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  My chest won't grow!!

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Author Topic:   My chest won't grow!!
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 25)
posted March 28, 2000 12:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for rookiejuicer   Click Here to Email rookiejuicer     Edit/Delete Message
I am genetically fucked!! I have been training for about 3 years now and every body part besides my chest grew... now I look like its caved in from the size of my shoulders and arms being so much bigger than my chest.... any suggestions? suicide maybe?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 68)
posted March 28, 2000 12:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for RoNiN     Edit/Delete Message

You can try a couple of things. First , use a wide grip when training chest and do you best to concentrate the effort from the chest muscle not the tri or shoulder. Second, do not lift as heavy at first so you can aquire a "feel" for the chest working and you do not end up in a situation where the weight is too heavy and the tris are taking over. Third , add some chest isolation movements and even try superseting the isolation movement right before a compound movement such as incline bench.
Fourth, I don't know what the volume is for the chest workouts but you might want to try reduceing the number of sets but go more intense. Fifth , prioritize the chest by making it the first body part of the day and make sure it has lots of time to rest.

It is critical at this point to concentrate and isolate the chest because the rest of the body can more easily take over when your lifting.

Some people are just built with a smaller chest but stronger arms. All you can do is build the best chest you can and be satisfied with that.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 145)
posted March 28, 2000 01:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jonrocks   Click Here to Email Jonrocks     Edit/Delete Message
Man I feel for you, I have the same problem... Real strong arms and shoulders and a lagging chest. What you have to do is pre-exhaust your chest with cable flyes. Don't use dumbells you don't get constant tension throughout the full ROM. Do 2 sets of 15. Then hit your flat bench, go wide and bring the bar bewteen the edge of your ribcage and your nipples. Also, keep your shoulder blades retracted during the lift. Think of squeezing a marble between your shoulder blades during your lift. But... you can only do this for a short while before your body adapts to the routine, so after or instead of, try this routine. Do heavy dumbell inclines on a 30 degree incline. then do low incline flyes, then hit heavy dumbell declines, this does it for me. Goodluck.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 145)
posted March 28, 2000 01:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jonrocks   Click Here to Email Jonrocks     Edit/Delete Message
BTW, never ever be satisfied with your body, constanly progress to better yourself, once you are satisfied you become stagnent and start to become lazy.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 25)
posted March 28, 2000 01:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for rookiejuicer   Click Here to Email rookiejuicer     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks Jon... I'll let everyone know how it works... I really need to hit the chest harder anyway...

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Mr H
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 109)
posted March 28, 2000 02:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mr H   Click Here to Email Mr H     Edit/Delete Message
Load the bars and max out- instead of doing sets do your max as many times as you possibly can. That and doing dumbbells two times a week worked for me. It will also increase your max. bench.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 5)
posted March 28, 2000 02:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 2legit2quit   Click Here to Email 2legit2quit     Edit/Delete Message
I used to have that problem, but now my chest is almost too big. Know how I did it? Consistent training using proper techniques that feel good and work for you. You gotta remember, opinions are like assholes...everyones got 'em. Listen to each opinion, take from it what you can use and go on. Remember you're an individual and what works for me probably won't work for you. If I had to pin it down to one thing for me though, it would be the old Arnold "mind and body connection". It really works for me, now my chest is like two big armor plates! Really focus on the muscle you're working, to the point that you can feel each fiber contracting. That, and keep training. Don't worry though, if you're juicing you'll get a chest at some point...they may be bitch tits, but at least you'll have a chest! ...sorry, just had to say it!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 598)
posted March 28, 2000 02:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for big_guy1   Click Here to Email big_guy1     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 5126477
I had that prob once too, my new routine is killer, 7 set of bench, 7 of incline, 7 or cable crossovers, all 6-8 reps...it is killer bro...concentrate on the chst though, don't let other muschles compensate


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 174)
posted March 28, 2000 02:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gobler   Click Here to Email Gobler     Edit/Delete Message
Try ribcage expanding exercises to deepen the chest. If your still young you may be able to add depth this way.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 23)
posted March 28, 2000 05:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for blkLotus   Click Here to Email blkLotus     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 11023347
Perfect form. Intensity. Focus.

Oh did i mention INTENSITY.

You would not belive the power of denile !

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 17)
posted March 28, 2000 10:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Pops   Click Here to Email Pops     Edit/Delete Message
I had (have) the same problem. this is what you do:

1. if you are not juicing, stop training your best bodypart. then train chest on the day that you wold train your strong bodypart. in otherwords you will be training chest twice as often as it will be replacing your strong bodypart for the week. so up the frequency of your chest training to twice a week. you should not overtrain as you have reduced your training (not working your strong bodypart).

2. if you are still not able to recover, then also stop training your second best bodypart. (your strong bodyparts should e trained once a week, but with light weights to get a good contraction and to maintain size.)

3. now that your body has more reserves for recovery, you can now work your chest more frequently, bt frequency is not all that is involved, do this next:

day 1: (mon)
work chest and one or two other muscle group (legs, back) start workout with chest first, then work other muscle group(s).start chest with preexhaust exercises that target only the chest such as dumbell flies or pec deck. do 5 sets of 6 reps. you should reach muscular failure at rep 6. you will rest 3 mnutes between ALL sets.
Next do 5 sets of either bench press or incline press. again fail at rep number 6 and rest 3 minutes between sets.( when doing benc press and incline press, MAKE SURE YOUR ELBOWS ARE FLARED OUT COMPLETELY AND NOT CLOSE TO YOUR SIDES.(this is monumental for chest development.) your chest will have been exhausted from the previous 5 sets of isolation movements.

day 2 tue) train one or two other bodyparts as normal BUT add triceps!!
(remember to do triceps at beggining of workout)Do 4 sets of tricep pressdowns for 6 reps with 3 minutes between sets. next do lying tricep extensions (skull crushers) with barbell. do 4 sets of 6 reps with 3 minutes between sets

day 3: (wed) rest

day 4: (thur) same as monday

day 5: (fri) rest

day 6: (sat) same as tuesday

This has worked for me. and i am currently natural. i have had to cut down drastically on my strong points to give my weak points more attention (or recovery is impossible and i overtrain). my strong points get worked once a week at moderate weight.

P.S. Your bench press will go THROUGH THE ROOF!!!!!!!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 211)
posted March 28, 2000 10:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for marky     Edit/Delete Message
Everyones pretty much right on on this one-
Its too easy to let the mental focus drift to the arms when doing the chest. Feel your chest move and almost click together on all movements. You know how to roll your chest, do the same when doing an exercise with a major peak squeeze and "click" when you feel
youve done it right. The click is that last
10mm push to maximum contraction-the mind connection works !

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