might not work for others (depending on experience, age, genes, blah blah blah)

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el cubano
(Total posts: 341)
posted April 11, 2000 11:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for el cubano   Click Here to Email el cubano     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 61265596
OK, check this out. I've been working out for a long time and using for over ten years. When I train of course it's not going to be the same routine as when you train and to tell you the truth I don't even remember how I used to work out 15 years ago! But this is what I do now. I'm a shift worker and can't make it to the gym on a fixed schedule, but here's what I do....

Chest and Triceps

Flat bench 4 sets
Incline 4 sets
Flies (incline or flat) 3 sets
Machine pull-overs 3 sets
note: I'll begin with either flat or incline press depending on which one I want to go heavy on that day

Skull crushers 3 sets
Close grip bench 3 sets
Cable pull downs v-bar 3 sets
Cable pull downs straight bar 3 sets
Then finish off with some dips to hit both the chest and tri's

Back and Biceps

Seated rows 3 sets
Behind the head pull downs 3 sets
Bent over pull ups 3 sets
Back extensions (lower back) 3 sets

Straight bar curls 3 sets
EZ bar curls 3 sets
Dumbells 3 sets

Legs and Shoulders

Squats 4 sets
Leg Press 3 sets
Leg extensions 3 sets
Hamstring curls 3 sets
Calve raises 4 sets

Military Press (in front of head) 4 sets
Shoulder Shrugs 3 sets
Cable extensions side 3 sets
Dumbell extensions front 3 sets

There are more things that I do and I basically do what ever I feel like doing on that particular day. This is just an example work out. I go to the gym every other day.

The Cuban

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