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  Injection rules

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Author Topic:   Injection rules
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 161)
posted April 06, 2000 11:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Villan   Click Here to Email Villan     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 67120732
Hey guys,

I have been injecting myself for 3 years now and never had any problemos, I see you guys saying "pull back on the plunger" and stuff like that. So, what happens if it goes into a vein? I have never done that and I'm not dead yet. ?????????


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 161)
posted April 06, 2000 12:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Villan   Click Here to Email Villan     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 67120732

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 161)
posted April 06, 2000 12:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Villan   Click Here to Email Villan     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 67120732

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 137)
posted April 06, 2000 12:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tri~zilla   Click Here to Email tri~zilla     Edit/Delete Message
guess you've been lucky.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 161)
posted April 06, 2000 12:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Villan   Click Here to Email Villan     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 67120732
Well, what happens? I was never shown to do that. I don't think I'm considered a very lucky guy either. So what exactly do you do and what does it help?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 52)
posted April 06, 2000 12:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for RAGING BULL   Click Here to Email RAGING BULL     Edit/Delete Message
Villan, I never used to aspirate(pull back) either, but I always shoot into my butt(less chance of nickin' something important). Last year, my buddy did his last Winny V shot before his show,didn't aspirate and hit something in his leg(a vein or nerve,probably a nerve), and he was in so much discomfort that he couldn't even flex the quads or hams of the affected leg. He came in 2nd, but should have won easily if his posing wasn't so comprimised.
You HAVE BEEN lucky, don't take any chances. I aspirate EVERY time--it only takes one second and it doesn't hurt.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 161)
posted April 07, 2000 11:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Villan   Click Here to Email Villan     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 67120732
Well, I have always shot in my ass, and never in a shoulder or leg or anything and never will. Should I still aspirate if doing it in the ass? (That last sentence, to me, just doesn't sound right) And if I do pull back while shooting in the ass and blood comes back, what next?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 71)
posted April 07, 2000 12:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for vexed   Click Here to Email vexed     Edit/Delete Message
if you get blood pull out, stick again, aspirate when you see no blood, push the plunger.... easy as 1 2 3 er 4?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 88)
posted April 07, 2000 12:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Platinum   Click Here to Email Platinum     Edit/Delete Message
Not only could you develop a clot if you go into a vein, you are wasting the contents of the syringe. Let me put it like this, You inject into muscle so your body will absorb it slowly. Absorption is the process of your body taking the AS into the bloodstream and distributing to the rest of your body. If you bypass this you are going straight into the bloodstream and your body cannot handle the excess. Whatever it cannot handle it dumps out. Wasted. If you hit a nerve not only can you cause nerve damage you can be in for major pain. ALWAYS pull the plunger back and check for blood flashback.


"Try? There is no try, there is do or do not do." -Yoda

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 161)
posted April 07, 2000 01:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Villan   Click Here to Email Villan     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 67120732
even if you do it in the ass?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 396)
posted April 07, 2000 01:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for conan69   Click Here to Email conan69     Edit/Delete Message
i have actually injected into a vein
i am still here so relax but i do suggest aspirating

Check out my HardCore Pic site...to get your pic on there just email me http://www.dell.homestead.com/conan/index.html

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 392)
posted April 07, 2000 01:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for vdevil   Click Here to Email vdevil     Edit/Delete Message
Hey villan, i have been taking shots mostly in the arse, but a little in the shoulder for over three years. I have never aspirated once, and never had a problem. Just stick with your upper right quadrant, you will be fine. If I was to aspirate and see blood, I would probabaly pass out.

Late, Vdevil

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 8)
posted April 07, 2000 03:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for gearseeker   Click Here to Email gearseeker     Edit/Delete Message
Hey bros-


I know its the safest and doctor recomended, but if you plan on doing more than a few cycles you are going to have some nasty scar tissue. I dont think there is any way to eliminate scar tissue, so I inject wherever I want more muscle size. That way any scar tissue makes the muscle look bigger.

I prefer inside/outside calves, biceps and delts. I have also used tris and quads. It may hurt like a bastard, and there is more risk for hitting veins and nerves(always pull back on the plunger and look for blood) but I prefer this to lumpy glutes.

Nothing makes the calves grow faster!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 204)
posted April 07, 2000 03:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for scourge1   Click Here to Email scourge1     Edit/Delete Message
Geerseeker, are you injecting with a hacksaw?? I've never built up any scar tissue in my glutes or quads.

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