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  Any AS approved by the FDA ****READ**

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Author Topic:   Any AS approved by the FDA ****READ**
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 53)
posted April 06, 2000 11:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for transparent   Click Here to Email transparent     Edit/Delete Message
Read This!

new federal ruling allows U.S. residents reentering the United States at international land borders to bring back, without a prescription, up to 50 dosage units of medications on the Drug Enforcement Agency's (DEA) controlled substances list, Schedules 2 through 5. You may bring in more than 50 units if you have a prescription written by a U.S.-licensed physician whom DEA has authorized to prescribe these medications.

Please note that this rule applies only to medications that can be legally prescribed in the United States. You still can't bring back drugs or medications not permitted in the United States, such as anabolic steroids, laetrile, or heroin.

If you are returning by a land border and you are bringing back medications that qualify under this rule, you must declare them. Also, they must be for your own personal use, and they must be in their original container. Finally, you should be aware that drug products not approved by the FDA may not be allowed under this rule. Such unapproved drugs are often of unknown quality, may have been manufactured under inferior conditions, and may not be as safe or effective as their U.S. counterparts, even when they have the same name. Take the generic drug diazepam, for example. It is manufactured in the United States, Canada, and Mexico as Valium. But it�s also sold in Canada under the names Neo-Calme and Rival, and in Mexico as Pacitran and Relazepam. Are all these brands equally effective or safe? Not necessarily.

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Jay Z
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 10)
posted April 07, 2000 02:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jay Z   Click Here to Email Jay Z     Edit/Delete Message
Still, it's not steroids...I don't care about tylenol or some heart medication. I believe it will be a few years before anabolics will be included. Signthepetition.com now!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 9)
posted April 07, 2000 02:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for swol     Edit/Delete Message
that is very useful information,
guys think about it... if true that means you can bring back equipose, cytomel, amoxicillian, and clenbuterol.
thats some i know of on the top of my head. sounds too good to be true.

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the truth
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 305)
posted April 07, 2000 04:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for the truth     Edit/Delete Message
Swol, you certainly would not be able to bering back EQ or Clen, as these medications are not prescribed to humans in the US (EQ is not prescribed for human use anywhere). Theoretically, you could get a script for any AS (or GH) that is prescribed in the US and fill it overseas, but here's the catch: the drug you bring back has to be the drug in the script, ie an American brand of test, deca, GH, etc. You can't bring back Sustanon or Primobolan, or Dutch Deca, for example. Items such as the Greek clomid or Nolvadex would technically not be allowed into the country even if accompanied by a prescription.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 45)
posted April 07, 2000 06:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for komododragon   Click Here to Email komododragon     Edit/Delete Message
Yeah another problem that you forgot to mention...the red tape. But in the end this law is nothing new. If you can take a prescription down to the corner drug store and get it filled...why go to Mexico.
And even if you get a prescription for a drug that is not available in the U.S., such as primobolan, customs is still gonna have the discretion to deny the entry. Plus with something like Primo, your M.D. will have to certify your medical condition and the MD is gonna have to certify that he is gonna monitor your use. Not too many MD's are gonna put their careers on the line to lie about a condition that you don't have so you can get some roids down in TJ.

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