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  i am posting info on steroid transdermals

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Author Topic:   i am posting info on steroid transdermals
Amature Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 10)
posted January 30, 2000 09:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 1AbBIG   Click Here to Email 1AbBIG     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 43346757
someone earlier was asking about transdermals and i copied this info off the net . i wanted to post it to let everyone cratique it.. i never heard of it . sounds kind of bougus ..
have fun with it and

Finaplix is a cattle implant that contains 200mgs of trenbolone acetate per
chamber; 10 chambers per cartridge. That's 2000mgs of trenbolone acetate.
Trenbolone acetate is the same ingredient found in the old steroid Finajet.
Finajet was a highly androgenic steroid. However, unlike other androgenic
steroids it does not aromitize into estrogen. Therefore, the risk of gyno is
reduced. Most bodybuilders report great strength gains with very low water gain.
Trenbolone acetates harding effects along with the reduced water gain makes it a
excellent precontest drug. Doses are in the range of 15mg to 60mgs every other
day. Frequent administration of the drug are required due to its short
half-life. Trenbolone acetate should be done in cycles. It is not a year around
drug. Over a long cycle liver and kidney damage may occur. However, normal
cycles with a adequate break there should be no permanent damage. Increased
water intake can help buffer the kidneys. Prices range from $100 to $300 dollars
on the black market.

There are a few different ways of administering trenbolone acetate into the
body. The most popular the use of DMSO to make the steroid transdermal;
therefore, allowing the drug to be administered directly into the blood stream.
The procedure is very simple. First, grind up the finaplix into a fine powder.
(One pellet is 20mgs so you can plan how much you need to grind up) Then mix
50/50 DMSO liquid and water (One tablespoon of each). DMSO Gel is the preferred
choice since you do not have to mix the DMSO with water just mix the finaplix
with one teaspoon of the gel.(Much easier for applying) Once, the DMSO and
finaplix are mixed together you can apply the solution to the upper part of the
thigh. Make sure area is clean before administering, because any thing on your
leg will go into the bloodstream. Good choice is a alcohol swab. Also, some
choose to rap the thigh with saran wrap for about a hour after administration.
Users report great gains in strength and hardness. As well a solid muscle gains
without the water. Another more risky way is to make it into a injectable. The
major problem with this is sanitation. A unsterile solution can sometimes cause
fever or even a nasty infection at the site. For more information about
preparing the injectable solution

I can tell you personally that I gained 11 lbs and dropped a noticeable amount
of body fat on a 9 week cycle, of 80mg every other day, with the DMSO liquid,
not the gel. No water retention, and I have kept all my gains so far, and its
been more than 3 weeks since I have been off the Fina. I did not see any side
effects besides the fact that I could not fall asleep very easy, but that occurs
whenever I am on an AS cycle.


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