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Author Topic:   I DO NOT AGREE!!
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 85)
posted April 09, 2000 03:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Buffalo_Bill   Click Here to Email Buffalo_Bill     Edit/Delete Message
A lot of times i have red u guys saying that you shouldnt use testosterone before you are over 20 ! ??
and you shouldnt start with testosterone use only AS


U may use testosterone from you are like 13 years old if u want but in smaller doses
this is called Testosterone replacment therapi

Read this article written by a doctor !!
(recommanded for every1)
MAny of u guys now this already but you are speaking out to use more dangerous drugs before hitting the test wich may lead to abusing of steroids !!!
I have learned a lot on this board and i have fucked my mind up on this board because of all the stupid statements here !!

The development of arteriosclerosis, varicose veins, hemmorrhoids, increased body fat, atrophy of the skin, systolic hypertension and increased cholesterol are aging-associated changes in males. These are reversible with testosterone supplementation or androgen replacement therapy (ART) .

This means that the sooner u use it the better is it !!

Read more of this here !!

And one more thing
this talking about drinking alcohol is so bad

also included on the site above

[This message has been edited by Buffalo_Bill (edited April 09, 2000).]

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 488)
posted April 09, 2000 04:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for studcj   Click Here to Email studcj     Edit/Delete Message
I disagree with you. The point that everybody makes is that your natural test levels are so high that you don't NEED to take test. If you can't make great gains at that age then you aren't working hard enough, plain and simple.
hey, you need to learn how to spell too. Are you from another country or do you have to type fast so your mom doesn't catch you on this board??

"I can, because Im crazzy!"

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 123)
posted April 09, 2000 04:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dutch     Edit/Delete Message
Good info..

I have a 12 y/o son and i was planning to give him 400 mg primo a week. Now i know this is a mistake and i should give him test.. 500 mg of sustanon a week sound good ??

thanks buffalo.

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Sittin' On Diesel
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 214)
posted April 09, 2000 05:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Sittin' On Diesel   Click Here to Email Sittin' On Diesel     Edit/Delete Message
Yeah, I think that you shouldn't consider test till your mid 20's. Your test levels from like 17-early 20's are very high (unless you have some sort of condition- or your nutsack fell off)- around 700-900 ng/ml. Use what you have now, your body is producing test like a bat out of hell.

What could happen (this is pure speculation) is that since you would probably take enough test to effectively shut down your nuts, your nuts may not return to their blazing levels as they were before your cycle. Who knows what levels they would return to.

Just a thought. I am a firm believer that you should have been working out consistently for over a year before considering AS. You will be able to make monstrous gains, and then plateau. I have gained approx. 35lbs naturally (lean mass) since I have been working out. I have began my first cycle 2 weeks ago.


[This message has been edited by Sittin' On Diesel (edited April 09, 2000).]

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 214)
posted April 09, 2000 05:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for deltman   Click Here to Email deltman     Edit/Delete Message
Listen to the bros man, I think they know what they're talking about buddy.


Combine desire with safety and intelligence and you WILL REACH YOUR GOALS!!!!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 77)
posted April 09, 2000 05:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rich1   Click Here to Email Rich1     Edit/Delete Message
Dutch you have got to be kidding, your not gonna give your 12 y/o son any primo are you?If so then he shouldn't be living with you, all he would have to do is tell his friends and your off to jail, I'll visit you on sundays if they let you have visitors in Jail..(just kidding, like you were)heh heh..
HA HA HA.. Buffulo Bill good research but don't feed kids roids, no matter what Arnold did its not right..and you know better any way..heh heh..

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 332)
posted April 09, 2000 06:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for THESAINT   Click Here to Email THESAINT     Edit/Delete Message
You missed the whole point of the article.
The doctor is saying when you get to the
age where arteriosclerosis etc. are
prevalent you can reverse the effects
with hormone replacement therapy. In other
words, when your own test. levels start
to decline you can boost them back up
and create an anti-aging effect. If your
own test. levels are already high, as when
you're young, adding extra test. will do
nothing to increase anti-aging benefits

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 552)
posted April 09, 2000 07:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for WCP   Click Here to Email WCP     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 39184064
Man..I really didnt want to do this..but........
Buffalo Bill,
There is nothing wrong whatsoever with asking questions..but as I scroll the board every 3rd friggin post is yours..and its info that you can learn by doing some footwork on the board or the net.
I dont know if your english or not, but I can hardly decipher what it is you type in the first place, and quite frankly I think you need to start reading more before you go disagreeing with any vets or mods on the board. They answer questions based on real world experience, not journalistic medical writings.
Basically dude, do more homework..and less time posting questions that you can answer yourself.

"I am the purist nonconformist, jaded, sub-human terrorist"

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Mr. T
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 320)
posted April 09, 2000 07:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mr. T     Edit/Delete Message
The way people on this board use AS is not testosterone replacement therapy. Tes replacment therapy is only supposed to bring low tes levels back to the normal range. Guys on this board, when on AS, are waaayyy above normal. We are actually at like grizzly bear tes levels. If you know someone screwing with there kids maturation by giving them AS, you should report them for child abuse. Do more research bro, your dead wrong on this issue-

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 60)
posted April 09, 2000 08:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for halfcutz   Click Here to Email halfcutz     Edit/Delete Message
I can spell, uhhhh, yah. why don't when just start juicing them when they're born.

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