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  GHB-GBL causes death or coma?

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Author Topic:   GHB-GBL causes death or coma?
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 68)
posted April 06, 2000 09:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bigtbone   Click Here to Email bigtbone     Edit/Delete Message
Hey guys, help me out here. I've started my cutting cycle and the ephedrine is making it so I can't sleep. I was going to buy some GBL or GHB (I'm not sure what the guy has, one of the two) to help me sleep and I was just reading an article about how it almost killed Tom Gugliota of the Pheonix Suns and that it has caused many users to go into a coma. It didn't say anything about the doses they took--do you think they just took too much or is this possible to happen to some people? I haven't read anything in its profile that suggests this can happen, so those of you who take it, help me out here. Should I give it a try or is this stuff dangerous?


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 137)
posted April 06, 2000 10:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for young1   Click Here to Email young1     Edit/Delete Message
I've tried it a few times and just got a sense of dizzines. A drunk feeling. Anyway, I think it depends on the concentration of the stuff. I took up to 7 cc's (orally) Just start of small.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 52)
posted April 06, 2000 10:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for FreakMonster   Click Here to Email FreakMonster     Edit/Delete Message
This stuff is NOT dangerous if you take it in moderation. It will only kill you or put you in a coma if you abuse it. So many people out there don't respect this stuff and that is why they end up in the hospital. If you drink alot and take a considerable amount of GHB it could very possibly put you in a coma. Or if you gulp down a whole bunch it will most likely kill you. Respect it and it will respect you.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 210)
posted April 06, 2000 11:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for D-Town   Click Here to Email D-Town     Edit/Delete Message
Start small and up your dosages till you get the desired effects. And never,never,never, did I say never mix it with alcohol. It seems today, that the government seems to believe that anything that can hurt you in smaller doses than say alcohol is bad. Aspirin is good for your headace but if you were to down a whole bottle of extra strength it gonna fuck you up. Sorry didn't mean to rant but the gov. pisses me off somtimes. Just use your head bro and you'll be fine!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 27)
posted April 07, 2000 06:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Komo     Edit/Delete Message
I would never use GHB together with ephedrine since ephedrine releases dopamine as well as the other cathecolamines. The reason you shouldn`t drink and use GHB is also the release of dopamine caused by the alcohol.
Use it when you are sure that the ephedrine is out of your system.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 6)
posted April 07, 2000 08:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for James   Click Here to Email James     Edit/Delete Message
I've used GHB lots of times and never really had a bad experience. I can tell you that you aren't supposed to use it with booze. I have and never had trouble, but I'm just lucky. It will relax you. It will make you friendly (they call it liquid Ecstasy). If you take too much you will pass out (with your eyes open - they call it 'g'ing out - very odd and scary to watch someone do it). If you take way too much you could hurt yourself badly. I read somewhere a good dose of powder is 2-4 grams. Don't quote me. It is also good for alcohol withdrawl (ease the symptoms). A couple grams in water before bed is no problem under just about any circumstances I should think. Again, I'm not a doctor so just look at this as entertainment advice. You can buy it at clubs now too. Comes in liquid form in small vials. Tastes salty. It is supposed to cause the release of growth hormone (good for cutting). It also has a diuretic action. Most of the guys I know who use it a lot are pretty cut. I think it works anyway. It's good to have on hand when you go out. Drink a little bit of it instead of alcohol. It's better for you and the buzz is better too. As for using it with ephedrine I think you are probably safe. I have and have had no problems. People take it at clubs all the time after taking crystal or ecstacy and (provided they don't take way too much) don't seem to have problems. It will also cause amnesia. If you pass out from it you will have no memory of anything that happened while you were on it or for say a few hours prior to taking it. It's also being called a rape drug now for that reason. One of those colorless things people put in other unsuspecting peoples drinks. I wonder if I'm forgetting anything here... I wouldn't use it every night... That's like boozing every night to get to bed. It will work, but call a spade a spade. You're getting high. Maybe try taking your ephedrine in the morning and laying off it later in the day.
Apparently you can get hooked on the stuff. They say it's a two week withdrawl if you do. Though it's hard to. You would have to do it every day for a long time. As I said, they use it to get alcoholics off alcohol, so it's not all that addictive. It's also considered an authentic antidepressant. I'm not sure how it works exactly. I know it prevents dopamine from getting out somehow. That's why you get sleepy. Then when it wears off (3 hours) you get a speedy rush as the brain overcompensates with excess dopamine. This means that if you took a lot of G and went to bed you might wake up wired 4 hours later wondering why. That's happened to me before. I only use it as a recreational drug though (once in a while). I think GBL is almost the same. It's a precursor I understand. Metabolized into GHB. A lot of people compare the GHB feeling to that of having a few drinks. It's actually that alcohol feeling plus the feeling of being on a mood enhancing drug too (an antidepressant VS alcohol which is just plain depressing). I hope some of this is valuable. Good luck with your cutting. If you want to buy GHB, you can get legit pharmaceutical stuff online from a company in Africa. I once had some shipped to me from them as powder. However, if somebody can sell you good liquid G I would go with that. It always seems to work better and I don't know why.


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