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  trip to greece

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Author Topic:   trip to greece
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 4)
posted April 04, 2000 01:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jimbaker   Click Here to Email jimbaker     Edit/Delete Message
going to thessolonki..any suggestions on how to get "supplements" back to the states
thanks for the help

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 60)
posted April 04, 2000 08:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Buffalo_Bill   Click Here to Email Buffalo_Bill     Edit/Delete Message
Mail it !!!
mail a LOT of envolpos this with the plastiv bubbles inside !!!
And you make sure you mail it in air mail express (1 st class if u can afford)

This is not a problem really .... but maybe when it enters USA , but what the hell it is so cheap in greece so u can fill up 10 envolpoes .

I am sertian that 5 of them will get to you !! at least !!!!

You may wirte a sender name on the package so when u recieve it write return to sender and leave it by your door and IF someone asks just give it to them.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 60)
posted April 04, 2000 08:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Buffalo_Bill   Click Here to Email Buffalo_Bill     Edit/Delete Message
Or this is what some one else here sometime wrote
i noted it down heres what he said

Your best bet is to draw the 250's out of the amps and put them into a sterilized bottle and then mail them back to your address under a different name. When you a recieve the package, write "RETURN TO SENDER" on it, then leave it by your door for 3 days and then you can use it. God forbid, if anyone comes to your house inquiring about the package, just give it to them and tell them it's not yours.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 160)
posted April 04, 2000 11:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jonrocks   Click Here to Email Jonrocks     Edit/Delete Message
Make sure if you mail it that the name on the envlope is a Greek one. The first name is fine, but make sure the last name is Greek. Let in end in ...poulos or something. My cousin sends me stuff all the time in plain enevlopes and not one has been siezed. Don't try to smuggle anything back, you have better chances of getting caught that way.

BTW The prices in Greece are really cheap, but make sure the pharmacy clerk isn't screwing you, they might try to sell you experied products if they think that you won't notice.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 271)
posted April 04, 2000 11:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Adonis   Click Here to Email Adonis     Edit/Delete Message
Yep,place your supps in a bubble envelope and send back, using all the precautions mentioned by others. Just space out your suppps and mail over a weeks period, you know like a package every other day or so.

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