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  post cycle recovery

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Author Topic:   post cycle recovery
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 11)
posted April 09, 2000 09:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for magnum357     Edit/Delete Message
i need info can anyone help

"If you can go through the pain barrier then you may get to be a champion, if you cannot then forget it."

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 9)
posted April 10, 2000 01:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sasben   Click Here to Email sasben     Edit/Delete Message
Without delving into your endocrine system, too much, you can understand why some things are done.

Your body systems work on a negative feedback system, where by when your body detects too much of a hormone or detects other changes in blood chemistry, it will release another product to down regulate its over productions.

Introduce something from an external source and you will be shutting down some systems as they no longer need to function.

An example is high levels of test. in your system and your hypothalamus will detect the blood changes and slow down LH until its almost non existant.

The pituitary will sense this and lower the LH along with FSH and TSH and rely on your external source of test.

Your oestrogen will bump up because of the amount of androgens in your body and conversion (if it aromatises easily and also depends on your body)

Your testes will then start begging for any spare testosterone it can get and because your LH has lowered significantly, they dont get much. Picture a jug of water, where it sits under a tap that open and closes frequently, (say 10ml of test. a day naturally), then you turn off lh and provide external sources of test, the jug doesnt get filled any more, and you start emptying it. (just like haveing 750ml of sus 250 a week for a few weeks... Try NOT having a painful erection and rubbing up against women at train stations :-)

So your testes, still begging for test. start to get smaller.

So the rational is...

Deal with (during the cycle), the levels of oestrogen and the testicular atrophy, then post cycle, deal with the water loss, the muscle loss that your nervous system cant hold onto, the cortisol levels and the extra fat.

Some people prefer, (myself)
clomid every 2nd day, during the whole cycle, nolvadex in 100mg for two days when swelling or tenderness occurs in the breast tissue, then 50 every day after or even every day your not using clomid, then at the cessation of the steroids, clomid for 50 mg every day for two weeks, then wait 2 more weeks and have a FBC (full blood count including liver and test.)

You could also consider saturation of your muscles with creatine 30g/day , 3-5g vit C/day, and a clen/(maybe cytomel) cycle which will help hold the muscle during high cortisol levels.

HCG should get a mention, but I never bother


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 11)
posted April 10, 2000 02:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for magnum357     Edit/Delete Message
how much would all that clomid and nolvadex cost on a twelve week cycle and would you email me a hookup?

"If you can go through the pain barrier then you may get to be a champion, if you cannot then forget it."

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 9)
posted April 10, 2000 03:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sasben   Click Here to Email sasben     Edit/Delete Message
How long is a piece of string?

I sure someone could sell you 24 for $10US or 24 for $100 US. I know what I would pay.

Sorry dude - Cant help. Keep looking.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 25)
posted April 10, 2000 04:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sicilian     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 14654041
got to roid.com...they have great article on how to come off of a cycle and it works for me when i come down

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