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  Need Advice on New Cycle

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Author Topic:   Need Advice on New Cycle
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 58)
posted April 04, 2000 05:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SCHNiKEN   Click Here to Email SCHNiKEN     Edit/Delete Message
I am about to start a cycle of only sustanon although i may throw a little d-bol in for the first two weeks or so.. not sure. I am 19 years old and weigh 200 pounds 6'1" at about 15 percent bodyfat. I am trying to take it easy on the doses since this is only my second cycle.. just would like to know what everyone thinks of this and also how much clomid i need for this(number of pills)

week 1: 500 sus (dbol??)
week 2: 500 sus (dbol??)
week 3: 250 sus
week 4: 250 sus
week 5: 250 sus
week 6: 250 sus
week 7: 250 sus
week 8: 250 sus
(clomid eod throughout.. how many is that??)
week 9 and 10: clomid ed and clen
week 11 and 12: eca

What do you guys think of that for a beginner cycle. And looking at my stats above do you think its possible to get down to a 10 percent bodyfat. Also i need to know how much clomid and clen i would have to buy for this stack. Please help i wanna start this soon. Thanx everyone..


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 17)
posted April 04, 2000 05:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for RaverDude   Click Here to Email RaverDude     Edit/Delete Message
Holly shit, for your second cycle thats pretty good. You'll gain a lot. Maybe upto 30lbs. Throw in some EQ or Winstrol or Anavar in there too for fat loss. Good luck man. LaytaH.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 58)
posted April 04, 2000 05:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SCHNiKEN   Click Here to Email SCHNiKEN     Edit/Delete Message
Bump.. need 2 no.. number of pills i need especially..

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(Total posts: 1973)
posted April 04, 2000 07:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for E2   Click Here to Email E2     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 54337564
Raverdude i think you've taken to much xtc or speed and your mind is off, that's not a hard second cycle, i'd consider it a light first cycle.

Pop the first couple of weeks up to 750 and hit 500mg for most of the cycle, take 6tbs.day of dbol for the first 4 weeks. Add some deca and winny to the mix,

here is a good newbie cycle that i recommend.

sust deca dbol

clomid 100mg.day
clomid 100mg.day
clomid 50mg.day
clomid 50mg.day

as well clomid eod during whole cycle, the deca shot once a week the sust shot every 3 days, and the dbol take EVERY 4 HOURS including nightime.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 58)
posted April 04, 2000 08:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SCHNiKEN   Click Here to Email SCHNiKEN     Edit/Delete Message
E2 i donno about that high of levels and that much. I am 19 i dont wanna mess up my natural test levels.. Hmm i have to think about this one but i dont know if im gonna go with that much sust. Maybe 750 the first 2 weeks then 500 for 2 weeks and the rest 250. I donno last cycle i took t200 1cc a week and made some very decent gains. I dont think im ready for that much sust. Does anyone else have another opinion.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 58)
posted April 05, 2000 01:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SCHNiKEN   Click Here to Email SCHNiKEN     Edit/Delete Message

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 54)
posted April 05, 2000 01:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for kbar   Click Here to Email kbar     Edit/Delete Message
I'm doing E2's cycle for my first except for the deca. The dbol really helps jump start the gains and I inject the sus250 every 3 days. It has been great so far and I'm in week 4. The clomid every other day should keep your natural test levels ok, so I wouldn't worry about that. Also, somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but 250mg of sus per week seems like it's just enough to shut down your own test. production without giving you any good gains. Whatever you decide to do, make sure you got the Clomid for the end of the cycle or you will loose a huge amount of your gains. According to my calculations, you need 56 Clomid tabs (50mg). 28 to do EOD for weeks 1-8, and then another 28 to do 2 tabs a day week 9 and 1 tab a day weeks 10 & 11. This stuff cheap, so just make sure you got plenty on hand.

Testosterone Propionate. What a pain in the @$$.

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