This I have found long time ago on I am thinking about it, have you anybody tried it? Or any comments?This is theory, then will follow my own dosage:
Weeks 1 and 2
Androgen loading to elevate plasma androgen levels.
Take the lean bodyweight in Kg's and multiply by 14.
This dose of a solid long acting product. SUST, Heptalite, T Viron depot.
This is a large dose and in fact the total androgen dose for the entire stack, it is simply put in all at the start.
Weeks 3 and 4
Now back the androgen loading up with good mid range long term products. It is these that in effect stimulate the receptor sites and generate long term tissue construction.
The best products are deca, primo depot, equipoise.
Take the same dose using a combination that makes 2/3rds the dose in deca, the rest in primo and equipoise. Remember Pimo is a powerful anabolic that operates in certain ways and times, other products are not operating such as in a lower calorie regime.
Week 5
Reduce the amount of deca by 300mg and replace with 300mg testosterone propionate, taken equally Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
Weeks 6, 7 & 8
Reduce the dose by 25 percent.
Make up a short acting phase of course and have equal shots on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
For me it would be like this:
Weeks 1,2
200 mg Enantate ED (1400 mg / week)
Weeks 3,4
1000 mg Deca + 500 mg Primobolan / week
Week 5
700 mg Deca + 500 mg Primobolan + 300 mg test. Propionate / week
Weeks 6,7,8
test. Propionate 400 mg + Winstrol 200 mg + Primobolan 400 mg / week
So, should I give it a try?