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  very challenging question

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Author Topic:   very challenging question
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 27)
posted April 10, 2000 12:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BigDallas   Click Here to Email BigDallas     Edit/Delete Message
while on a cycle, considering that you eat and sleep plenty, can you train every body part every 48 hours and expect better gains than training every 72 hours or even once a week?
it would be like this

i know it's kinda crazy, but would it work?


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 503)
posted April 10, 2000 12:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for studcj   Click Here to Email studcj     Edit/Delete Message
I think it all depends on the person. Me personally, I train every body part at least 2 times a week. Sometimes I'll go three times a week on shoulders or chest or back, but never more than twice on legs. I have never been on cycle before though. I guess it depends on the individual. I am still young and have a really good recovery time. It also depends on how hard you hit the muscle groups. I train each twice a week and I hit'em as hard as I can. Others will train two to three times a week and have a heavy and light day. Hmmmm....I think my answer is harder to figure out than your question!
Hope it helped

"I can, because Im crazzy!"

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 503)
posted April 10, 2000 12:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for studcj   Click Here to Email studcj     Edit/Delete Message
Go to the post "Lets see your guys opinions"
It is the same question, and many more have answered there.

"I can, because Im crazzy!"

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 338)
posted April 10, 2000 04:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for THESAINT   Click Here to Email THESAINT     Edit/Delete Message
When on a steroid cycle your muscle will
store more glycogen therefore you can
lift more aggressively with heavier
weights. This will cause more muscle
breakdown and as we all now you grow
when you're resting. More muscle break
down, more rest needed.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 218)
posted April 10, 2000 05:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for deltman   Click Here to Email deltman     Edit/Delete Message
I think as long as you're not working a muscle again when it's extremely sore from the last beating that you'll be okay. But of course, everyone reacts to training differently. Just my .02 though.


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